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  • Save Christopher-Barham-AKQA/3416726 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Christopher-Barham-AKQA/3416726 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
package com.pobox.cbarham.testhelpers;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static;
import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
* Extend me in order to test a class's functional compliance with the <code>equals</code> and <code>hashCode</code> contract.
* <p>
* Override my {@link #createInstance() createInstance} and {@link #createNotEqualInstance() createNotEqualInstance} methods to
* provide me with objects to test against. Both methods should return objects that are of the same class.
* <p>
* <b>WARNING</b>: Extend me only if your class overrides <code>equals</code> to test for equivalence. If your class's
* <code>equals</code> tests for identity or preserves the behavior from <code>Object</code>, I'm not interested, because I expect
* <code>createInstance</code> to return equivalent but distinct objects.
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(Object)
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public abstract class EqualsHashCodeTestCase {
private Object eq1;
private Object eq2;
private Object eq3;
private Object neq;
private static final int NUM_ITERATIONS = 20;
* Creates and returns an instance of the class under test.
* @return a new instance of the class under test; each object returned from this method should compare equal to each other.
* @throws Exception
protected abstract Object createInstance() throws Exception;
* Creates and returns an instance of the class under test.
* @return a new instance of the class under test; each object returned from this method should compare equal to each other, but
* not to the objects returned from {@link #createInstance() createInstance}.
* @throws Exception
protected abstract Object createNotEqualInstance() throws Exception;
* Sets up the test fixture.
* @throws Exception
public void setUp() throws Exception {
eq1 = createInstance();
eq2 = createInstance();
eq3 = createInstance();
neq = createNotEqualInstance();
// We want these assertions to yield errors, not failures.
try {
assertNotNull("createInstance() returned null", eq1);
assertNotNull("2nd createInstance() returned null", eq2);
assertNotNull("3rd createInstance() returned null", eq3);
assertNotNull("createNotEqualInstance() returned null", neq);
assertNotSame(eq1, eq2);
assertNotSame(eq1, eq3);
assertNotSame(eq1, neq);
assertNotSame(eq2, eq3);
assertNotSame(eq2, neq);
assertNotSame(eq3, neq);
assertEquals("1st and 2nd equal instances of different classes", eq1.getClass(), eq2.getClass());
assertEquals("1st and 3rd equal instances of different classes", eq1.getClass(), eq3.getClass());
assertEquals("1st equal instance and not-equal instance of different classes", eq1.getClass(), neq.getClass());
} catch (AssertionFailedError ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex.getMessage());
* Tests whether <code>equals</code> holds up against a new <code>Object</code> (should always be <code>false</code>).
public final void testEqualsAgainstNewObject() {
Object o = new Object();
assertNotEquals(o, eq1);
assertNotEquals(o, eq2);
assertNotEquals(o, eq3);
assertNotEquals(o, neq);
* Asserts that two objects are not equal. Throws an <tt>AssertionFailedError</tt> if they are equal.
public void assertNotEquals(Object expected, Object actual) {
if ((expected == null && actual == null) || (expected != null && expected.equals(actual))) {
fail("expected not equals to: <" + expected + ">");
* Tests whether <code>equals</code> holds up against <code>null</code>.
public final void testEqualsAgainstNull() {
assertThat("null vs. 1st", null, not(equalTo(eq1)));
assertThat("null vs. 2nd", null, not(equalTo(eq2)));
assertThat("null vs. 3rd", null, not(equalTo(eq3)));
assertThat("null vs. not-equal", null, not(equalTo(neq)));
* Tests whether <code>equals</code> holds up against objects that should not compare equal.
public final void testEqualsAgainstUnequalObjects() {
assertThat("1st vs. not-equal", eq1, not(equalTo(neq)));
assertThat("2nd vs. not-equal", eq2, not(equalTo(neq)));
assertThat("3rd vs. not-equal", eq3, not(equalTo(neq)));
assertThat("not-equal vs. 1st", neq, not(equalTo(eq1)));
assertThat("not-equal vs. 2nd", neq, not(equalTo(eq2)));
assertThat("not-equal vs. 3rd", neq, not(equalTo(eq3)));
* Tests whether <code>equals</code> is <em>consistent</em>.
public final void testEqualsIsConsistentAcrossInvocations() {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITERATIONS; ++i) {
* Tests whether <code>equals</code> is <em>reflexive</em>.
public final void testEqualsIsReflexive() {
assertEquals("1st equal instance", eq1, eq1);
assertEquals("2nd equal instance", eq2, eq2);
assertEquals("3rd equal instance", eq3, eq3);
assertEquals("not-equal instance", neq, neq);
* Tests whether <code>equals</code> is <em>symmetric</em> and <em>transitive</em>.
public final void testEqualsIsSymmetricAndTransitive() {
assertEquals("1st vs. 2nd", eq1, eq2);
assertEquals("2nd vs. 1st", eq2, eq1);
assertEquals("1st vs. 3rd", eq1, eq3);
assertEquals("3rd vs. 1st", eq3, eq1);
assertEquals("2nd vs. 3rd", eq2, eq3);
assertEquals("3rd vs. 2nd", eq3, eq2);
* Tests the <code>hashCode</code> contract.
public final void testHashCodeContract() {
assertEquals("1st vs. 2nd", eq1.hashCode(), eq2.hashCode());
assertEquals("1st vs. 3rd", eq1.hashCode(), eq3.hashCode());
assertEquals("2nd vs. 3rd", eq2.hashCode(), eq3.hashCode());
* Tests the consistency of <code>hashCode</code>.
public final void testHashCodeIsConsistentAcrossInvocations() {
int eq1Hash = eq1.hashCode();
int eq2Hash = eq2.hashCode();
int eq3Hash = eq3.hashCode();
int neqHash = neq.hashCode();
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITERATIONS; ++i) {
assertEquals("1st equal instance", eq1Hash, eq1.hashCode());
assertEquals("2nd equal instance", eq2Hash, eq2.hashCode());
assertEquals("3rd equal instance", eq3Hash, eq3.hashCode());
assertEquals("not-equal instance", neqHash, neq.hashCode());
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