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Last active May 12, 2021 11:29
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Save ChrKoenig/524485883c56602be830e642c706bba1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Function for fast spatial thinning of geographic coordinates
thin_coordinates = function(coords, threshold){
# Function for faster spatial thinning of coordinates
# coords: geographic coordinates in lon/lat format
# threshold: minimum distance between points in meters
coords_dist = geosphere::distm(coords, fun = distHaversine) # Great circle distance between points
coords_dist[upper.tri(coords_dist, diag = T)] = NA # Triangular distance matrix
coords_flagged = which(coords_dist < threshold, arr.ind=TRUE) # Two-column matrix of coordinate-pairs that are below threshold
pts_remove = c()
while(nrow(coords_flagged) > 0){
pts_count = sort(table(c(coords_flagged))) # Count number of occurrences of points in flagged coords
pts_count_max = pts_count[pts_count == max(pts_count)] # Points with most neighbors below threshold
pt_target = as.integer(sample(names(pts_count_max), 1)) # Choose one randomly
pt_ind = which(coords_flagged[,1] == pt_target | coords_flagged[,2] == pt_target) # Find all pairs that involve target point
coords_flagged = coords_flagged[-pt_ind,,drop = F] # Remove those pairs from coords_flagged
pts_remove = c(pts_remove, pt_target)
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