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Created September 2, 2024 16:36
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* Human Cognitive Thinking Patterns
* =================================
* This cheatsheet outlines various cognitive thinking patterns observed in human cognition,
* represented through TypeScript code analogies. The patterns covered include:
* 1. Association and Memory Retrieval
* 2. Decision Making and Problem Solving
* 3. Emotional Processing
* 4. Attention and Focus
* 5. Learning and Adaptation
* 6. Creativity and Imagination
* 7. Social Cognition
* 8. Metacognition
* Each pattern is explained in detail, including its purpose, pros and cons, and related patterns.
* Code examples are provided to illustrate the conceptual representation of these thinking processes.
// Basic types and interfaces used throughout the examples
type Emotion = 'happy' | 'sad' | 'angry' | 'fearful' | 'disgusted' | 'surprised';
type Stimulus = any;
type Memory = any;
type Thought = any;
type Action = any;
type Belief = any;
type Skill = any;
interface Brain {
processStimulus(stimulus: Stimulus): void;
retrieveMemory(cue: any): Memory | null;
makeDecision(options: any[]): any;
learn(experience: any): void;
focus(target: any): void;
imagine(concept: any): Thought;
reflect(): void;
* 1. Association and Memory Retrieval
* ===================================
* This pattern represents how humans associate ideas and retrieve memories based on cues.
* It's fundamental to many cognitive processes, including learning and problem-solving.
* Pros:
* - Enables quick recall of relevant information
* - Facilitates learning through connection of new and existing knowledge
* - Supports creative thinking by linking seemingly unrelated concepts
* Cons:
* - Can lead to biased thinking if associations are overly rigid
* - May result in false memories or incorrect recall
* - Can be influenced by emotional states, potentially distorting recall
* Related Patterns:
* - Closely linked to Learning and Adaptation
* - Supports Decision Making and Problem Solving
* - Influences Creativity and Imagination
class AssociativeMemory {
private memories: Map<string, Memory> = new Map();
// Store a new memory with associated keywords
storeMemory(memory: Memory, keywords: string[]): void {
keywords.forEach(keyword => {
if (!this.memories.has(keyword)) {
this.memories.set(keyword, []);
// Retrieve memories based on a cue (keyword)
retrieveMemories(cue: string): Memory[] {
return this.memories.get(cue) || [];
// Associate two concepts by linking their keywords
associate(concept1: string, concept2: string): void {
const memories1 = this.retrieveMemories(concept1);
const memories2 = this.retrieveMemories(concept2);
// Cross-associate memories
memories1.forEach(memory => this.storeMemory(memory, [concept2]));
memories2.forEach(memory => this.storeMemory(memory, [concept1]));
// Example usage
const associativeMemory = new AssociativeMemory();
// Storing memories
associativeMemory.storeMemory("The sky is blue", ["sky", "blue", "color"]);
associativeMemory.storeMemory("The ocean is blue", ["ocean", "blue", "water"]);
// Retrieving memories
// Output: ["The sky is blue", "The ocean is blue"]
// Associating concepts
associativeMemory.associate("sky", "ocean");
* 2. Decision Making and Problem Solving
* ======================================
* This pattern represents how humans make decisions and solve problems by evaluating
* options, considering consequences, and applying heuristics or algorithms.
* Pros:
* - Enables navigation of complex situations
* - Supports goal-directed behavior
* - Can be optimized through experience and learning
* Cons:
* - Susceptible to cognitive biases
* - May be influenced by emotional states
* - Can be computationally expensive for complex problems
* Related Patterns:
* - Utilizes Association and Memory Retrieval for accessing relevant information
* - Influenced by Emotional Processing
* - Can be improved through Metacognition
class DecisionMaker {
private goals: string[] = [];
private beliefs: Map<string, number> = new Map(); // Belief strength from 0 to 1
constructor(private brain: Brain) {}
// Add a goal to the decision-maker
addGoal(goal: string): void {
// Update a belief and its strength
updateBelief(belief: string, strength: number): void {
this.beliefs.set(belief, Math.max(0, Math.min(1, strength)));
// Make a decision based on current goals, beliefs, and available options
makeDecision(options: Action[]): Action {
const scoredOptions = => ({
score: this.evaluateOption(option)
// Sort options by score in descending order
scoredOptions.sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score);
return scoredOptions[0].option;
private evaluateOption(option: Action): number {
let score = 0;
// Evaluate how well the option aligns with current goals
this.goals.forEach(goal => {
const alignment = this.assessAlignment(option, goal);
score += alignment;
// Factor in beliefs
this.beliefs.forEach((strength, belief) => {
const relevance = this.assessRelevance(option, belief);
score += strength * relevance;
// Retrieve relevant memories to inform the decision
const relevantMemories = this.brain.retrieveMemory(option);
if (relevantMemories) {
score += this.evaluateMemories(relevantMemories);
return score;
private assessAlignment(option: Action, goal: string): number {
// Implementation of assessing how well an option aligns with a goal
// This would involve complex logic based on the nature of the goal and option
return Math.random(); // Placeholder implementation
private assessRelevance(option: Action, belief: string): number {
// Implementation of assessing how relevant a belief is to an option
// This would involve analyzing the relationship between the belief and the option
return Math.random(); // Placeholder implementation
private evaluateMemories(memories: Memory): number {
// Implementation of evaluating memories to inform the decision
// This would involve analyzing past experiences related to the current decision
return Math.random(); // Placeholder implementation
// Example usage
const brain: Brain = {
// ... implementation of Brain interface methods
} as Brain;
const decisionMaker = new DecisionMaker(brain);
decisionMaker.addGoal("Stay healthy");
decisionMaker.updateBelief("Exercise is good", 0.9);
decisionMaker.updateBelief("Junk food is bad", 0.8);
const options: Action[] = [
"Go for a run",
"Watch TV",
"Eat a salad",
"Order fast food"
const decision = decisionMaker.makeDecision(options);
console.log("Decided action:", decision);
* 3. Emotional Processing
* =======================
* This pattern represents how humans process and respond to emotions, which play a
* crucial role in decision-making, memory formation, and social interactions.
* Pros:
* - Provides rapid assessment of situations
* - Enhances memory formation and recall
* - Facilitates social bonding and communication
* Cons:
* - Can lead to irrational decision-making if unchecked
* - May cause cognitive biases
* - Can be difficult to regulate in some individuals
* Related Patterns:
* - Influences Decision Making and Problem Solving
* - Affects Association and Memory Retrieval
* - Plays a role in Social Cognition
class EmotionalProcessor {
private currentEmotion: Emotion | null = null;
private emotionalMemories: Map<Emotion, Memory[]> = new Map();
// Process a stimulus and generate an emotional response
processStimulus(stimulus: Stimulus): Emotion {
const emotion = this.evaluateStimulus(stimulus);
this.currentEmotion = emotion;
this.storeEmotionalMemory(stimulus, emotion);
return emotion;
// Regulate the current emotional state
regulateEmotion(desiredIntensity: number): void {
if (this.currentEmotion) {
// Implementation of emotion regulation techniques
// This could involve cognitive reappraisal, mindfulness, etc.
console.log(`Regulating ${this.currentEmotion} to intensity ${desiredIntensity}`);
// Retrieve memories associated with a specific emotion
retrieveEmotionalMemories(emotion: Emotion): Memory[] {
return this.emotionalMemories.get(emotion) || [];
private evaluateStimulus(stimulus: Stimulus): Emotion {
// Complex logic to evaluate the emotional significance of a stimulus
// This would involve assessing various aspects of the stimulus and context
return ['happy', 'sad', 'angry', 'fearful', 'disgusted', 'surprised'][Math.floor(Math.random() * 6)] as Emotion;
private storeEmotionalMemory(stimulus: Stimulus, emotion: Emotion): void {
if (!this.emotionalMemories.has(emotion)) {
this.emotionalMemories.set(emotion, []);
// Example usage
const emotionalProcessor = new EmotionalProcessor();
const stimulus = "Received a promotion at work";
const emotion = emotionalProcessor.processStimulus(stimulus);
console.log(`Emotional response to "${stimulus}": ${emotion}`);
const happyMemories = emotionalProcessor.retrieveEmotionalMemories('happy');
console.log("Happy memories:", happyMemories);
* 4. Attention and Focus
* ======================
* This pattern represents how humans direct and maintain attention on specific
* stimuli or tasks, filtering out irrelevant information.
* Pros:
* - Allows for deep concentration on important tasks
* - Enhances information processing and learning
* - Helps in achieving goals by prioritizing relevant stimuli
* Cons:
* - Limited capacity; can lead to overlooking important information
* - Susceptible to distractions and interruptions
* - Can be depleted over time, leading to mental fatigue
* Related Patterns:
* - Supports Learning and Adaptation by focusing on relevant information
* - Influences Decision Making and Problem Solving by directing cognitive resources
* - Can be improved through Metacognition
class AttentionManager {
private focusTarget: any | null = null;
private distractions: any[] = [];
private attentionSpan: number = 100; // Arbitrary units
// Focus attention on a specific target
focus(target: any): void {
this.focusTarget = target;
console.log(`Focusing on: ${target}`);
// Process incoming stimuli, filtering based on current focus
processStimulus(stimulus: Stimulus): void {
if (this.isRelevantToFocus(stimulus)) {
} else {
// Shift focus to a new target
shiftFocus(newTarget: any): void {
console.log(`Shifting focus from ${this.focusTarget} to ${newTarget}`);
// Attempt to resist a distraction
resistDistraction(distraction: any): boolean {
const resistanceStrength = this.calculateResistanceStrength();
const distractionStrength = this.evaluateDistractionStrength(distraction);
if (resistanceStrength > distractionStrength) {
console.log(`Successfully resisted distraction: ${distraction}`);
return true;
} else {
console.log(`Failed to resist distraction: ${distraction}`);
return false;
private isRelevantToFocus(stimulus: Stimulus): boolean {
// Implementation to determine if a stimulus is relevant to the current focus
// This would involve comparing properties of the stimulus to the focus target
return Math.random() > 0.5; // Placeholder implementation
private attendToStimulus(stimulus: Stimulus): void {
// Process the attended stimulus
console.log(`Attending to stimulus: ${stimulus}`);
this.attentionSpan -= 10; // Decrease attention span as we process stimuli
private calculateResistanceStrength(): number {
// Calculate the current strength of focus based on various factors
return this.attentionSpan * Math.random();
private evaluateDistractionStrength(distraction: any): number {
// Evaluate how strong or compelling a distraction is
return Math.random() * 100;
// Example usage
const attentionManager = new AttentionManager();
attentionManager.focus("Reading a book");
attentionManager.processStimulus("Words on the page");
attentionManager.processStimulus("Phone notification");
attentionManager.resistDistraction("Loud noise outside");
* 5. Learning and Adaptation
* ==========================
* This pattern represents how humans acquire new knowledge, skills, and behaviors
* through experience and adapt to changing environments.
* Pros:
* - Enables continuous improvement and growth
* - Allows for adaptation to new situations and environments
* - Enhances problem-solving abilities over time
* Cons:
* - Can be slow and require significant effort
* - May lead to overlearning or overfitting to specific contexts
* - Can be influenced by biases and misconceptions
* Related Patterns:
* - Utilizes Association and Memory Retrieval for integrating new information
* - Influences Decision Making and Problem Solving by improving knowledge and skills
* - Can be enhanced through Metacognition
class LearningSystem {
private knowledge: Map<string, any> = new Map();
private skills: Map<string, number> = new Map(); // Skill levels from 0 to 1
// Learn new information or update existing knowledge
learnKnowledge(concept: string, information: any): void {
if (this.knowledge.has(concept)) {
this.integrateNewInformation(concept, information);
} else {
this.knowledge.set(concept, information);
console.log(`Learned about: ${concept}`);
// Practice a skill to improve proficiency
practiceSkill(skill: string, duration: number): void {
const currentLevel = this.skills.get(skill) || 0;
const improvement = this.calculateImprovement(currentLevel, duration);
this.skills.set(skill, Math.min(1, currentLevel + improvement));
console.log(`Practiced ${skill}. New level: ${this.skills.get(skill)}`);
// Apply learned knowledge and skills to a new situation
applyLearning(situation: any): any {
const relevantKnowledge = this.retrieveRelevantKnowledge(situation);
const applicableSkills = this.identifyApplicableSkills(situation);
// Combine knowledge and skills to generate a response
const response = this.synthesizeResponse(relevantKnowledge, applicableSkills);
// Learn from the application
this.reflectOnApplication(situation, response);
return response;
private integrateNewInformation(concept: string, newInfo: any): void {
const existingInfo = this.knowledge.get(concept);
// Complex logic to merge existing and new information, resolving conflicts
this.knowledge.set(concept, { ...existingInfo, ...newInfo });
private calculateImprovement(currentLevel: number, duration: number): number {
// Implementation of a learning curve algorithm
// This could factor in current level, practice duration, and other variables
return Math.min(1 - currentLevel, duration * 0.01 * (1 - currentLevel));
private retrieveRelevantKnowledge(situation: any): any[] {
// Implementation to identify and retrieve knowledge relevant to the situation
return Array.from(this.knowledge.entries())
.filter(([concept, _]) => this.isRelevantToConcept(situation, concept))
.map(([_, info]) => info);
private identifyApplicableSkills(situation: any): [string, number][] {
// Implementation to identify skills applicable to the situation
return Array.from(this.skills.entries())
.filter(([skill, _]) => this.isSkillApplicable(situation, skill));
private synthesizeResponse(knowledge: any[], skills: [string, number][]): any {
// Complex logic to combine knowledge and skills into a response
// This would involve weighing different factors and making decisions
return { knowledge, skills }; // Placeholder implementation
private reflectOnApplication(situation: any, response: any): void {
// Implementation to learn from the application of knowledge and skills
// This could involve updating knowledge or adjusting skill levels
console.log(`Reflected on application to situation: ${JSON.stringify(situation)}`);
private isRelevantToConcept(situation: any, concept: string): boolean {
// Implementation to determine if a concept is relevant to a situation
return Math.random() > 0.5; // Placeholder implementation
private isSkillApplicable(situation: any, skill: string): boolean {
// Implementation to determine if a skill is applicable to a situation
return Math.random() > 0.5; // Placeholder implementation
// Example usage
const learningSystem = new LearningSystem();
learningSystem.learnKnowledge("Python", { syntax: "...", paradigm: "Object-oriented" });
learningSystem.practiceSkill("Coding", 2);
const codingProblem = { type: "Algorithm", difficulty: "Medium" };
const solution = learningSystem.applyLearning(codingProblem);
console.log("Solution:", solution);
* 6. Creativity and Imagination
* =============================
* This pattern represents how humans generate novel ideas, combine concepts in unique ways,
* and imagine hypothetical scenarios.
* Pros:
* - Enables problem-solving through novel approaches
* - Supports innovation and artistic expression
* - Allows for mental simulation of future scenarios
* Cons:
* - Can lead to impractical or unrealistic ideas if unchecked
* - May be limited by existing knowledge and experiences
* - Can be influenced by biases and preconceptions
* Related Patterns:
* - Utilizes Association and Memory Retrieval for combining existing concepts
* - Supports Decision Making and Problem Solving by generating alternative solutions
* - Can be enhanced through Learning and Adaptation
class CreativeEngine {
private concepts: Set<string> = new Set();
private associations: Map<string, Set<string>> = new Map();
// Add a new concept to the creative engine
addConcept(concept: string): void {
// Create an association between two concepts
associate(concept1: string, concept2: string): void {
if (!this.associations.has(concept1)) {
this.associations.set(concept1, new Set());
if (!this.associations.has(concept2)) {
this.associations.set(concept2, new Set());
// Generate a new idea by combining existing concepts
generateIdea(): string {
const conceptArray = Array.from(this.concepts);
const concept1 = conceptArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * conceptArray.length)];
const concept2 = conceptArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * conceptArray.length)];
return this.combineConceptsCreatively(concept1, concept2);
// Imagine a hypothetical scenario
imagineScenario(baseContext: string): string {
const relatedConcepts = this.getRelatedConcepts(baseContext);
return this.constructScenario(baseContext, relatedConcepts);
private combineConceptsCreatively(concept1: string, concept2: string): string {
// Implementation of creative combination of concepts
// This could involve analyzing properties, functions, or metaphorical relationships
return `A ${concept1} that ${concept2}s`; // Simplified example
private getRelatedConcepts(concept: string): string[] {
return Array.from(this.associations.get(concept) || []);
private constructScenario(baseContext: string, relatedConcepts: string[]): string {
// Implementation to construct a hypothetical scenario
// This would involve weaving together the base context and related concepts
const randomConcept = relatedConcepts[Math.floor(Math.random() * relatedConcepts.length)];
return `Imagine a world where ${baseContext} is influenced by ${randomConcept}...`;
// Example usage
const creativeEngine = new CreativeEngine();
creativeEngine.associate("tree", "computer");
creativeEngine.associate("computer", "music");
const newIdea = creativeEngine.generateIdea();
console.log("New idea:", newIdea);
const scenario = creativeEngine.imagineScenario("technology");
console.log("Imagined scenario:", scenario);
* 7. Social Cognition
* ===================
* This pattern represents how humans understand and interact with others, including
* theory of mind, empathy, and social norm processing.
* Pros:
* - Enables effective communication and collaboration
* - Supports prediction of others' behaviors and intentions
* - Facilitates social bonding and group cohesion
* Cons:
* - Can lead to biases and stereotyping
* - May be inaccurate due to misinterpretation of social cues
* - Can be cognitively demanding in complex social situations
* Related Patterns:
* - Influenced by Emotional Processing
* - Utilizes Theory of Mind (a specific aspect of social cognition)
* - Supports Decision Making in social contexts
class SocialCognitionModule {
private socialNorms: Map<string, (action: string) => boolean> = new Map();
private relationships: Map<string, number> = new Map(); // Relationship strength from -1 to 1
// Interpret social cues from another person
interpretSocialCues(person: string, cues: string[]): Map<string, string> {
const interpretations = new Map<string, string>();
cues.forEach(cue => {
const interpretation = this.analyzeCue(cue, person);
interpretations.set(cue, interpretation);
return interpretations;
// Predict another person's behavior or intention
predictBehavior(person: string, context: string): string {
const relationshipStrength = this.relationships.get(person) || 0;
const possibleBehaviors = this.generatePossibleBehaviors(context);
return this.selectMostLikelyBehavior(possibleBehaviors, relationshipStrength);
// Update relationship status with another person
updateRelationship(person: string, event: string): void {
const currentStrength = this.relationships.get(person) || 0;
const impact = this.evaluateEventImpact(event);
this.relationships.set(person, Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, currentStrength + impact)));
// Add or update a social norm
defineSocialNorm(context: string, normChecker: (action: string) => boolean): void {
this.socialNorms.set(context, normChecker);
// Check if an action adheres to social norms
checkSocialNorm(context: string, action: string): boolean {
const normChecker = this.socialNorms.get(context);
return normChecker ? normChecker(action) : true; // Assume adherence if norm not defined
private analyzeCue(cue: string, person: string): string {
// Implementation of cue analysis based on type of cue and relationship with person
return `${person} might be feeling ${['happy', 'sad', 'angry'][Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)]}`;
private generatePossibleBehaviors(context: string): string[] {
// Implementation to generate possible behaviors based on the context
return ["help", "ignore", "confront", "collaborate"];
private selectMostLikelyBehavior(behaviors: string[], relationshipStrength: number): string {
// Implementation to select behavior based on relationship strength and other factors
return behaviors[Math.floor(Math.random() * behaviors.length)];
private evaluateEventImpact(event: string): number {
// Implementation to evaluate the impact of an event on a relationship
return Math.random() * 0.2 - 0.1; // Random impact between -0.1 and 0.1
// Example usage
const socialCognition = new SocialCognitionModule();
socialCognition.defineSocialNorm("greeting", (action) => action.includes("hello") || action.includes("hi"));
const cueInterpretations = socialCognition.interpretSocialCues("Alice", ["smile", "crossed arms"]);
console.log("Cue interpretations:", cueInterpretations);
const predictedBehavior = socialCognition.predictBehavior("Bob", "group project");
console.log("Predicted behavior:", predictedBehavior);
socialCognition.updateRelationship("Charlie", "helped with moving");
const isNormAdherent = socialCognition.checkSocialNorm("greeting", "Hello, how are you?");
console.log("Adheres to greeting norm:", isNormAdherent);
* 8. Metacognition
* ================
* This pattern represents how humans think about their own thinking processes,
* including self-reflection, cognitive monitoring, and strategy selection.
* Pros:
* - Enhances learning and problem-solving through self-awareness
* - Supports better decision-making by evaluating thought processes
* - Facilitates personal growth and cognitive development
* Cons:
* - Can lead to overthinking or analysis paralysis
* - May be inaccurate due to biases in self-perception
* - Requires cognitive resources that could be used for primary tasks
* Related Patterns:
* - Influences all other cognitive patterns through monitoring and regulation
* - Particularly important for Learning and Adaptation
* - Supports Decision Making and Problem Solving by evaluating strategies
class MetacognitionModule {
private cognitiveStrategies: Map<string, () => void> = new Map();
private performanceHistory: Map<string, number[]> = new Map();
// Monitor current cognitive performance
monitorPerformance(task: string, performanceMetric: number): void {
if (!this.performanceHistory.has(task)) {
this.performanceHistory.set(task, []);
// Reflect on thought processes
reflect(): string[] {
const insights = [];
for (const [task, metrics] of this.performanceHistory.entries()) {
const averagePerformance = metrics.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / metrics.length;
insights.push(`Average performance on ${task}: ${averagePerformance.toFixed(2)}`);
return insights;
// Add or update a cognitive strategy
defineStrategy(name: string, strategy: () => void): void {
this.cognitiveStrategies.set(name, strategy);
// Select and apply an appropriate cognitive strategy
applyStrategy(task: string): void {
const strategy = this.selectBestStrategy(task);
if (strategy) {
console.log(`Applying strategy ${strategy} for task: ${task}`);
} else {
console.log(`No suitable strategy found for task: ${task}`);
private evaluatePerformance(task: string): void {
const metrics = this.performanceHistory.get(task)!;
if (metrics.length > 1) {
const recentPerformance = metrics[metrics.length - 1];
const previousPerformance = metrics[metrics.length - 2];
if (recentPerformance < previousPerformance) {
console.log(`Performance on ${task} has decreased. Consider changing strategy.`);
private selectBestStrategy(task: string): string | null {
// Implementation to select the best strategy based on task and past performance
// This could involve analyzing the performance history and characteristics of the task
const strategies = Array.from(this.cognitiveStrategies.keys());
return strategies.length > 0 ? strategies[Math.floor(Math.random() * strategies.length)] : null;
// Example usage
const metacognition = new MetacognitionModule();
metacognition.defineStrategy("visualization", () => {
console.log("Applying visualization strategy");
metacognition.defineStrategy("verbalization", () => {
console.log("Applying verbalization strategy");
metacognition.monitorPerformance("problem-solving", 0.7);
metacognition.monitorPerformance("problem-solving", 0.8);
const reflections = metacognition.reflect();
console.log("Reflections:", reflections);
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