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Using Dispatch Codecs with Forge Registries (with automatic registry factory)
package commoble.sandbox;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import com.mojang.serialization.Codec;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.event.RegistryEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.IEventBus;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.DeferredRegister;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.ForgeRegistryEntry;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.IForgeRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.IForgeRegistryEntry;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.RegistryBuilder;
public class RegistryDispatcher<DTYPE extends IForgeRegistryEntry<DTYPE>, DISPATCHABLES>
* Call in your mod constructor (or any time before the RegistryEvent.NewRegistry event fires, really)
* @param modBus Your mod's mod bus from FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus();
* @param registryClass the .class object for this registry (deferred registers will use this class to find the correct registry)
* The type of this is genargified with an unchecked cast, so don't use the wrong class object here
* @param registryID the id of this registry, e.g. "yourmod:cheeses"
* @param extraSettings Access to the registry builder to apply extra settings like .disableSave() and .disableSync() if needed
* This consumer is called after .setName() and .setType() are called but before .create()
public static <DTYPE extends Dispatcher<DTYPE, ? extends DISPATCHABLES>, DISPATCHABLES extends Dispatchable<DTYPE>> RegistryDispatcher<DTYPE, DISPATCHABLES> makeDispatchForgeRegistry(
final IEventBus modBus,
final Class<?> registryClass,
final ResourceLocation registryID,
final Consumer<RegistryBuilder<DTYPE>> extraSettings)
Class<DTYPE> genargifiedClass = (Class<DTYPE>) registryClass;
RegistryWrapper<DTYPE> wrapper = new RegistryWrapper<>();
Codec<DTYPE> dispatcherCodec = ResourceLocation.CODEC.xmap(
id -> wrapper.get().getValue(id),
Codec<DISPATCHABLES> dispatchedCodec = dispatcherCodec.dispatch(dispatchable->dispatchable.getDispatcher(), dispatcher->dispatcher.getSubCodec());
Consumer<RegistryEvent.NewRegistry> newRegistryListener = event ->
RegistryBuilder<DTYPE> builder = new RegistryBuilder<DTYPE>()
IForgeRegistry<DTYPE> registry = builder.create();
return new RegistryDispatcher<>(wrapper, genargifiedClass, dispatcherCodec, dispatchedCodec);
private final Supplier<IForgeRegistry<DTYPE>> registryGetter;
private final Class<DTYPE> registryClass;
private final Codec<DTYPE> dispatcherCodec;
private final Codec<DISPATCHABLES> dispatchedCodec;
public RegistryDispatcher(Supplier<IForgeRegistry<DTYPE>> registryGetter, Class<DTYPE> registryClass, Codec<DTYPE> dispatcherCodec, Codec<DISPATCHABLES> dispatchedCodec)
this.registryGetter = registryGetter;
this.registryClass = registryClass;
this.dispatcherCodec = dispatcherCodec;
this.dispatchedCodec = dispatchedCodec;
* Gets the forge registry for the dispatchers. The forge registry is created and initialized in the NewRegistry event;
* if getForgeRegistry is called before this, it will return null (so it's not safe to use this to make DeferredRegisters, generally)
* @return The forge registry for the dispatchers, or null if the forge registry hasn't been initialized in the NewRegistry event yet
public IForgeRegistry<DTYPE> getForgeRegistry()
{ return this.registryGetter.get(); }
* Gets the class used by the forge registry
* @return the class used by the forge registry
public Class<DTYPE> getRegistryClass()
{ return this.registryClass; }
* Gets the codec for the DTYPE class
* This could be used for serializing ids of dispatcher types but it's generally less useful than the dispatched codec
* @return the DTYPE class's codec
public Codec<DTYPE> getDispatcherCodec()
{ return this.dispatcherCodec; }
* Gets the codec for the DISPATCHABLES class
* You can use this codec to read a json containing the dispatcher type + extra data
* @return the DISPATCHABLES class's codec
public Codec<DISPATCHABLES> getDispatchedCodec()
{ return this.dispatchedCodec; }
* Creates a Deferred Register for the forge registry for the dispatchers (does not subscribe it to the mod bus)
* @param modid Your modid
* @return An unsubscribed Deferred Register
public DeferredRegister<DTYPE> makeDeferredRegister(String modid)
{ return DeferredRegister.create(this.getRegistryClass(), modid); }
* Class for the dispatchers/serializers
* Extend this to make your class useable with makeDispatchRegistry
public static abstract class Dispatcher<DTYPE extends IForgeRegistryEntry<DTYPE>, P> extends ForgeRegistryEntry<DTYPE>
private final Codec<P> subCodec;
public Codec<P> getSubCodec() { return this.subCodec; }
public Dispatcher(Codec<P> subCodec)
this.subCodec = subCodec;
* Base class for the dispatched objects
* Instances of subclasses of this can be deserialized from jsons, etc
public static abstract class Dispatchable<DTYPE>
private final Supplier<? extends DTYPE> dispatcherGetter;
public DTYPE getDispatcher() { return this.dispatcherGetter.get(); }
public Dispatchable(Supplier<? extends DTYPE> dispatcherGetter)
this.dispatcherGetter = dispatcherGetter;
* Registry wrapper for forge registries
* The usual pattern is to wait until the registry event before creating them
* This lets us static final init a field for the registry
private static class RegistryWrapper<T extends IForgeRegistryEntry<T>> implements Supplier<IForgeRegistry<T>>
private IForgeRegistry<T> registry = null;
public IForgeRegistry<T> get()
return this.registry;
public void setRegistry(IForgeRegistry<T> value)
this.registry = value;
package commoble.sandbox;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import com.mojang.serialization.Codec;
import commoble.sandbox.RegistryDispatcher.Dispatchable;
import commoble.sandbox.RegistryDispatcher.Dispatcher;
import commoble.sandbox.StatePredicate.StatePredicateSerializer;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockState;
// StatePredicate is the base class for the objects we'll deserialize from jsons
public abstract class StatePredicate extends Dispatchable<StatePredicateSerializer<?>> implements Predicate<BlockState>
public StatePredicate(Supplier<? extends StatePredicateSerializer<? extends StatePredicate>> serializerGetter)
* @param state A blockstate to test
* @return true if the state passes the test
public abstract boolean test(BlockState state);
// we need a unique class object to make the forge registry, so we extend Dispatcher here
public static class StatePredicateSerializer<P extends StatePredicate> extends Dispatcher<StatePredicateSerializer<?>, P>
public StatePredicateSerializer(Codec<P> subCodec)
package commoble.sandbox;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import com.mojang.serialization.Codec;
import commoble.sandbox.StatePredicate.StatePredicateSerializer;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockState;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.util.registry.Registry;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.RegistryObject;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.javafmlmod.FMLJavaModLoadingContext;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.DeferredRegister;
// some basic state predicates
public class StatePredicates
// the cast here is needed to compile this on eclipse,
// intellij is fine without it
public static final RegistryDispatcher<StatePredicateSerializer<?>, StatePredicate> DISPATCHER = RegistryDispatcher.<StatePredicateSerializer<?>, StatePredicate>makeDispatchForgeRegistry(
new ResourceLocation(Sandbox.MODID, "state_predicates"),
builder -> builder.disableSaving().disableSync());
// remember to subscribe this to the mod bus
public static final DeferredRegister<StatePredicateSerializer<?>> STATE_PREDICATE_SERIALIZERS = DISPATCHER.makeDeferredRegister(Sandbox.MODID);
public static final RegistryObject<StatePredicateSerializer<ConstantPredicate>> ALWAYS_TRUE = STATE_PREDICATE_SERIALIZERS.register("always_true", () -> new StatePredicateSerializer<>(StatePredicates.ConstantPredicate.ALWAYS_TRUE_CODEC));
public static final RegistryObject<StatePredicateSerializer<ConstantPredicate>> ALWAYS_FALSE = STATE_PREDICATE_SERIALIZERS.register("always_false", () -> new StatePredicateSerializer<>(StatePredicates.ConstantPredicate.ALWAYS_FALSE_CODEC));
public static final RegistryObject<StatePredicateSerializer<BlockPredicate>> BLOCK_SERIALIZER = STATE_PREDICATE_SERIALIZERS.register("block", () -> new StatePredicateSerializer<>(StatePredicates.BlockPredicate.CODEC));
/** Predicates that always return either true or false **/
public static class ConstantPredicate extends StatePredicate
public static final Codec<ConstantPredicate> ALWAYS_FALSE_CODEC = Codec.unit(new ConstantPredicate(ALWAYS_FALSE, false));
public static final Codec<ConstantPredicate> ALWAYS_TRUE_CODEC = Codec.unit(new ConstantPredicate(ALWAYS_TRUE, true));
private final boolean value;
public ConstantPredicate(Supplier<StatePredicateSerializer<ConstantPredicate>> serializer, boolean value)
this.value = value;
public boolean test(BlockState state)
return this.value;
/** Predicate that returns true if a state belongs to a given block instance **/
public static class BlockPredicate extends StatePredicate
public static final Codec<BlockPredicate> CODEC = Registry.BLOCK.xmap(BlockPredicate::new, BlockPredicate::getBlock).fieldOf("block").codec();
private final Block block;
public Block getBlock() { return this.block; }
public BlockPredicate(Block block)
this.block = block;
public boolean test(BlockState state)
return state.isIn(this.block);
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