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Last active August 30, 2024 20:52
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Rust Recursion schemes
use std::{borrow::Borrow, convert::Infallible};
trait Functor {
type F<T>;
fn fmap<A, B>(f: impl Fn(A) -> B, x: Self::F<A>) -> Self::F<B>;
trait Rec: Sized {
type Fix;
type F: Functor;
fn fmap<A, B>(f: impl Fn(A) -> B) -> impl Fn(<Self::F as Functor>::F<A>) -> <Self::F as Functor>::F<B> {
move |x| <Self::F as Functor>::fmap(&f, x)
fn prj(t: Self::Fix) -> <Self::F as Functor>::F<Self::Fix>;
fn inj(t: <Self::F as Functor>::F<Self::Fix>) -> Self::Fix;
// these should be in an extension trait
fn fmap_ref<A>(x: &<Self::F as Functor>::F<A>) -> <Self::F as Functor>::F<&A>;
fn cata<R: Rec, Ret>(alg: impl Fn(RecF<R, Ret>) -> Ret) -> impl Fn(R::Fix) -> Ret {
fn cata_<'a, R: Rec, Ret>(alg: &'a impl Fn(RecF<R, Ret>) -> Ret) -> impl Fn(R::Fix) -> Ret + 'a {
move |x| alg(R::fmap(cata_::<R, Ret>(alg))(R::prj(x)))
move |x| cata_::<R, Ret>(&alg)(x)
type RecF<R, T> = <<R as Rec>::F as Functor>::F<T>;
fn ana<R: Rec, Seed>(coalg: impl Fn(Seed) -> RecF<R, Seed>) -> impl Fn(Seed) -> R::Fix {
fn ana_<'a, R: Rec, Seed>(coalg: &'a impl Fn(Seed) -> RecF<R, Seed>) -> impl Fn(Seed) -> R::Fix + 'a {
move |x| R::inj(R::fmap(ana_::<R, Seed>(coalg))(coalg(x)))
move |x| ana_::<R, Seed>(&coalg)(x)
fn hylo<R: Rec, Seed, Ret>(alg: impl Fn(RecF<R, Ret>) -> Ret, coalg: impl Fn(Seed) -> RecF<R, Seed>) -> impl Fn(Seed) -> Ret {
fn hylo_<'a, 'b, R: Rec, Seed, Ret>(alg: &'a impl Fn(RecF<R, Ret>) -> Ret, coalg: &'a impl Fn(Seed) -> RecF<R, Seed>) -> impl Fn(Seed) -> Ret + 'a {
move |x| alg(R::fmap(hylo_::<R, Seed, Ret>(alg, coalg))(coalg(x)))
move |x| hylo_::<R,Seed, Ret>(&alg, &coalg)(x)
fn accumulation<R: Rec, Acc, Ret>(st: impl Fn(RecF<R, R::Fix>, &Acc) -> RecF<R, (R::Fix, Acc)>, alg: impl Fn(RecF<R, Ret>, Acc) -> Ret) -> impl Fn((R::Fix, Acc)) -> Ret {
fn accumulation_<'a, R: Rec, Acc, Ret>(st: &'a impl Fn(RecF<R, R::Fix>, &Acc) -> RecF<R, (R::Fix, Acc)>, alg: &'a impl Fn(RecF<R, Ret>, Acc) -> Ret) -> impl Fn((R::Fix, Acc)) -> Ret +'a {
move |(x, acc)| alg(R::fmap(accumulation_::<R, Acc, Ret>(st, alg))(st(R::prj(x), &acc)), acc)
move |x| accumulation_::<R,Acc,Ret>(&st, &alg)(x)
/// the mutumorphism is different than in the literature in that it computes both mutually recursive functions
/// and returns both results of both.
/// This is the most reasonable way to do with without introducing the Clone trait.
/// So this is limited to having a consuming function, and an inspecting function
fn mutu<R: Rec, A, B>(alg1: impl Fn(RecF<R, (A, B)>) -> A, alg2: impl Fn(&RecF<R, (A, B)>) -> B) -> impl Fn(R::Fix) -> (A, B) {
cata::<R, (A, B)>(move |x| {
let alg2_ = alg2(&x);
(alg1(x), alg2_)
// This function cannot be used as is naively, it can only be used efficiently with
// persistant datatypes
fn para<R: Rec, Ret>(alg: impl Fn(RecF<R, (R::Fix, Ret)>) -> Ret) -> impl Fn(R::Fix) -> Ret
R::Fix: Clone,
fn para_<'a, R: Rec, Ret>(alg: &'a impl Fn(RecF<R, (R::Fix, Ret)>) -> Ret) -> impl Fn(R::Fix) -> Ret + 'a
R::Fix: Clone, {
move |x|{
let map = move |y: R::Fix| (y.clone(), para_::<R, Ret>(alg)(y));
move |x| para_::<R,Ret>(&alg)(x)
trait RecPrjRef: Rec {
fn prj_ref(t: &Self::Fix) -> <Self::F as Functor>::F<&Self::Fix>;
fn para_ref<R: RecPrjRef, Ret>(alg: impl Fn(RecF<R, (&R::Fix, Ret)>) -> Ret) -> impl Fn(&R::Fix) -> Ret {
fn para_ref_<'a, R: RecPrjRef, Ret>(alg: &'a impl Fn(RecF<R, (&R::Fix, Ret)>) -> Ret) -> impl Fn(&R::Fix) -> Ret + 'a {
move |x| alg(R::fmap(|y| (y, para_ref_::<R, Ret>(alg)(y)))(R::prj_ref(x)))
move|x| para_ref_::<R,Ret>(&alg)(x)
fn apo<R: Rec, Seed>(coalg: impl Fn(Seed) -> RecF<R, std::ops::ControlFlow<R::Fix, Seed>>) -> impl Fn(Seed) -> R::Fix {
move |x| {
let coalg = &coalg;
R::inj(R::fmap(move |y| match y {
std::ops::ControlFlow::Continue(x) => apo::<R, Seed>(coalg)(x),
std::ops::ControlFlow::Break(x) => x,
fn zygo<R: Rec, Ret, Aux>(alg1: impl Fn(RecF<R, (Ret, Aux)>) -> Ret, alg2: impl Fn(RecF<R, &Aux>) -> Aux) -> impl Fn(R::Fix) -> Ret
Aux: Clone,
move |x| mutu::<R, Ret, Aux>(&alg1, |y| alg2(R::fmap(|(_, a): &(_, _)| a)(R::fmap_ref(y))))(x).0
enum Free<F: Functor, A> {
Op(F::F<Free<F, A>>),
impl<F: Functor, A> Free<F, A> {
fn advance(coalg: impl Fn(A) -> F::F<Self>) -> impl Fn(Self) -> F::F<Self> {
move |x| match x {
Free::Ret(a) => coalg(a),
Free::Op(k) => k,
struct Cofree<F: Functor, A> {
tag: A,
cofree: F::F<Cofree<F, A>>,
impl<F: Functor, A> Cofree<F, A> {
fn extract(self) -> A {
fn extend(alg: impl Fn(&F::F<Self>) -> A) -> impl Fn(F::F<Self>) -> Self {
move |x| Cofree { tag: alg(&x), cofree: x }
fn histo<R: Rec, Ret>(alg: impl Fn(&RecF<R, Cofree<R::F, Ret>>) -> Ret) -> impl Fn(R::Fix) -> Ret {
move |x| Cofree::extract(cata::<R, Cofree<R::F, Ret>>(Cofree::extend(&alg))(x))
fn dyna<R: Rec, Seed, Ret>(alg: impl Fn(&RecF<R, Cofree<R::F, Ret>>) -> Ret, coalg: impl Fn(Seed) -> RecF<R, Seed>) -> impl Fn(Seed) -> Ret {
move |x| Cofree::extract(hylo::<R, Seed, Cofree<R::F, Ret>>(Cofree::extend(&alg), &coalg)(x))
fn futu<R: Rec, Seed>(coalg: impl Fn(Seed) -> RecF<R, Free<R::F, Seed>>) -> impl Fn(Seed) -> R::Fix {
move |x| {
let coalg = &coalg;
ana::<R, _>(Free::<R::F, Seed>::advance(coalg))(Free::<R::F, Seed>::Ret(x))
pub enum BinaryTree {
Branch(Box<BinaryTree>, Box<BinaryTree>),
fn l(i: i32) -> BinaryTree {
fn b(l: BinaryTree, r: BinaryTree) -> BinaryTree {
BinaryTree::Branch(Box::new(l), Box::new(r))
pub enum FBinaryTree<T = Infallible> {
Branch(T, T),
impl Functor for FBinaryTree {
type F<T> = FBinaryTree<T>;
fn fmap<A, B>(f: impl Fn(A) -> B, x: Self::F<A>) -> Self::F<B> {
match x {
FBinaryTree::Leaf(n) => FBinaryTree::Leaf(n),
FBinaryTree::Branch(l, r) => FBinaryTree::Branch(f(l), f(r)),
impl Rec for BinaryTree {
type Fix = Self;
type F = FBinaryTree;
fn inj(t: <Self::F as Functor>::F<Self>) -> Self {
match t {
FBinaryTree::Leaf(n) => BinaryTree::Leaf(n),
FBinaryTree::Branch(l, r) => BinaryTree::Branch(Box::new(l), Box::new(r)),
fn prj(t: Self) -> <Self::F as Functor>::F<Self> {
match t {
BinaryTree::Leaf(n) => FBinaryTree::Leaf(n),
BinaryTree::Branch(l, r) => FBinaryTree::Branch(*l, *r),
fn fmap_ref<A>(x: &<Self::F as Functor>::F<A>) -> <Self::F as Functor>::F<&A> {
match x {
FBinaryTree::Leaf(n) => FBinaryTree::Leaf(*n),
FBinaryTree::Branch(l, r) => FBinaryTree::Branch(l, r),
enum Nat<T = Infallible> {
impl Functor for Nat {
type F<T> = Nat<T>;
fn fmap<A, B>(f: impl Fn(A) -> B, x: Self::F<A>) -> Self::F<B> {
match x {
Nat::S(n) => Nat::S(f(n)),
Nat::Z => Nat::Z,
impl Rec for u8 {
type Fix = Self;
type F = Nat;
fn prj(t: Self) -> <Self::F as Functor>::F<Self> {
match t {
0 => Nat::Z,
n => Nat::S(n - 1),
fn inj(t: <Self::F as Functor>::F<Self>) -> Self {
match t {
Nat::S(n) => n + 1,
Nat::Z => 0,
fn fmap_ref<A>(x: &<Self::F as Functor>::F<A>) -> <Self::F as Functor>::F<&A> {
match x {
Nat::S(n) => Nat::S(n),
Nat::Z => Nat::Z,
fn g() {
let tree_ = ana::<BinaryTree, i32>(&|x| match x {
0 => FBinaryTree::Leaf(0),
b => FBinaryTree::Branch(b / 2, b / 2),
println!("tree : {tree_:#?}");
// let count = cata_::<BinaryTree,usize>(
// &|x| match x {
// FBinaryTree::Leaf(_) => 1,
// FBinaryTree::Branch(l, r) => l+r,
// })(tree_);
// println!("count : {count:?}");
let n = ana::<u8, BinaryTree>(&|x| match x {
BinaryTree::Leaf(_) => Nat::Z,
BinaryTree::Branch(l, r) => match *l {
BinaryTree::Leaf(_) => Nat::S(*r),
BinaryTree::Branch(l1, r1) => Nat::S(b(*l1, b(*r1, *r))),
// println!("n : {n:?}");
let double = cata::<u8, u16>(|x| match x {
Nat::S(n) => {
2 + n
Nat::Z => {
println!("double : {double:?}");
let wtf = cata::<u8, Box<dyn FnOnce(u16) -> u16>>(|x| match x {
Nat::S(f) => Box::new(|x| f(x + 2)),
Nat::Z => Box::new(|x| x),
println!("wtf(0) : {:?}", wtf(0));
let tree = b(b(l(1), l(2)), b(b(l(3), l(4)), l(5)));
let sum = cata::<BinaryTree, Box<dyn FnOnce(isize) -> isize>>(|x| match x {
FBinaryTree::Leaf(n) => Box::new(move |x| {
x + n as isize
FBinaryTree::Branch(l, r) => Box::new(|x| {
println!("sum : {}", sum(0));
fn main() {
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