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Created April 10, 2015 18:18
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Calculate some interesting statistics about how hard it is to prove that dice aren't the normal distribution
import Statistics.Distribution
import Statistics.Distribution.Normal
data D n = D {n :: n, s :: n}
instance Integral n => Distribution (D n) where
cumulative d x = cumulativeD d (floor x)
instance Integral n => DiscreteDistr (D n) where
probability d x = probabilityD d (fromIntegral x)
instance Integral n => MaybeMean (D n) where
maybeMean = Just . meanD
instance Integral n => Mean (D n) where
mean = meanD
meanD :: (Integral n, Fractional x) => D n -> x
meanD (D n s) = fromIntegral n * (fromIntegral s + 1)/2
varD :: (Integral n, Fractional x) => D n -> x
varD (D 1 s) = (fromIntegral s ^ 2 - 1)/12
varD (D n s) = fromIntegral n * varD (D 1 s)
rangeD :: (Integral n) => D n -> [n]
rangeD (D n s) = [n .. n * s]
-- from
coefD :: (Integral n) => D n -> n -> n
coefD (D n s) p = sum . map f $ [0 .. (p - n) `div` s]
f k = ((-1)^k) * (n `choose` k) * ((p - (s * k) - 1) `choose` (n - 1))
coefsD d = table (coefD d) (rangeD d)
probabilityD :: (Integral n, Fractional x) => D n -> n -> x
probabilityD d x = fromIntegral (coefD d x)/fromIntegral (s d^n d)
densitiesD :: (Integral n, Fractional x) => D n -> [(n, x)]
densitiesD d = table (probabilityD d) (rangeD d)
cumulativeD :: (Integral n, Fractional x) => D n -> n -> x
cumulativeD d x = sum . map snd . takeWhile ((<= x) . fst) . densitiesD $ d
distrD :: (Integral n) => D n -> NormalDistribution
distrD d = normalDistr (meanD d) (sqrt (varD d))
normalPsD d = table (cumulative nd . fromIntegral) (rangeD d)
nd = distrD d
cumsD d = table (cumulative d . fromIntegral) (rangeD d)
choose :: (Integral n) => n -> n -> n
choose n 0 = 1
choose 0 k = 0
choose n k = choose (n-1) (k-1) * n `div` k
table :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [(a, b)]
table f = map (\a -> (a, f a))
-- from
nChooseBernoulli :: Floating a => a -> a -> a -> a
nChooseBernoulli z q1 q2 = (z/(phi q2 - phi q1))^2
phi = asin . sqrt
nShowNotNormalD :: (Integral n, Real z) => z -> D n -> [(Double, Double)]
nShowNotNormalD z d@(D n s) = table f . map ((+(5/10)) . fromIntegral) $ (n - 1 : rangeD d)
f :: Double -> Double
f x = nChooseBernoulli (realToFrac z) (cumulative d x) (cumulative nd x)
nd = distrD d
printTable :: (Integral n) => D n -> IO ()
printTable d@(D n s) = do
print $ "D " ++ show (toInteger n) ++ " " ++ show (toInteger s)
let points = [o + fromIntegral x | x <- (rangeD d), o <- [0]]
nd = distrD d
printLine p = do
putStr . show . round $ p
putStr "\t"
putStr . show . cumulative d $ p
putStr "\t"
putStr . show . cumulative nd $ p
putStr "\t"
putStr . show . ceiling $ nChooseBernoulli 1 (cumulative d p) (cumulative nd p)
--putStr "\t"
--putStr . show . ceiling $ nChooseBernoulli 1 (1 - cumulative d p) (1 - cumulative nd p)
putStr "\t"
putStr . show . ceiling $ nChooseBernoulli 2 (cumulative d p) (cumulative nd p)
putStrLn ""
mapM_ printLine points
main = do
let cups = [D 1 6, D 2 6, D 3 6, D 4 6, D 6 6, D 4 3, D 8 3, D 1 20]
let stats = [
putStrLn . const "",
print . rangeD,
print . meanD,
print . varD,
print . coefsD,
print . cumsD,
print . distrD,
print . normalPsD,
-- print . nShowNotNormalD 1,
sequence_ [s c | c <- cups, s <- stats]
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