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Last active July 17, 2022 18:51
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Compiled Emblem Information

Drop Rates

  • Bronze: 88%
  • Silver: 10%
  • Gold: 2%

Type Stacking (when you have multiple of the same type)

  • Normal (White): +1% / +2% / +4% HP (at 2 / 4 / 6)
  • Fighting (Orange): +1% / +2% / +4% Attack (at 2 / 4 / 6)
  • Poison (Black): 2% / 4% / 8% move cooldown reduction (at 3 / 5 / 7)
  • Fire (Red): +2% / +4% / +8% basic attack speed (at 3 / 5 / 7)
  • Water (Blue): +2% / +4% / +8% Defense (at 2 / 4 / 6)
  • Grass (Green): +1% / +2% / +4% Sp. Atk (at 2 / 4 / 6)
  • Electric (Yellow): Unknown, probably movement speed (at 3 / 5 / 7)
  • Psychic (Purple): +2% / +4% / +8% Sp. Def (at 2 / 4 / 6)
  • Fairy (Pink): -4% / -8% / -16% hindrance effect duration (at 3 / 5 / 7)

Good Pokemon

Purely positive

  • Venusaur (Grass)
  • Charmander (Fire)
  • Butterfree (Grass, Normal)
  • Ninetales (Fire)
  • Zubat (Poison)
  • Vileplume (Grass, Poison)
  • Venonat (Grass)
  • Golduck (Water)
  • Arcanine (Fire)
  • Alakazam (Psychic)
  • Magneton (Electric)
  • Seel (Water)
  • Grimer (Poison)
  • Gengar (Psychic, Poison)

Almost positive (-crit)

  • Blastoise (Water)
  • Pikachu (Electric)
  • Paras (Grass)
  • Venomoth (Grass, Poison)
  • Kadabra (Psychic)
  • Tentacruel (Water, Poison)
  • Graveler (Fighting)
  • Hypno (Psychic)

Barely negative (-speed)

  • Metapod (Grass)
  • Kakuna (Grass)
  • Clefable (Fairy)
  • Wigglytuff (Fairy)
  • Oddish (Grass)
  • Machop (Fighting)
  • Slowpoke (Water)
  • Slowbro (Water, Psychic)
  • Drowzee (Psychic)

Dual type Pokemon (good for stacking types)

  • Butterfree (Grass, Normal)
  • Beedrill (Grass, Poison)
  • Nidoqueen (Psychic, Fighting)
  • Nidoking (Psychic, Fighting)
  • Vileplume (Grass, Poison)
  • Venomoth (Grass, Poison)
  • Poliwrath (Water, Fighting)
  • Victreebel (Grass, Poison)
  • Tentacruel (Water, Poison)
  • Slowbro (Water, Psychic)
  • Gengar (Psychic, Poison)

Good Mage Build

  • Venusaur (Grass) Sp. Attack +3.0
  • Victreebel (Grass, Poison) Attack +2.0 Sp. Defense -5.0 (maybe bronze for this one)
  • Vileplume (Grass, Poison) HP +50
  • Paras (Grass) Defense +5, Critical-Hit Rate -1.0%
  • Venonat (Grass) HP +50
  • Venomoth (Grass, Poison) HP +50, Critical-Hit Rate -1.0%
  • Zubat (Poison) Speed +35
  • Grimer (Poison) HP +50
  • Gengar (Psychic, Poison) Speed +35
  • Tentacruel (Water, Poison) Sp. Defense +5.0, Critical-Hit Rate -1.0%

Total Stats

  • Sp. Attack +3

  • Attack +2

  • Defense +5

  • HP +200

  • Critical-Hit Rate -3% (so still 0% :P)

  • Speed +70

  • Tier 3 Grass: +4% Sp. Attack

  • Tier 3 Poison: +8% Move Cooldown Reduction

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