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Last active July 2, 2020 19:44
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  • Save Cynosphere/d6c720fde67d212a4341117bfe6e189f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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PAC3 Player Hull Fix Workaround
local hooks = _G.hooks or hook.GetTable()
hook.Add("pac_OnPartCreated", "PlayerSizeFix", function(part)
if part.owner_id ~= LocalPlayer():UniqueID() then return end
timer.Simple(0.1, function()
if part:GetRootPart():GetOwnerName() ~= "self" then return end
if (part.ClassName == "entity" or part.ClassName == "entity2") then
LocalPlayer().pac_player_size = part.Size
hooks.NotifyShouldTransmit.pac_player_size(LocalPlayer(), true)
hook.Add("pac_OnPartRemove", "PlayerSizeFix", function(part)
if part.owner_id ~= LocalPlayer():UniqueID() then return end
timer.Simple(0.1, function()
if part:GetRootPart():GetOwnerName() ~= "self" then return end
if (part.ClassName == "entity" or part.ClassName == "entity2") then
LocalPlayer().pac3_Scale = 1
LocalPlayer().pac_player_size = 1
hooks.NotifyShouldTransmit.pac_player_size(LocalPlayer(), true)
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