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Last active September 19, 2024 05:26
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Example ActiveJob with RSpec Tests
class MyJob < ActiveJob::Base
queue_as :urgent
rescue_from(NoResultsError) do
retry_job wait: 5.minutes, queue: :default
def perform(*args)*args)
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe MyJob, type: :job do
include ActiveJob::TestHelper
subject(:job) { described_class.perform_later(123) }
it 'queues the job' do
expect { job }
.to change(ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter.enqueued_jobs, :size).by(1)
it 'is in urgent queue' do
expect( eq('urgent')
it 'executes perform' do
expect(MyService).to receive(:call).with(123)
perform_enqueued_jobs { job }
it 'handles no results error' do
allow(MyService).to receive(:call).and_raise(NoResultsError)
perform_enqueued_jobs do
.to receive(:retry_job).with(wait: 10.minutes, queue: :default)
after do
# As of RSpec 3.4.0 we now have #have_enqueued_job
RSpec.describe MyJob, type: :job do
subject(:job) { described_class.perform_later(key) }
let(:key) { 123 }
it 'queues the job' do
expect { job }.to have_enqueued_job(described_class)
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Updated to include RSpec 3.4.0 #have_enqueued_job

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ollie314 commented Aug 8, 2017


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jingz commented Sep 6, 2017


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gogvale commented Sep 7, 2021


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Is there a way to test that retry happened after :wait period ?

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Is there a way to test that retry happened after :wait period ?

Great question @mandarvaze! This feels like testing the internals of Rails, which I avoid to ensure I can move confidently without brittle tests. I am happy to trust that if the expected arguments are passed during the method call, the framework is doing its job as expected. If testing this is critical to your flow, maybe high-level acceptance tests are better suited. Hope this helps.

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@ChuckJHardy Thanks. It does make sense to trust the internals 😄

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chumakoff commented Feb 16, 2024

subject(:job) { described_class.perform_later(123) }

it 'queues the job' 

it 'executes perform' 

Those two specs don't test your job. They test the ActiveJob's #perform_later method, wich is pointless.

This kind of test shouldn't use the perform_enqueued_jobs method at all. It's for higher level tests.

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lortza commented Feb 26, 2024


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ToTenMilan commented May 10, 2024

subject(:job) { described_class.perform_later(123) }

it 'queues the job' 

it 'executes perform' 

Those two specs don't test your job. They test the ActiveJob's #perform_later method, wich is pointless.

This kind of test shouldn't use the perform_enqueued_jobs method at all. It's for higher level tests.

@chumakoff I think these tests are useful. Let's say I have a job like this

  def perform
    User.where(...).find_each do |user|

In the test, I want to stub the internals of UpdateSomething and I want to test whether the query is correct, so whether it calls the service for each user found by the query. executes perform does that

  before { allow_any_instance_of(UpdateSomething).to receive(:call) }

  it 'executes perform' do
    expect_any_instance_of(UpdateSomething).to receive(:call) # if I expect only one call
    perform_enqueued_jobs { job }

Thanks for the gist @ChuckJHardy

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chumakoff commented May 10, 2024

@ToTenMilan I agree with you, except the test should have a proper description.

Now the description is it 'executes perform'. It is pointless to check whether :perform_later executes :perform since it is the ActiveJob's code. A proper description would be: it 'calls a service'.

The it 'queues the job' example has both pointless description and implementation. It is not needed to check if :perform_later enqueues the job, for the same reason.

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