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Created January 29, 2016 23:40
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Programmatically-generated for a "Filter" function object created w/Encapsule/arccore.filter.create factory. Document generated w/Encapsule/arctools CLI 'arc_doc_filter' script.
# Filter 'J2OZ54OMTYi1VMxI9GHQeA'
Operation: **J2OZ54OMTYi1VMxI9GHQeA**<br>
Input type: **0Eq6gktDQY5a4cneQ1siFg**<br>
Output type: **output filter disabled**<br>
Classification: **subsystem input stage**
## JSX Compiler
**Compile ReactJS JSX components into JavaScript bundles via Webpack and Babel.**
Filter 'J2OZ54OMTYi1VMxI9GHQeA' is a normalized function object constructed with the [Encapsule/arccore]( Filter Factory that implements a **subsystem input stage** operation via its `request` method.
## Request Format
Operation 'J2OZ54OMTYi1VMxI9GHQeA' is invoked via filter object method `request`.
### Input filter spec 0Eq6gktDQY5a4cneQ1siFg JSON:
"____label": "JSX Compiler Request",
"____types": "jsObject",
"projectDescriptor": {
"____label": "Project Config Descriptor (input)",
"____description": "Developer-defined project configuration descriptor object input.",
"____types": "jsObject",
"dirs": {
"____label": "Directory Paths",
"____description": "Input and output paths used by the project build and runtime.",
"____types": "jsObject",
"package": {
"____label": "Package Directory",
"____description": "Directory path that contains your package.json manifest. This directory is used as the root directory and project anchor.",
"____accept": "jsString"
"input": {
"____label": "Input Directories",
"____description": "Input directory paths.",
"____types": "jsObject",
"____defaultValue": {},
"pages": {
"____label": "Page Input Directory",
"____description": "Directory path to be used for locating sources for building pages.",
"____accept": "jsString",
"____defaultValue": "./SOURCES/pages"
"output": {
"____label": "Output Directories",
"____description": "Output directory paths.",
"____types": "jsObject",
"____defaultValue": {},
"pages": {
"____label": "Page Output Directory",
"____description": "Directory to write and serve generated pages from.",
"____accept": "jsString",
"____defaultValue": "./BUILD/pages"
"org": {
"____label": "Organization Descriptor",
"____description": "Information about your organization.",
"____types": "jsObject",
"____defaultValue": {
"name": "",
"location": "Bellevue, WA USA",
"email": ""
"name": {
"____label": "Organization Name",
"____description": "The name of your company, organization, or group.",
"____accept": "jsString"
"location": {
"____label": "Organization Location",
"____description": "The location of your organization.",
"____accept": "jsString"
"email": {
"____label": "Organization E-mail",
"____description": "Public admin contact e-mail for your organization.",
"____accept": "jsString"
"site": {
"____label": "Site Descriptor",
"____description": "Information about this specific website.",
"____types": "jsObject",
"____defaultValue": {},
"baseurl": {
"____label": "Site Base URL",
"____description": "The base URL this website will be published at.",
"____accept": "jsString",
"____defaultValue": ""
"title": {
"____label": "Site Title",
"____description": "A short site title (used in the Browser title bar)",
"____accept": "jsString",
"____defaultValue": "My Site"
"description": {
"____label": "Site Description",
"____description": "A description of this website (added to every page's meta tags).",
"____accept": "jsString",
"____defaultValue": "Please add a description of your website."
"keywords": {
"____label": "Site Keywords",
"____description": "An array of keywords germane to this website (added to every page's meta tags).",
"____types": "jsArray",
"____defaultValue": [
"keyword": {
"____label": "Site Keyword",
"____description": "A word germane to this website.",
"____accept": "jsString"
"pages": {
"____label": "Pages Map",
"____description": "A hashtable associating page aliases with page route descriptors.",
"____types": "jsObject",
"____asMap": true,
"routeDescriptor": {
"____label": "Route Descriptor",
"____description": "An object that declares meta-data required to generate and route the site's primary pages.",
"____types": "jsObject",
"title": {
"____label": "Page Title",
"____description": "A short title of the page (used in the browser title bar)",
"____accept": "jsString"
"description": {
"____label": "Page Description",
"____description": "A description of this page.",
"____accept": "jsString"
"tooltip": {
"____label": "Page Tooltip",
"____description": "A short tooltip to display when people mouse over links to this page.",
"____accept": "jsString"
"routes": {
"____label": "Routes Vector",
"____description": "An array of page route assignments.",
"____types": "jsArray",
"____defaultValue": [],
"route": {
"____label": "Route String",
"____description": "A page route assignment.",
"____accept": "jsString"
"routePeerRank": {
"____label": "Route Peer Rank",
"____description": "Order peer pages below common parent route in ascending rank order. Negative rank drops page from generated menus and sitemap.",
"____accept": "jsNumber",
"____defaultValue": 0
"routeMethods": {
"____label": "Route Methods",
"____description": "An array of HTTP methods the server should provide for this page.",
"____types": "jsArray",
"____defaultValue": [
"httpMethod": {
"____label": "HTTP Method",
"____description": "An HTTP method name.",
"____accept": "jsString",
"____inValueSet": [
"sourcesDirectory": {
"____label": "Sources Directory",
"____description": "The local filesystem directory where this page's sources are stored.",
"____accept": "jsString",
"____defaultValue": "<bad/missing pathname>"
"collections": {
"____label": "Page Collections Table",
"____description": "A map associating a page with a collection of auto-generated subpages.",
"____types": "jsObject",
"____asMap": true,
"collectionDescriptor": {
"____label": "Collection Descriptor",
"____description": "Information about the page collection.",
"____types": "jsObject",
"collectionPage": {
"____label": "Collection Page",
"____description": "The name of the page template to use to generate each subpage in the collection.",
"____accept": "jsString"
"options": {
"____label": "Webpack Config Generator Options",
"____description": "Options specific to this filter that are used to generate a Webpack configuration object.",
"____types": "jsObject",
"target": {
"____accept": "jsString",
"____inValueSet": [
"____defaultValue": "web"
"externals": {
"____label": "External Module Bundle List",
"____description": "Optional array of plain module names whose absolute paths are to be located in node_modules and bundled in the compiled output.",
"____types": [
"plainModuleName": {
"____label": "Plain Module Name",
"____description": "External module name stripped of path.",
"____accept": "jsString"
## Response Format
All filters return a normalized response object with the following pseudo-object format:
```{ error: string | null, result: variant }```
Iff response.error is null then response.result is valid. Otherwise, response.error is a string explaining what went wrong.
Iff response.error is not null (i.e. an error occurred), then response.result may contain information that's useful for fault diagnosis.
Iff no error occurred (i.e. response.error === null) then the format of response.result specified by the filter's output filter specification as detailed in the next section.
### Output filter spec output filter disabled JSON:
output filter disabled
Generated Fri Jan 29 2016 15:36:30 GMT-0800 (PST) by [Encapsule/arctools]( v0.0.6.
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