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Sporif / userChrome.css
Last active July 21, 2024 02:38
NOTE: Doesn't work with Firefox 72+. Add userChrome.js support to Firefox with just userChrome.css. A compact version of Instead of loading userChrome.xml file it uses a data URI.
toolbarbutton#alltabs-button {
-moz-binding: url(data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,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
adamhotep / waitForKeyElements.js
Last active March 18, 2024 06:00 — forked from BrockA/waitForKeyElements.js
A utility function, for userscripts including Greasemonkey, that detects and handles AJAXed content.
/*--- waitForKeyElements(): A utility function, for Greasemonkey scripts,
that detects and handles AJAXed content.
Non-jQuery version by: Adam Katz,
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (*not* GPL-compatible)
changes made by Adam Katz (tracked by adamhotep's github gist) are
also licensed GPL v2+ (but note the CC BY-NC-SA prevents commercial use)
License via
hoppfrosch / GoToTilla.ahk
Last active October 21, 2022 03:36 — forked from budRich/GoToTilla.ahk
GoToTilla - jump to tokens within AHK sourcecode #ahk #script
GoToTilla v0.22 by hoppfrosch - Added parsing of properties (AHK > 1.1.16.*)
GoToTilla v0.21 by budRich
A combination of: GoTo by Avi Aryan
and TillaGoto by TheGood
gmvi / kicktraq_links.user.js
Last active December 19, 2015 03:59
Kicktraq Links: UserScript for adding a Kicktraq link to Kickstarter project pages.
BrockA / waitForKeyElements.js
Created May 7, 2012 04:21
A utility function, for Greasemonkey scripts, that detects and handles AJAXed content.
/*--- waitForKeyElements(): A utility function, for Greasemonkey scripts,
that detects and handles AJAXed content.
Usage example:
waitForKeyElements (
, commentCallbackFunction
endolith / AutoCorrect.ahk
Last active August 13, 2024 03:16
AutoCorrect AutoHotkey spelling script
; c = case sensitive
; c1 = ignore the case that was typed, always use the same case for output
; * = immediate change (no need for space, period, or enter)
; ? = triggered even when the character typed immediately before it is alphanumeric
; r = raw output
; 2011-03-21 and after: See
obeattie / hide-blogger-warning.user.js
Created April 11, 2010 08:39
Automatically skips the obnoxious "Content warning" on Blogger sites (only those with domains) — and doesn't require a page reload to do so. Winnah. To install using Google Chrome or Grasemonkey, click raw and you'll be prompted to install th
// ==UserScript==
// @name Blogger Content Warning Skip
// @description Automatically skips the content warning on sites without reloading the page
// @match http://**
// ==/UserScript==
var fireEvent = function(obj,evt){
var fireOnThis = obj;
if (document.createEvent) {
var evObj = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');