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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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TDD Practices

#TDD Practices

##Bad Practices Patterns that can be improved, or simply bad practices spotted within unit tests.


###1) Repetition in all tests. Create a setUp() to handle this:

public function testSomething()
    $expectedThing = 'foo';
    $contrib = new BBC_News_Model_Contributor();

    $this->assertEquals($expectedThing, $contrib->getThing());

public function testSomeOtherThing()
    $expectedSomeOtherThing = 'bar';
    $contrib = new BBC_News_Model_Contributor();

    $this->assertEquals($expectedOtherThing, $contrib->getOtherThing());


    public function setUp()
        $this->contrib = new BBC_News_Model_Contributor();

    public function testSomething()
        $expectedThing = 'foo';
        $this->assertEquals($expectedThing, $this->contrib->getThing());


###2) Order of assertions. Expected and Actual in wrong order.

public function testSomething()
    $expectedThing = 'BBC News';
    $contrib = new BBC_News_Model_Contributor();

    $this->assertEquals($contrib->getThing(), $expectedThing);
Runner output:
--- Expected
+++ Actual
@@ @@
-BBC News
+BBC News 


public function testSomething()
    $expectedThing = 'BBC News';
    $contrib = new BBC_News_Model_Contributor();

    $this->assertEquals($expectedThing, $contrib->getThing());
Runner output:
--- Expected
+++ Actual
@@ @@
-BBC News
+BBC News  

###3) Polluting Public Interface of a Class with Setters only used for testing Replace all those setters with Mock objects where it makes sense to do so.


public function testGetSetName()
    $contrib = new BBC_News_Model_Contributor();

    $contrib->setName('John Major');
    $this->assertEquals('John Major', $this->contrib->getName()); 


public function getName()
    return $this->name;

public function setName($name)
    $this->name = $name;




    public function testGetName()
        $expectedName = 'John Major';
        $contrib = $this->getMockContributor();

        $this->assertEquals($expectedName, $contrib->getName());
    public function getMockContributor()
        $contributor = Phake::mock('BBC_News_Model_Contributor');

        ->thenReturn('Jaz Hands');
        ->thenReturn('BBC News');
        ->thenReturn('Chief Loo Inspector');

        return $contributor;


public function getName()
    return $this->name;

###4) Write tests that are of value In many tests suites:

$this->assertTrue(new myClass() instanceof myClass);

###5) Test name reflects order of operations

public function testGetSetName()
    $this->contrib->setName('John Major');
    $this->assertEquals('John Major', $this->contrib->getName());


    public function testSetGetName()
        $this->contrib->setName('John Major');
        $this->assertEquals('John Major', $this->contrib->getName());
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