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Created November 24, 2021 22:49
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QOI - Quote OK Image Format (Rust Port)
const INDEX: u8 = 0x0;
const RUN_8: u8 = 0x40;
const RUN_16: u8 = 0x60;
const DIFF_8: u8 = 0x80;
const DIFF_16: u8 = 0xc0;
const DIFF_24: u8 = 0xe0;
const COLOR: u8 = 0xf0;
const MASK_2: u8 = 0xc0;
const MASK_3: u8 = 0xe0;
const MASK_4: u8 = 0xf0;
const MAGIC: [u8; 4] = [b'q', b'o', b'i', b'f'];
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Rgba {
r: u8,
g: u8,
b: u8,
a: u8,
impl Rgba {
const fn new(r: u8, g: u8, b: u8, a: u8) -> Self {
Self { r, g, b, a }
fn hash(self) -> u8 {
self.r ^ self.g ^ self.b ^ self.a
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum Channels {
Rgb = 3,
Rgba = 4,
pub fn encode(pixels: &[u8], w: usize, h: usize, channels: Channels) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
if w == 0 || h == 0 {
return None;
let num_channels = channels as usize;
let mut bytes = Vec::with_capacity(w * h * (num_channels + 1) + 16 + 4);
bytes.extend_from_slice(&(w as u16).to_le_bytes());
bytes.extend_from_slice(&(h as u16).to_le_bytes());
let size_ind = bytes.len();
bytes.extend_from_slice(&(0 as i32).to_le_bytes()); // will be set at the end
let size_end = bytes.len();
let mut index: [Rgba; 64] = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() };
let mut run: u16 = 0;
let mut px_prev = Rgba::new(0, 0, 0, 255);
let mut px = px_prev;
let px_len = w * h * num_channels;
let px_end = px_len - num_channels;
let mut px_pos = 0;
while px_pos < px_len {
unsafe {
match channels {
Channels::Rgb => {
px.r = *pixels.get_unchecked(px_pos);
px.g = *pixels.get_unchecked(px_pos + 1);
px.b = *pixels.get_unchecked(px_pos + 2);
Channels::Rgba => {
px.r = *pixels.get_unchecked(px_pos);
px.g = *pixels.get_unchecked(px_pos + 1);
px.b = *pixels.get_unchecked(px_pos + 2);
px.a = *pixels.get_unchecked(px_pos + 3);
if px == px_prev {
run += 1;
if run > 0 && (run == 0x2020 || px != px_prev || px_pos == px_end) {
if run < 33 {
run -= 1;
bytes.push(RUN_8 | (run as u8));
} else {
run -= 33;
bytes.push(RUN_16 | ((run >> 8) as u8));
bytes.push(run as u8);
run = 0;
if px != px_prev {
let index_u8 = px.hash() % 64;
let index_pos = index_u8 as usize;
if index[index_pos] == px {
bytes.push(INDEX | index_u8);
} else {
index[index_pos] = px;
let vr = px.r as i32 - px_prev.r as i32;
let vg = px.g as i32 - px_prev.g as i32;
let vb = px.b as i32 - px_prev.b as i32;
let va = px.a as i32 - px_prev.a as i32;
if vr > -16
&& vr < 17
&& vg > -16
&& vg < 17
&& vb > -16
&& vb < 17
&& va > -16
&& va < 17
if va == 0 && vr > -2 && vr < 3 && vg > -2 && vg < 3 && vb > -2 && vb < 3 {
bytes.push(DIFF_8 | ((((vr + 1) << 4) | (vg + 1) << 2 | (vb + 1)) as u8));
} else if va == 0
&& vr > -16
&& vr < 17
&& vg > -8
&& vg < 9
&& vb > -8
&& vb < 9
bytes.push(DIFF_16 | ((vr + 15) as u8));
bytes.push((((vg + 7) << 4) | (vb + 7)) as u8);
} else {
bytes.push(DIFF_24 | (((vr + 15) >> 1) as u8));
bytes.push((((vr + 15) << 7) | ((vg + 15) << 2) | ((vb + 15) >> 3)) as u8);
bytes.push((((vb + 15) << 5) | (va + 15)) as u8);
} else {
let tag = bytes.len();
if vr != 0 {
bytes[tag] |= 8;
if vg != 0 {
bytes[tag] |= 4;
if vb != 0 {
bytes[tag] |= 2;
if va != 0 {
bytes[tag] |= 1;
px_prev = px;
px_pos += num_channels;
// Mark the end of the data block with 4 empty bytes
bytes.extend_from_slice(&[0, 0, 0, 0]);
// Go back and fill the size value with the size of the data block
let size = (bytes.len() - size_end) as i32;
pub fn decode(data: &[u8], channels: Channels) -> Option<(usize, usize, Vec<u8>)> {
let full_len = data.len();
if full_len < 12 {
return None;
if &data[..4] != &MAGIC {
return None;
let mut p = 4;
let read_u8 = |p: &mut usize| {
let n = data[*p];
*p += 1;
let read_u16 = |p: &mut usize| {
let n = u16::from_le_bytes([data[*p], data[*p + 1]]);
*p += 2;
let read_i32 = |p: &mut usize| {
let n = i32::from_le_bytes([data[*p], data[*p + 1], data[*p + 2], data[*p + 3]]);
*p += 4;
let w = read_u16(&mut p) as usize;
let h = read_u16(&mut p) as usize;
let data_len = read_i32(&mut p) as usize;
if w == 0 || h == 0 || data_len + 12 != full_len {
return None;
let num_channels = channels as usize;
let px_len = w * h * num_channels;
let mut pixels = Vec::with_capacity(px_len);
let mut px = Rgba::new(0, 0, 0, 255);
let mut index: [Rgba; 64] = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() };
let mut run: u16 = 0;
let mut px_pos = 0;
while px_pos < px_len && data.len() > 0 {
if run > 0 {
run -= 1;
} else {
let b1 = read_u8(&mut p);
if (b1 & MASK_2) == INDEX {
px = index[(b1 ^ INDEX) as usize];
} else if (b1 & MASK_3) == RUN_8 {
run = (b1 & 0x1f) as u16;
} else if (b1 & MASK_3) == RUN_16 {
let b2 = read_u8(&mut p);
run = ((((b1 & 0x1f) as u16) << 8) | (b2 as u16)) + 32;
} else if (b1 & MASK_2) == DIFF_8 {
px.r = px.r.wrapping_add(((b1 >> 4) & 0x03).wrapping_sub(1));
px.g = px.g.wrapping_add(((b1 >> 2) & 0x03).wrapping_sub(1));
px.b = px.b.wrapping_add((b1 & 0x03).wrapping_sub(1));
} else if (b1 & MASK_3) == DIFF_16 {
let b2 = read_u8(&mut p);
px.r = px.r.wrapping_add((b1 & 0x1f).wrapping_sub(15));
px.g = px.g.wrapping_add((b2 >> 4).wrapping_sub(7));
px.b = px.b.wrapping_add((b2 & 0x0f).wrapping_sub(7));
} else if (b1 & MASK_4) == DIFF_24 {
let b2 = read_u8(&mut p);
let b3 = read_u8(&mut p);
px.r =
px.r.wrapping_add((((b1 & 0x0f) << 1) | (b2 >> 7)).wrapping_sub(15));
px.g = px.g.wrapping_add(((b2 & 0x7c) >> 2).wrapping_sub(15));
px.b =
px.b.wrapping_add((((b2 & 0x03) << 3) | ((b3 & 0xe0) >> 5)).wrapping_sub(15));
px.a = px.a.wrapping_add((b3 & 0x1f).wrapping_sub(15));
} else if (b1 & MASK_4) == COLOR {
if (b1 & 8) != 0 {
px.r = read_u8(&mut p);
if (b1 & 4) != 0 {
px.g = read_u8(&mut p);
if (b1 & 2) != 0 {
px.b = read_u8(&mut p);
if (b1 & 1) != 0 {
px.a = read_u8(&mut p);
index[(px.hash() % 64) as usize] = px;
match channels {
Channels::Rgb => pixels.extend_from_slice(&[px.r, px.g, px.b]),
Channels::Rgba => pixels.extend_from_slice(&[px.r, px.g, px.b, px.a]),
px_pos += num_channels;
Some((w, h, pixels))
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