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aantipov / react2ng1.js
Last active October 4, 2022 18:52
A simple way to convert React components into AngularJS components
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { fromPairs, map, pick } from "ramda";
* Wraps a React component into Angular component. Returns a new Angular component.
* Usage: angular.module('some.module').component('newAngularComponent', react2angular(MyReactComponent))
* (the usage is the same as in similar lib
markerikson / tableRenderingExample.js
Last active June 25, 2024 22:31
React expandable table rows example
class ParentComponent extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
data : [
{id : 1, date : "2014-04-18", total : 121.0, status : "Shipped", name : "A", points: 5, percent : 50},
{id : 2, date : "2014-04-21", total : 121.0, status : "Not Shipped", name : "B", points: 10, percent: 60},
{id : 3, date : "2014-08-09", total : 121.0, status : "Not Shipped", name : "C", points: 15, percent: 70},
{id : 4, date : "2014-04-24", total : 121.0, status : "Shipped", name : "D", points: 20, percent : 80},
beaucharman / debounce.js
Last active February 25, 2022 20:35
An ES6 implementation of the debounce function. "Debouncing enforces that a function not be called again until a certain amount of time has passed without it being called. As in 'execute this function only if 100 milliseconds have passed without it being called.'" - CSS-Tricks (…
function debounce(callback, wait, immediate = false) {
let timeout = null
return function() {
const callNow = immediate && !timeout
const next = () => callback.apply(this, arguments)
timeout = setTimeout(next, wait)
Restuta /
Last active September 19, 2024 15:32
Sizes of JS frameworks, just minified + minified and gzipped, (React, Angular 2, Vue, Ember)

Below is the list of modern JS frameworks and almost frameworks – React, Vue, Angular, Ember and others.

All files were downloaded from and named accordingly. Output from ls command is stripped out (irrelevant stuff)

As-is (minified)

$ ls -lhS
566K Jan 4 22:03 angular2.min.js
danharper / gulpfile.js
Last active August 2, 2024 13:57
New ES6 project with Babel, Browserify & Gulp
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
var buffer = require('vinyl-buffer');
var browserify = require('browserify');
var watchify = require('watchify');
var babel = require('babelify');
function compile(watch) {
var bundler = watchify(browserify('./src/index.js', { debug: true }).transform(babel));
nodesocket /
Last active October 7, 2023 06:30
The perfect Gulp.js

The perfect gulp.js file



Runs a connect web server, serving files from /client on port 3000.


KittyGiraudel / main.scss
Last active April 5, 2022 19:11
From: Architecturing a Sass project
// Sass utilities
@import "helpers/variables";
@import "helpers/functions";
@import "helpers/mixins";
@import "helpers/placeholders";
// Vendors and external stylesheets
@import "vendors/bootstrap";
@import "vendors/jquery-ui";
joaocunha / How To Hide The Select Arrow On
Last active December 10, 2023 13:05
How to hide <select> dropdown's arrow in Firefox when using "-moz-appearance: none;".

This is no longer a bug. I'm keeping the gist for historical reasons, as it helped to get it fixed. Make sure to read the notes by the end of the post.

How to remove hide the select arrow in Firefox using -moz-appearance:none;

TL;DR (or, the fix)

  1. Set -moz-appearance to none. This will "reset" the styling of the element;
  2. Set text-indent to 0.01px. This will "push" the text a tiny bit[1] to the right;
blackfalcon / SassMeister-input.scss
Created December 22, 2012 00:43
Generated by, the Sass playground.
.block {
width: 80em;
@media #{$mobile} {
width: 100%;
.foo {
background: orange;
@media #{$mobile} {
driehle /
Last active February 11, 2021 15:09
Render error messages of Backbone.Validation for Twitter Bootstrap
# --------------------------------------------
# This code is for Twitter Bootstrap 2!
# --------------------------------------------
# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Dennis Riehle
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights