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Created January 29, 2016 16:18
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Crash log from GitKraken
PID 13880 received SIGSEGV for address: 0xf00ba1c8
SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.;C:\Users\acrowder\AppData\Local\gitkraken\app-0.6.0;C:\Users\acrowder\AppData\Local\gitkraken\app-0.6.0;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\system32;SRV*C:\websymbols*;', symOptions: 530, UserName: 'acrowder'
OS-Version: 10.0.10240 () 0x100-0x1
00007FFDDD28296B (segfault-handler): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
00007FFDDD281417 (segfault-handler): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
00007FFDF2C02347 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlNormalizeString
00007FFDF2BB38FE (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlWalkFrameChain
00007FFDF2BB21C4 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlRaiseException
00007FFDF00BA1C8 (KERNELBASE): (filename not available): RaiseException
00007FFDF05A9931 (RPCRT4): (filename not available): RpcRaiseException
00007FFDF05A98F4 (RPCRT4): (filename not available): RpcRaiseException
00007FFDF05A97D6 (RPCRT4): (filename not available): NDRCContextBinding
00007FFDF061AB6D (RPCRT4): (filename not available): NdrServerCallNdr64
00007FFDF0621332 (RPCRT4): (filename not available): NdrClientCall3
00007FFDEEC423B2 (DNSAPI): (filename not available): IpHelp_IsAddrOnLink
00007FFDEEC4DE9D (DNSAPI): (filename not available): DnsQueryEx
00007FFDEEC4C1FB (DNSAPI): (filename not available): DnsQueryEx
00007FFDEEE4BC0C (mswsock): (filename not available): Tcpip6_WSHGetSockaddrType
00007FFDEEE4BA43 (mswsock): (filename not available): Tcpip6_WSHGetSockaddrType
00007FFDEEE4B1C8 (mswsock): (filename not available): Tcpip6_WSHGetSockaddrType
00007FFDF0ADCE15 (WS2_32): (filename not available): WSALookupServiceNextW
00007FFDF0ADC4CF (WS2_32): (filename not available): WSALookupServiceNextW
00007FFDF0ADBCD1 (WS2_32): (filename not available): WSALookupServiceBeginW
00007FFDF0ADB85D (WS2_32): (filename not available): WSALookupServiceEnd
00007FFDF0ADE5C5 (WS2_32): (filename not available): WSALookupServiceNextW
00007FFDF0AE0085 (WS2_32): (filename not available): GetAddrInfoW
00007FFDB7D9F456 (node): (filename not available): uv_update_time
00007FFDB7DAB17F (node): (filename not available): uv_queue_work
00007FFDB7D9BFF0 (node): (filename not available): uv_async_send
00007FFDCE644F7F (MSVCR120): (filename not available): beginthreadex
00007FFDCE645126 (MSVCR120): (filename not available): endthreadex
00007FFDF1172D92 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
00007FFDF2BA9F64 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
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