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Created September 21, 2022 19:16
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Raspberry Pi Pico Python Scale Simulator & Button Interface
A 'SCALE-Y' solution for the Python tinkerer masses!
This should work on any Pi model with a little bit of tweaking to
the GPIO pins. Read comments below for more information.
Feel free to fork and contribute!
from machine import Timer, Pin, PWM, UART, ADC
from time import sleep
# On Board LED Blink to show script activity
led = Pin(25, Pin.OUT)
# These GPIOs are wired to a Storm Interfaces 4 BUTTON SWITCH KEYPAD
btn_1_up = Pin(1, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
btn_2_down = Pin(5, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
btn_3_left = Pin(9, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
btn_4_right = Pin(13, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
timer = Timer()
# Separate UART GPIO wired into a potentiometer to act as the scale's base.
uart = UART(1,115200)
adc = ADC(Pin(26))
def blink(timer):
timer.init(freq=1, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=blink)
# Checks button state for each GPIO using ternary condition statements
def button_pressed(btn_1_up, btn_2_down, btn_3_left, btn_4_right):
b_list = []
UP = b_list.append("UP") if btn_1_up == 0 else None
DOWN = b_list.append("DOWN") if btn_2_down == 0 else None
LEFT = b_list.append("LEFT") if btn_3_left == 0 else None
RIGHT = b_list.append("RIGHT") if btn_4_right == 0 else None
if len(b_list) > 0:
return b_list
# Starts loop
while True:
button_state = button_pressed(btn_1_up.value(), btn_2_down.value(), btn_3_left.value(), btn_4_right.value())
if button_state != None:
tare = -0.05
net = round((float(adc.read_u16()/65535))*100,2)
gross = round(net + tare,2)
data_str = f'[{{"tare":{tare},"net":{net},"gross":{gross},"actions":{button_state}}}]'
tare = -0.05
net = round((float(adc.read_u16()/65535))*100,2)
gross = round(net + tare,2)
data_str = f'[{{"tare":{tare},"net":{net},"gross":{gross},"actions":[]}}]'
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