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Last active July 17, 2019 13:32
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  • Save CermakM/e51c2fead4e97e9bf341afdad62aac18 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CermakM/e51c2fead4e97e9bf341afdad62aac18 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sort trello cards by aging class
* This is a Trello "plugin" for sorting cards by their age (using the Card Aging Trello Plugin).
* The Card Aging plugin has to be enabled.
* Usage:
* 1) Use with CJS extension
Chrome :
* 2) Go to your Trello Board and include the following loading script in the extension.
* ```
* const plugins = [
* ""
* ]
* const scripts = []
* $('.trello-root').ready(function () {
* plugins.forEach( p => {
* const script = $('<script/>', {
* id : "trello-sort-cards-by-age",
* type: "text/javascript",
* crossorigin: 'anonymous'
* })
* fetch(p)
* .then( r => r.text())
* .then( t => script.text(t))
* .then( $('body').append(script) )
* .catch(console.error)
* })
* })
* ```
* 3) Click `save` and you should be all set
* 4) [optional] Check console logs that everything went fine
console._debug = function() {console.debug("[TrelloCardAging]", ...arguments)}
var _cacheLastColumnName;
var actionListObserver,
var targetNode;
// Options for the observer (which mutations to observe)
const observerConfig = { childList: true };
* Sort Trello cards in the given column by their age
let sortTrelloCardsByAge = function(columnName) {
const cards = $(`.list-header-name:contains(${columnName})`).parent().siblings().find('.list-card')
const sortedCards = cards.sort( (c1, c2) => {
let s1 = c1.classList.toString()
let m1 = s1.match(/(?:aging-level-)(\d)/)
const ageCard1 = m1 ? Number(m1[1]) : Infinity
let s2 = c2.classList.toString()
let m2 = s2.match(/(?:aging-level-)(\d)/)
const ageCard2 = m2 ? Number(m2[1]) : Infinity
if ( ageCard1 === ageCard2 )
return 0
return ageCard1 < ageCard2 ? -1 : 1
let container = cards.parent()
console._debug(`Cards in column ${columnName} have been sorted by age.`)
* Callback for Sort By mutations
let callbackSortBy = function(mutationsList, observer) {
console._debug("Content list mutation observed.", mutationsList)
if ( $(targetNode).find('.pop-over-header-title:contains(Sort List)') ) {
const optionList = $(targetNode).find('ul.pop-over-list')
const option = $('<li/>')
.html('<a class="js-sort-card-age" href="#">Card Age</a>')
.click(() => {
// TODO: emit click to hide the menu (feels more natural)
console.debug("'Card Age' has been attached.", option)
* Callback for Action List mutations
let callbackListActions = function(mutationsList, observer) {
console._debug("Action list mutation observed.", mutationsList)
let contentNode = $(targetNode).find('div.pop-over-content').get(0)
if ( !contentNode )
try {
} catch {}
contentObserver = new MutationObserver(callbackSortBy)
contentObserver.observe(contentNode, observerConfig)
console._debug("New observer has been attached to the content list.")
console._debug("Waiting for Board to be initialized.")
$('.board').ready(function() {
$('div.list-header').each( (i, e) => {
const columnName = $(e).find('textarea.list-header-name').text()
const buttonExtras = $(e).find('a.list-header-extras-menu') () => _cacheLastColumnName = columnName )
try {
} catch {}
// Select the node that will be observed for mutations
targetNode = $('div.pop-over').get(0);
// Create an observer instance linked to the callback function
actionListObserver = new MutationObserver(callbackListActions);
// Start observing the target node for configured mutations
actionListObserver.observe(targetNode, observerConfig);
console._debug("Mutation observers has been attached.")
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