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Last active September 16, 2021 11:28
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Package management ideas and projects ive found. might be out of date or incomplete, it might still be helpfull.

Package Management for LFS

The following table tries to list a few packagemanagement systems that are hinted to be used for LFS or other source based Linux distributions/creations. I am sure its incomplete and I remember other people describing intresting new ideas aswell. It is incomplete and my understanding of each of these is very superficial.

The table knows 3 colums I think are of particular intrest. Age is the apparent last time since editing, could still work or under daily use.

Type describes if:

  • git, github/lab project with code and hopefully readme
  • hint, a classic and well written LFS hint
  • site, a dedicated website to show the project, might be a spinoff from a hint or directs to a git repo

and the describtion, note i try to see if the package has some relation to another or status, and if I can quickly see if a package mamanger has dependency resolving or capabilities like it.

1, if a manager can tell us if a to be installed package needs packages not yet installed and 2, if said manager can also figure out how deep this dependency goes (graphs, trees, its more and more complicated)

!! Ive tried to read if the package supports dependency resolving, but my understanding might be incorrect !!

I did NOT test any of these as of yet, there is no sorting done on this list.

name type age old descibtion, notes
lfs-me git 5 years fake-root based, build, install, remove and partial deb check (it cant resolve), like PKGBUILD
lfs-me(EastAPOLO) git 4 years fork by EastAPOLO. both changed license from GNU to ISC
LFSPkg git 4 months build, install, remove and update packages. promises nice things, no dep checking.
yalpack git 2 months from source, no dep check, up and downgrades possible (with small but important caveats)
automate-lfs-build git 2 years Not really a package manager, more like automated build tool.
lfs-pacman git 2 years can do package dependency resolv, if you make those packages too.
unionfs (hint) hint 13 years Inspired by GoboLinux, a kernelpatch to union multiple directories into one fs
unionfs (site) site 7 years Latest kernel patch for 2.6.18 and up(?) (no dep check?)
paco hint 16 years got replaced by porg. GTK+ gui, no dependency resolv/checking ?
porg site 5 years Replaced paco.
rpm hint 15 years Doesnt appear to do dependency resolving,more like adding rpm installing support (I can be mistaken)
trip hint 15 years unionfs and chroot (like unionfs?)
dpkg (deb) hint 12 years Debian Package Manager, does dep resolv, provide your packages.
fakeroot hint 15 years Fakeroot, not a real / but fake, no dep resolv
MPC hint 14 years A user id based package system? no dep resolv
pacman hint 8 years using pacman inside LFS to PKGBUILD and install. similiar to lfs-pacman
"git" hint 18 years Guarded Instalation tool, not confuse this with Linus his git. promises some basic dep checking
Cards site few days Packagemanager from NuTyX, a LFS based distro(?) from french. based on the LFS and BLFS book

Package specific notes


Mostly hinted to by users, also seems to be frequently updated.


Other github projects seem to automate the LFS build process aswell and might be worth to be put in a seperate table. This specific one seems to keep popping up more regulary tho in my results (google, so not a clean result)

At the bottom of this file ive listed as many as I can projects that try to build LFS/BLFS or CLFS in any way or form, working or not, active or not.

"git" or Guarded Instalation tool

Appears the hint doesnt link to a working source package, but a newer one has been found: (original site on archive: )

lfs-pacman, pacman

Using Arch linux the defacto package manager has many advantages over other pkg managers but also require more work to create either packages or PKGBUILD scripts. it might be worth looking at.

Paco, Porg

Paco got replaced or transfered to the porg project by its creator. Porg latest copyright is 2016.

A 3 year old git clone on github:

ideas by ppl

Some people propose or worked on their own ideas or specific implementations that arent found on a project site/git nor a LFS hint. these can be forum posts or in conversation over social media.

NetBSD's pkgsrc

Yuki Kurosawa's (黒澤ゆき) idea Discord (nearly imposible to make a permanent resource.)


Yuki Kurosawa's (黒澤ゆき) idea

other way means use a package manager like debian/arch/rhel now I can install packages without build from scratch. just do these to install chrome from my LFS build (not chromium cuz google deny chromium to use sync): dpkg -i google-chrome-stable-92.0-amd64.deb my LFS build uses dpkg+apt as package manager and I can do fresh install via debootstrap without any modifications cuz I installed apt repo for it no document for adding package manager into LFS, so I can't help you that's why I choose LFS 9.0 as base (LFS 10.0 has been released at that time)

My LFS uses apt-like package management first : install dpkg and apt into temp system second: built dpkg and apt into base system both builds must initialize dpkg and apt configs like a normal debian build and all your packages must be built like normal debian packages. LFS official document uses CMM way Advice: DO NOT use package manager UNLESS you want your LFS build works like a normal distro

I built LFS on a delicated server, and deploy to my laptop My main OS is LFS 9.0, and plan to upgrade to LFS 10.1 (not the LFS 11.0) build server uses debuild and dak to build LFS so I don't need to install the full build tools to my laptop, I can install them later if i need build tools pdebootstrap can use to get a clean env for building packages if your env is using dpkg as package manager I can install build tools to my laptop with following commands: sudo su - apt update apt install build-essential autotools -y


hints from LFS

Automatic builds

This list excludes projects like buildroot, as they dont seem to create full LFS systems that could potencially recreate LFS (or follow the book)

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