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Created October 8, 2018 14:03
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import scala.collection.AbstractIterator
case class Player(name: String, rank: Int)
case class Position(group: Char, index: Int, player: Player)
val 老猪 = Player("老猪", 1719)
val 邢罡 = Player("邢罡(外卡)", 1500)
val a剑 = Player("a剑", 1528)
val 阮鸣强 = Player("阮鸣强", 1478)
val 大通 = Player("大通", 1392)
val = Player("", 1429)
val 孙刚 = Player("孙刚", 1583)
val 杨海 = Player("杨海", 1623)
val 小盛 = Player("小盛", 1564)
val 曹靖 = Player("曹靖", 1725)
val 铁道部长 = Player("铁道部长", 1524)
val 戴传明 = Player("戴传明", 1400)
val 忘找羊 = Player("忘找羊(王满银)", 1554)
val 凰翩 = Player("凰翩(外卡)", 1500)
val 淋漓尽致 = Player("淋漓尽致", 1400)
val Jacky = Player("Jacky", 1408)
val 飞鱼 = Player("飞鱼(外卡)", 1500)
val 袁卫强 = Player("袁卫强", 1537)
val 冬毅 = Player("冬毅(外卡)", 1500)
val 孙飞 = Player("孙飞(外卡)", 1500)
val NAP = Player("Not A Player", 0)
val PH = Position('-', 0, NAP) // 轮空位
val players = List(
老猪, a剑, 淋漓尽致, 阮鸣强, 孙刚,
忘找羊, 袁卫强, 铁道部长, 杨海, 简,
小盛, Jacky, 戴传明, 曹靖, 冬毅,
孙飞, 凰翩, 飞鱼, 大通, 邢罡
//players.sortBy(_.rank).reverse.grouped(4) { case (four, i) => if ((i & 0x01) == 1) four.reverse else four }.toList.transpose.zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (players, i) => { case (player, j) => Position(('A'.toInt + i).toChar, j + 1, player) } }.groupBy(
def padded(players: List[Player]): List[Player] = {
val len = players.length
players.padTo(len + (4 - (len % 4)) % 4, NAP)
def to_group(players: List[Player]): Map[Char, List[Position]] = {
val sorted_by_rank = padded(players).sortBy(_.rank).reverse
val windowed_by_4 = sorted_by_rank.grouped(4)
val transposed = { case (four, i) => if ((i & 0x01) == 1) four.reverse else four }.toList.transpose
val all = for {
(ps, i) <- transposed.zipWithIndex
(p, j) <- ps.zipWithIndex if p != NAP
} yield Position(('A'.toInt + i).toChar, j + 1, p)
def beiger(player_count: Int) = new AbstractIterator[(Array[Int], Array[Int])] {
private val odd = (player_count & 0x01) == 1
private val per_round = (player_count + 1) >> 1
private val rounds = if (odd) player_count else player_count - 1
private var left = Array.range(1, per_round + 1)
private var right = Array.range(per_round + 1, player_count + 1).reverse
if (odd) right = 0 +: right
private var next_round = 1
override def hasNext = next_round <= rounds
override def next() = {
if (hasNext && next_round > 1) {
val new_left = Array.ofDim[Int](per_round)
val new_right = Array.ofDim[Int](per_round)
if ((next_round & 0x01) == 0) {
new_left(0) = right(0)
new_right(0) = right(per_round-1)
var cursor = new_right(0)
for (i <- 1 until per_round) {
cursor -= 1
if (cursor == 0) cursor = rounds
new_right(i) = cursor
cursor = new_right(0)
for (i <- 1 until per_round) {
cursor += 1
if (cursor > rounds) cursor = 1
new_left(i) = cursor
} else {
new_left(0) = right(per_round-1)
new_right(0) = left(0)
var cursor = new_left(0)
for (i <- 1 until per_round) {
cursor -= 1
if (cursor == 0) cursor = rounds
new_right(i) = cursor
cursor = new_left(0)
for (i <- 1 until per_round) {
cursor += 1
if (cursor > rounds) cursor = 1
new_left(i) = cursor
left = new_left
right = new_right
next_round += 1
(left, right)
for {
(l, r) <- beiger(8)
i <- l.indices
} {
for {
(l, r) <- beiger(7)
i <- l.indices
} {
for {
(l, r) <- beiger(5)
i <- l.indices if l(i) !=0 && r(i) !=0
} {
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