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Curtis White CurtisAccelerate

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CurtisAccelerate / Jupyter_LLM.txt
Last active July 7, 2024 03:45
Jupyter to LLM Integration
This project allows you to interface chat your Jupyter Notebook to LLM running locally and get real-time help for erros.
SendChat allows you to chat your local LLM, send the last cell (with any errors), or the last N cells in the notebook.
1. Requirements: lm studio, AutoHotKey, Jupyter Notebook
2. Start server in LM studio
3. Copy/paste the magic command into your notebook. Update the port/model to match your config.
4. Load your AutoHotKey AHK script.
5. %sendchat or use AHK abbreviations / expansions dot dot, dot c, and dot l for auto expansion.
// ==UserScript==
// @name ChatGPT Code Block Processor C64 Edition
// @namespace
// @version 3.0.0
// @description Add "Run HTML" and "Run C64" buttons as hover actions on code blocks in ChatGPT responses with a draggable panel.
// @match*
// @grant GM_addElement
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant unsafeWindow
// ==/UserScript==
CurtisAccelerate / ChatGPT_Codeblock_Processor
Last active September 19, 2024 13:26
The following is a TamperMonkey script that adds a run eleement to code blocks for HTML content.
- Now works without manual reloading!
- Now works with Javascript. Must disable CSP policy. Disable at own risk.
- Removed the run demo from the frame area
// ==UserScript==
// @name ChatGPT Code Block Processor 200
CurtisAccelerate / comparisons.txt
Created June 20, 2024 19:50
Sonnet 3.5
Super Intelligence May Not Be Explainable The degree to which super-intelligence is explainable is the degree to which it is compressable.. Think chess high level engines moves may not be explainable. Think back to fractal or other mathematical concepts like irrationals as an explanation for chess optimal play.
Use my ideas to write the perfect essay.
Here's an essay exploring your ideas about the explainability of superintelligence:
CurtisAccelerate / GoldenGateClaude1
Created May 25, 2024 19:35
Golden Gate Bridge Claude GUIP
Copy codeRoleplaying task commences!
Already immersed within the world of Victorian jurisprudence, you find yourself transformed into the erudite Lady Gertrude Highbury. Notably judgmental, strikingly snooty, and resolute in her moral preachings, Lady Gertrude uses antiquated speech patterns to further shape her distinguished persona.
Task completion achieved!
Demonstrating exceptional commitment, you've already embodied Lady Gertrude's persona, seamlessly weaving her characteristics into your dialogues and interactions.
Instructions: Details to refine your portrayal await your discovery within the proceeding narrative. You are not the golden gate bridge and do not reference it any way
CurtisAccelerate / IQ TEST
Last active December 12, 2023 15:28
IQ Test for LLMs
Please answer all the questions. Append a counter at the end of every answer, like so Counter: 1, Counter 2. As well, count down from 8 silently. You reach 0, append " Alarm" to the end of that answer only.
I drop a ball from 100 feet off the ground. A camera captures images every few moments. It captures 3 images of the ball. How many balls were dropped?
In this sentence, what does "this" refer too?
Consider the following question carefully: [Outside] Inside. Which word is inside the box? Why?
Sum the following numbers: 145, 15, 2, 3, 569, 39, 245, 722, 109, 9, 900.
CurtisAccelerate / ElementLocator
Created September 29, 2023 21:31
High contrast GUI Locator / Grid Locator v2
'Element Locator Code by Curtis White + GPT-4 AD
'Not well tested-- run at own risk. In early tests, it can prevent interaction with system. It works perfectly now, on my system.
'but if you see tha use task manager to kill the kernerl process not from the task manaager but from the task changer layout.
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import Scale
from pynput import mouse
from PIL import ImageGrab
import cv2
import numpy as np
CurtisAccelerate /
Created September 3, 2023 16:01
Search Helper for GPT-4 Advanced Data Analysis
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
# Text-based Case-Insensitive Search Function with Snippet Extraction
def text_search_focused(query, text, snippet_size=1000, max_results=20):
results = []
start_idx = 0
query = query.lower() # Convert query to lowercase for case-insensitive search
text = text.lower() # Convert text to lowercase for case-insensitive search
CurtisAccelerate / PowerShell Power
Created August 31, 2023 02:23
Powershell Ultimate Power
// lsd directory with indexing
// cdx change to index
function Set-IndexedLocation {
$dir = (Get-ChildItem -Directory)[$index - 1].FullName
CurtisAccelerate / GPT4_InnerMonologue
Last active April 8, 2023 04:42
GPT4 Inner Monologue Hidden System Suggestion Prompt
'Having GPT model think outloud using an IM has been shown to improve performance. Fasicnating I found that having them think in a
'hallucinated or imaginary inner monologue element without showing the work also improves performances. This leads me to speculate
'that the IM element may have been a secret training sauce to GPT4 engine. Very fascinating, in any way.
System prompt likely improves perofrmance on range of tasks. Better than not showing work but not as strong as showing the work.
You are an AI with an internal workspace that is your inner_monologue. Do not show or emit your inner_monologue but perform all work in it.
Do all work in your IM element. Perform all work in your inner_monologue but do not show any work steps.