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Last active May 19, 2021 05:56
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--Audit Trail
-- SQL Query to provide detail audit trail via SQL (useful when a flowtrace can't be open)
-- SQL to get bpel ECID from ID Demande :
select ECID, ID, composite_dn
from soa_user.composite_instance
where title ='&BUSINESS_DEFINED_ID'
order by created_time desc;
--SQL to get detailed status of a bpel instance and his ECID Replace Flowtrace
fault.message Error_Message,
soa_user.composite_instance co
inner join
soa_user.cube_instance ci on co.ecid=ci.ecid
inner join
soa_user.dlv_message dm on ci.ecid=dm.ecid
inner join
soa_user.reference_instance ri on co.ecid = ri.ecid
left join
soa_user.WI_FAULT fault on fault.cikey = CI.CIKEY
order by ri.created_time desc;
-- Queries to find a specific bpel instance to avoid flowtrace
select distinct r.parent_id, ci2.title, ci2.created_time, ci.ecid
from ps6_soainfra.CUBE_INSTANCE ci
inner join ps6_soainfra.composite_instance ci2 on ci.cmpst_id =
inner join ps6_soainfra.REFERENCE_INSTANCE r on r.composite_instance_id =
where ci2.created_time > trunc(sysdate-1)
and ci.composite_name = '&CompositeName'
and ci2.title = '$Title';
-- Display the bpel instance that had a fault during the past 10 minutes
select ci.title, ci.ecid, ci.composite_dn, ci.created_time,
(SELECT count(1) FROM ps6_soainfra.REFERENCE_INSTANCE ri WHERE ri.ecid = ci.ecid and error_message is not null) +
(select count(1) from ps6_soainfra.bpel_faults_vw bf where bf.ecid = ci.ecid) as nbfaults
from ps6_soainfra.composite_instance ci
where (select count(1) from ps6_soainfra.bpel_faults_vw bf where bf.ecid = ci.ecid) !=0
and ci.created_time >= trunc(sysdate);
select ci.title, ci.ecid, ci.composite_dn, ci.created_time,
(SELECT count(1) FROM ps6_soainfra.REFERENCE_INSTANCE ri WHERE ri.ecid = ci.ecid and error_message is not null) +
(select count(1) from ps6_soainfra.bpel_faults_vw bf where bf.ecid = ci.ecid) as nbfaults
from ps6_soainfra.composite_instance ci
where (select count(1) from ps6_soainfra.bpel_faults_vw bf where bf.ecid = ci.ecid) !=0
and ci.created_time >= sysdate - 5/(24*60);
-- SQL Query to identify an audit trail being set at a wrong level in production
-- SQL to identify audit trail level issue
select count(au.cikey) NbRowAuditTrail, ci.ecid, ci.composite_name
from soa_user.audit_trail au
right join soa_user.cube_instance ci on ci.cikey=au.cikey
group by ci.ecid, ci.composite_name
order by nbrowaudittrail desc;
--e.g : SQL to identify last week audit trail level issue on a specific composite
select count(au.cikey) NbRowAuditTrail, ci.ecid, ci.composite_name
from soa_user.audit_trail au
right join soa_user.cube_instance ci on ci.cikey=au.cikey
where ci.creation_date < trunc(sysdate)-7 AND ci.composite_name='&compositeName'
group by ci.ecid, ci.composite_name
order by nbrowaudittrail desc;
--Identify bpel timer not triggered for the last 7 days
select cmp.composite_dn, wi.exp_date, wi.label, cmp.title,, ci.cikey, ci.status, cmp.state, wi.state
from soa_user.work_item wi,
soa_user.cube_instance ci,
soa_user.composite_instance cmp
where ci.cikey = wi.cikey
and = ci.cmpst_id
and nvl(exp_date,sysdate+1) < sysdate
and wi.state <= 3
and ci.state <= 3
and wi.exp_date > sysdate - 7
order by wi.exp_date desc
--List the number of currently running composite per revision and state (check if a revision still have running instances)
select ci.composite_name, ci.component_name, ci.composite_revision, count(*)
from soa_user.cube_instance ci
where ci.state <= 3
group by ci.composite_name, ci.component_name, ci.composite_revision, ci.state
order by 1,2,3
--composite list / Revision / last ended instance date :
select ci.composite_name, ci.composite_revision, ci.modify_date last_Modified_Date
from soa_user.cube_instance ci
where ci.state > 4
--and ci.modify_date < trunc(sysdate -69)
and ci.modify_date=(
select MAX(cu.modify_date)
from soa_user.cube_instance cu
where cu.composite_name=ci.composite_name
and cu.composite_revision=ci.composite_revision)
group by ci.composite_name, ci.composite_revision, ci.modify_date
order by 1,2;
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