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Last active December 21, 2021 18:16
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A general overview of how SWE interviews are structured, and tips on how to prep for them
  • Behavioral
    • Least directly-focused section by applicants
    • Can, and should cause you fail a technical interview, if you pass the problem solving portion, but fail this section
    • Questions should focus on, but are not limited to, the following areas:
      • Why do you want to join?
        • Why do you want to join the company?
        • What is it about the role that you'd be taking on that you like?
        • How interested are you?
          • Interested enough to ask questions about what the interviewer does?
          • Interested enough to know a small amount of background info (e.g. a blog post you can ask about)?
      • Do you show potential for growth?
        • Are you self motivated?
        • Are you passionate about your interests?
          • How in-depth can you go about them? How long could you talk about them, if you had to give a lecture?
        • Do you constantly strive to improve?
    • Also affected by interviewee's questions
      • Are you asking questions?
      • Are you asking relevant, important, non-obvious questions?
    • General behavioral observations are important here, as well
      • Main reason for including video calls and on-site in interview process
      • Looking for "culture fit" and agreeability
    • Tips:
      • Be honestly interested
      • Don't be cocky or rude
      • Treat your interviewer as a person. Better yet, as a casual acquaintance

  • Problem Solving (whiteboard questions)
    • Main focus area for most applicants
    • The most obvious indicator of how well you'll do on a technical interview
    • It is very important to describe your thinking process throughout this stage
    • Questions can focus on, but are not limited to, the following topics:
      • Recreating data structures with a twist
      • Showing an understanding of when to use data structures, recursion, specific algorithms, etc.
        • Data structures are almost always more important to know than algorithms, and you can find useful examples of what to know from both categories online
      • Dynamic programming (uncommon)
      • Networks of nodes (uncommon, except at specific companies)
    • Applicants should be able to give the runtime and space complexity of their solution, and describe how they got to that conclusion
    • These questions should generally be solved in under 30m each. This applies to the majority of questions you'll find online
    • Tips:
      • Focus on this section by practicing interview questions, and by asking friends to interview you, just as a technical interviewer would, and give honest feedback
      • Break problems into sections, then solve them
      • Try using a brute-force technique if you get stuck, then expand on it and make it more efficient
      • Test for unexpected sample inputs that match your input qualifications
      • If you get anxious during coding interviews, try one of the following:
        1. Don't get anxious
        2. Turn that par 30m into a par 25m to account for cycles lost worrying
      • For finding interview questions, try:
        • Careercup
        • Hackerrank
        • Your friends who have taken technical interviews and remember the questions asked
        • Googling some combination of the following ['swe', 'technical', 'interview', 'questions', 'cs', preferredLanguage]

  • Technical Wisdom
    • This section somewhat tests for, heavily favors for, and is most easily passed with industry experience
    • Questions such as, but not limited to:
      • What was the weirdest bug you've had?
      • How would you go about debugging [x]?
      • How are [data structure] implemented internally in [language you listed first on your resume]?
      • Tell me about some interesting past projects that you've worked on
        • What problems did you encounter? How did you solve them?
        • What did it solve?
        • How did you design it to solve that? Why this way specifically?
      • Design [x]
      • What are the pros and cons for a microservice vs monolith architecture?
    • Tips:
      • Read MDN if you're going in for a javascript position
      • Have industry experience
      • Work on side projects
      • Talk to techies

  • Technical Knowledge
    • Similar to technical wisdom, but it's the info you'd learn in class or textbooks, and not from experience
    • Questions basically follow the structure:
      • Explain [memory management, polymorphism, etc.]
    • Sometimes ask about OOP concepts (explain polymorphism, difference between overloading vs overriding)
      • In this case, they're generally found in place of the problem solving section in interviews for less desired positions
    • Often will ask position specific knowledge that you should know before starting, such as:
      • How does javascript handle async (for a frontend position)
      • How do network requests work? (usually scoped to a specific section)
      • How do you vertically center in CSS?
      • What are the differences between UDP and TCP and when would you prefer one over the other?
      • How does DNS work?
      • How do you exit vim?
        • Pro tip: never use it, just edit files using github's web editor
    • Tips:
      • Know your favorite language's internals
      • Understand the protocols relevant to your position
      • Understand how data structures are implemented
      • If you click the middle mouse button on Chrome, you can open links in a new tab. Go on Wikipedia, and do that on every moderately interesting link you see on the [DNS, JS, UDP, etc.,] page
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