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Created June 2, 2016 13:23
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;; Toggle a counter that tracks how manny times a function is called
(defn instrument-fn [f]
(let [counter (atom 0)]
(-> (fn [& args] ;; NOTE could unroll for 1-n args for speed
(swap! counter inc)
(apply f args))
{:uninstrumented f
:counter counter}))))
(defn toggle-fn-instrumentation
(assert (fn? f) "Only fns can be instrumented")
(let [{:keys [counter uninstrumented]} (meta f)]
(if uninstrumented
(instrument-fn f))))
(defn toggle-counter [fn-var]
(alter-var-root fn-var toggle-fn-instrumentation))
(defn foo [] (println "FOO"))
(some-> foo meta :counter deref)
(toggle-counter #'foo)
(some-> foo meta :counter deref)
(dotimes [_ 5]
(some-> foo meta :counter deref)
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