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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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  • Save Ciechan/10596329 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Ciechan/10596329 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// fragment shader
precision lowp float;
struct FSInput {
vec2 _texcoord;
sampler2D _texture;
float _opacity;
struct FSOutput {vec4 _color1;};
uniform FSInput _fIn1;
varying vec4 TEX0;
void main(){
vec4 _color;
_color = texture2D(_fIn1._texture, TEX0.xy);
_color.w = _color.w*_fIn1._opacity;
gl_FragColor = _color;
// vertex shader
precision mediump float;
struct VSInput {
vec4 _position1;
vec4 _projection[4];
float _linewidth;
float _powerlevel1;
float _timeoffset;
float _displaywidth1;
struct VSOutput {vec4 _position;vec2 _texcoord;};
VSOutput _ret_0;
float _TMP1;
float _TMP0;
float _TMP7;
float _TMP6;
float _TMP5;
float _TMP4;
float _TMP3;
float _TMP2;
uniform VSInput _vIn1;
float _fraction0017;
float _fadeCurve0017;
float _spaceWarp0017;
float _mainCurve0017;
float _a0019;
float _x0021;
float _s0022;
float _c0022;
float _a0028;
float _fadeCurve0032;
float _spaceWarp0032;
float _mainCurve0032;
float _a0034;
float _x0036;
float _s0037;
float _c0037;
float _a0043;
vec2 _v0047;
vec4 _r0053;
float _val0055;
attribute vec4 POSITION;
varying vec4 TEX0;
void main(){
VSOutput _vOut;
vec4 _p0;
vec4 _p1;
vec2 _delta;
vec2 _ortho;
_fraction0017 = POSITION.x - POSITION.y;
_a0019 = _fraction0017*6.28318548E+00;
_TMP2 = cos(_a0019);
_fadeCurve0017 = -_TMP2*5.00000000E-01 + 5.00000000E-01;
_x0021 = 6.99999988E-01*_fraction0017*3.14159274E+00 + 2.04203510E+00;
_s0022 = sin(_x0021);
_c0022 = cos(_x0021);
_TMP3 = _s0022/_c0022;
_spaceWarp0017 = 1.00000000E+01*_TMP3;
_a0028 = 3.24999988E-01*_spaceWarp0017 + _vIn1._timeoffset;
_TMP4 = sin(_a0028);
_TMP5 = _fadeCurve0017/(-4.61538434E-01*(1.00000000E+00 - _fadeCurve0017) + 1.00000000E+00);
_mainCurve0017 = _TMP4*_TMP5;
_p0 = vec4(_fraction0017*_vIn1._displaywidth1, _mainCurve0017*_vIn1._powerlevel1, 0.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00);
_a0034 = POSITION.x*6.28318548E+00;
_TMP2 = cos(_a0034);
_fadeCurve0032 = -_TMP2*5.00000000E-01 + 5.00000000E-01;
_x0036 = 6.99999988E-01*POSITION.x*3.14159274E+00 + 2.04203510E+00;
_s0037 = sin(_x0036);
_c0037 = cos(_x0036);
_TMP3 = _s0037/_c0037;
_spaceWarp0032 = 1.00000000E+01*_TMP3;
_a0043 = 3.24999988E-01*_spaceWarp0032 + _vIn1._timeoffset;
_TMP4 = sin(_a0043);
_TMP5 = _fadeCurve0032/(-4.61538434E-01*(1.00000000E+00 - _fadeCurve0032) + 1.00000000E+00);
_mainCurve0032 = _TMP4*_TMP5;
_p1 = vec4(POSITION.x*_vIn1._displaywidth1, _mainCurve0032*_vIn1._powerlevel1, 0.00000000E+00, 1.00000000E+00);
_v0047 = _p1.xy - _p0.xy;
_TMP6 = dot(_v0047, _v0047);
_TMP7 = inversesqrt(_TMP6);
_delta = _TMP7*_v0047;
_ortho = vec2(-_delta.y, _delta.x)*POSITION.z;
_p1.xy = _p1.xy + _vIn1._linewidth*_ortho;
_r0053 = _p1.x*_vIn1._projection[0];
_r0053 = _r0053 + _p1.y*_vIn1._projection[1];
_r0053 = _r0053 + _p1.z*_vIn1._projection[2];
_r0053 = _r0053 + _p1.w*_vIn1._projection[3];
_val0055 = float((_ortho.y > 0.00000000E+00));
_TMP0 = _val0055 - float((_ortho.y < 0.00000000E+00));
_TMP1 = max(0.00000000E+00, _TMP0);
_vOut._texcoord = vec2(0.00000000E+00, _TMP1);
_ret_0._position = _r0053;
_ret_0._texcoord = _vOut._texcoord;
gl_Position = _r0053;
TEX0.xy = _vOut._texcoord;
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