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Last active November 18, 2019 07:05
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PlexPy alert script that checks Sonarr after a watched episode to see if the next episode in the series aired in the past and is downloaded. Alerts the user if new episode should be downloaded.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# New Episodes Needed
# PlexPy Notification Script
# CraftyCanine
# Description
# Checks Sonarr after a watched episode to see if the next
# episode in the series aired in the past and is downloaded.
# Alerts the user if new episode should be downloaded.
# Instructions
# 1. Install the requests module for python.
# pip install requests
# 2. PlexPy Settings -> Notifications -> Set script arguments to:
# {user} {action} {rating_key}
# 3. Edit .py file to add your PlexPy / Sonarr URLs and API keys.
# 4. Put the .py script in your scripts folder. Scripts folder can be found here: PlexPy Settings -> Notifications Agents -> Cog next to Scripts -> Script folder
# 5. Select the script in notification agents settings:
# PlexPy Settings -> Notifications Agents -> Cog next to Scripts -> Watched
# 6. Enable the script under notification agents:
# PlexPy Settings -> Notifications Agents -> Bell icon next to scripts -> Check "notify on watched"
# 7. If you don't want alerts for your user, you can turn off notifications for your user under Users -> User Name -> Pencil -> Uncheck enable notifications
# --------------------------------------------------------
import requests
import sys
import json
import re
import datetime
user = sys.argv[1]
action = sys.argv[2]
rating_key = sys.argv[3]
debug = False
PLEXPY_URL = 'http://localhost:8117/' # Your PlexPy URL
PLEXPY_APIKEY = '' # Your PlexPy API Key
SONARR_URL = 'http://localhost:8989/' # Your Sonarr URL
SONARR_APIKEY = '' # Your Sonarr API Key
AGENT_ID = 7 # The PlexPy notifier agent id found here:
NOTIFY_SUBJECT = 'Plex User Finished' # The notification subject
NOTIFY_BODY = '%s has finished all currently downloaded episodes of %s' # The notification body
payload = {'apikey' : PLEXPY_APIKEY,
'cmd' : 'get_metadata',
'rating_key' : rating_key, #regular episode: 69838, last episode no new: 69899, last episode with new: 70240
'media_info' : True}
r ='/') + '/api/v2', params=payload)
j = r.json()
metadata = j['response']['data']['metadata']
mtype = metadata['media_type']
# Only for Episodes
if mtype == 'episode':
# Parse info
series_name = metadata['grandparent_title']
season_num = int(metadata['parent_media_index'])
episode_num = int(metadata['media_index'])
guid = metadata['guid']
tvdbid = int(re.findall('\/\/([0-9]+?)\/',guid)[0])
# Get series info from Sonarr
payload = {'apikey':SONARR_APIKEY}
r = requests.get(SONARR_URL.rstrip('/') + '/api/series', params=payload)
series_info = r.json()
# Find info on current + next season
for series in series_info:
if series['tvdbId'] == tvdbid:
sonarr_id = series['id']
for season in series['seasons']:
if season['seasonNumber'] == season_num:
sonarr_season = season
if season['seasonNumber'] == season_num + 1:
sonarr_next_season = season
# Get info on episodes
payload['seriesId'] = sonarr_id
r = requests.get(SONARR_URL.rstrip('/') + '/api/episode', params=payload)
episodes = r.json()
# Find next episode if exists
nextep = None
for episode in episodes:
if episode['seasonNumber'] == season_num and episode['episodeNumber'] == episode_num + 1:
print 'Next episode is in current season'
nextep = episode
elif episode['seasonNumber'] == season_num+1 and episode['episodeNumber'] == 1:
print 'Next episode is the first ep of the next season'
nextep = episode
# Next episode doesn't exist?
if nextep == None:
print 'There are no more episodes in this series.'
print 'Next Ep Info:'
print 'Season: %d' % nextep['seasonNumber']
print 'Episode: %d' % nextep['episodeNumber']
tdy =
airs = nextep['airDate']
air = datetime.datetime.strptime(airs,'%Y-%m-%d').date()
# Is next ep downloaded?
if nextep['hasFile'] == True:
print 'Good news! Next episode is already downloaded.'
elif air >= tdy:
print "Next episode hasn't aired yet."
print 'Uh oh. Need to download more episodes for this show.'
# Send notification to PlexPy using the API
payload = {'apikey': PLEXPY_APIKEY,
'cmd': 'notify',
'agent_id': AGENT_ID,
'subject': NOTIFY_SUBJECT,
'body': NOTIFY_BODY % (user,series_name),
'notify_action': action.lower()}
r ='/') + '/api/v2', params=payload)
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