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Created October 9, 2019 13:23
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Fish script to lookup kubernetes subjects based on RBAC
# Lookup kubernetes subjects based on RBAC
# Usage:
# rbac-lookup # to list all subjects to a rolebinding or clusterrolebinding
# rbac-lookup builder # list all {role,clusterrole}bindings where builder is a subject
function rbac-lookup
if test "$argv"
kubectl get rolebindings,clusterrolebindings \
--all-namespaces \
-o custom-columns=(string join0 'KIND:kind,NAMESPACE:metadata.namespace,,SUBJECT:subjects[?("'"$argv"'")].name') | grep -v '<none>'
kubectl get rolebindings,clusterrolebindings \
--all-namespaces \
-o custom-columns='KIND:kind,NAMESPACE:metadata.namespace,,SUBJECT:subjects[].name'
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