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Last active January 22, 2016 10:18
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  • Save Crease29/5eef088d40e41991da3d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Crease29/5eef088d40e41991da3d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ===================================================
// = place this file in the root of your OXID eShop! =
// ===================================================
require_once 'bootstrap.php';
$sTheme = 'my_custom_theme';
* Returns files of given $dir recursively.
* @param $dir
* @param array $results
* @see
* @return array
function getDirContents( $dir, &$results = array() )
$files = scandir( $dir );
foreach ( $files as $key => $value )
$path = realpath( $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value );
if ( !is_dir( $path ) )
$results[] = $path;
if ( $value != "." && $value != ".." )
getDirContents( $path, $results );
$results[] = $path;
return $results;
$aAzureFiles = getDirContents( getShopBasePath() . "/application/views/azure/tpl" );
$aThemeFiles = getDirContents( getShopBasePath() . "/application/views/$sTheme/tpl" );
if( count( $aAzureFiles ) && count( $aThemeFiles ) )
$aAzureBlocks = array();
$aThemeBlocks = array();
// search for blocks in Azure
foreach ( $aAzureFiles as $sFile )
$sExtension = pathinfo( $sFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
if( $sExtension == 'tpl' )
preg_match_all( "/\[\{block name=\"([a-zA-Z_-]*)\"\}\]/", file_get_contents( $sFile ), $aMatches );
if( count( $aMatches[ 1 ] ) )
foreach ( $aMatches[ 1 ] as $sBlock )
if( !empty( $sBlock ) )
$aAzureBlocks[] = $sBlock;
// search for blocks in given theme
foreach ( $aThemeFiles as $sFile )
$sExtension = pathinfo( $sFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
if( $sExtension == 'tpl' )
preg_match_all( "/\[\{block name=\"([a-zA-Z_-]*)\"\}\]/", file_get_contents( $sFile ), $aMatches );
if( count( $aMatches[ 1 ] ) )
foreach ( $aMatches[ 1 ] as $sBlock )
if( !empty( $sBlock ) )
$aThemeBlocks[] = $sBlock;
echo '<pre>';
if( count( $aAzureBlocks ) && count( $aThemeBlocks ) )
$aMissingBlocks = array_diff( $aAzureBlocks, $aThemeBlocks );
if( count( $aMissingBlocks ) )
echo "Missing blocks in you theme '{$sTheme}':\r\r";
echo implode( "\r", $aMissingBlocks );
echo 'Congratulations! Your theme supports all OXID azure theme blocks.';
echo 'Congratulations! Your theme supports all OXID azure theme blocks.';
echo '</pre>';
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