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Last active June 7, 2016 01:24
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Zsh functions for making it easy to work with large godeps in production. Add to .zshrc and use in your normal workflow
# Just like regular godep, use at root of repo
godep() {
case $* in
rebuild* ) shift; command rm -rf Godeps && rm -rf vendor && godep save;;
remove* ) shift; command rm -rf Godeps && rm -rf vendor;;
* ) command godep "$@";;
# Usage: create godep-rebuild branch (or use a custom branch name) from a specific commit.
# This commit should be located at the point where you'd normally merge your new branch into dev or master.
# Make your changes on your branch for your new fix or feature, commit changes, then run depmerge.
# Submit your pr to the godep-rebuild (or custom branch name) on github.
# Github incorrectly shows more file changes thn actually exist between the two diffs, so depmerge automatically prints out a list of the changed files between the two branches on each run.
# You'll have to use git diff or a visual diff tool to view file changes instead of github's web client, if you want to view a proper diff.
# On the plus side, this method works for situations where you've commited both package files and vendored dependencies in the same commit, and separates those changes easily while preserving commit history :D
depmerge() {
originalBranch=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD);
if [[ "$@" != "" ]];
git checkout $godepBranch &&
godep remove
git checkout $originalBranch Godeps &&
git checkout $originalBranch vendor &&
git add Godeps &&
git add vendor &&
git commit -m "Godep rebuild.";
git checkout $originalBranch &&
branchDiff=$(git diff --name-status $godepBranch..$originalBranch | cat) &&
echo $branchDiff &&
# copy branch diff command here instead of using zsh var because if we have too many diffs, zsh will error with "command too long"
changedFileCount=$(git diff --name-status $godepBranch..$originalBranch | cat | wc -l) &&
echo $changedFileCount total files changed
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