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HughCharles CharlesHugh

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guweigang / git_toturial
Last active September 21, 2024 08:07
git init # 初始化本地git仓库(创建新仓库)
git config --global "xxx" # 配置用户名
git config --global "" # 配置邮件
git config --global color.ui true # git status等命令自动着色
git config --global color.status auto
git config --global color.diff auto
git config --global color.branch auto
git config --global color.interactive auto
git config --global --unset http.proxy # remove proxy configuration on git
git clone git+ssh://git@ # clone远程仓库
zhuangya / its.detect.openItunes.js
Created October 22, 2013 18:47
function (t) {
t || (t = window.location.href);
var n = its.detect.currentPageIsMacAppStore() || its.url.queryParamValue("mt", t) == "12" || t.indexOf("associateVPPUserWithITSAccount") !== -1 || t.indexOf("vpp-associate") !== -1,
r = its.detect.currentPageIsMacBookStore(),
i = !1,
n ? (i = its.detect.macAppStoreDetected(), s = "macappstore") : r && its.detect.macBookStoreDetected() ? (i = !0, s = "itms-books") : (i = its.detect.itunesDetected(), s = "itms");
if (i) {
t = t.replace(/^http/, s);
var o = t.indexOf("#");