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Created August 13, 2017 02:12
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structurally correct free alternative
{-# Language GADTs #-}
{-# Language DataKinds #-}
{-# Language KindSignatures #-}
{-# Language ViewPatterns #-}
{-# Language RankNTypes #-}
{-# Language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Control.Applicative
data Alt :: (* -> *) -> * -> * where
Alt :: Alt' empty pure plus f a -> Alt f a
data AltEmpty :: (* -> *) -> * -> * where
Empty_ :: Alt' True False False f a -> AltEmpty f a
NonEmpty_ :: AltNE f a -> AltEmpty f a
data AltNE :: (* -> *) -> * -> * where
AltNE :: Alt' False pure plus f a -> AltNE f a
empty_ :: Alt' e1 p1 p2 f a -> AltEmpty f a
empty_ x@Empty = Empty_ x
empty_ x@(Pure _) = NonEmpty_ (AltNE x)
empty_ x@(Lift _) = NonEmpty_ (AltNE x)
empty_ x@(Plus _ _) = NonEmpty_ (AltNE x)
empty_ x@(Ap _ _) = NonEmpty_ (AltNE x)
-- empty pure plus
data Alt' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> (* -> *) -> * -> * where
Empty :: Alt' True False False f a
Pure :: a -> Alt' False True False f a
Lift :: f a -> Alt' False False False f a
Plus :: Alt' False pure1 False f a -> Alt' False pure2 plus2 f a -> Alt' False False True f a
-- Empty can't be to the left or right of Plus
-- empty <|> x = x
-- x <|> empty = x
-- Plus can't be to the left of Plus
-- (x <|> y) <|> z = x <|> (y <|> z)
Ap :: Alt' False False plus1 f (a -> b) -> Alt' empty False plus2 f a -> Alt' False False False f b
-- Empty can't be to the left of `Ap`
-- empty <*> f = empty
-- Pure can't be to the left or right of `Ap`
-- pure id <*> v = v
-- pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w = u <*> (v <*> w)
-- pure f <*> pure x = pure (f x)
-- u <*> pure y = pure ($ y) <*> u
instance Functor f => Functor (Alt' empty pure plus f) where
fmap _ Empty = Empty
fmap f (Pure a) = Pure (f a)
fmap f (Plus a as) = Plus (fmap f a) (fmap f as)
fmap f (Lift a) = Lift (fmap f a)
fmap f (Ap g a) = Ap (fmap (f .) g) a
instance Functor f => Functor (Alt f) where
fmap f (Alt a) = Alt (fmap f a)
instance Functor f => Applicative (Alt f) where
pure a = Alt (Pure a)
Alt Empty <*> _ = Alt Empty -- empty <*> f = empty
Alt (Pure f) <*> (Alt x) = Alt (fmap f x) -- pure f <*> x = fmap f x (free theorem)
Alt u <*> (Alt (Pure y)) = Alt (fmap ($ y) u) -- u <*> pure y = pure ($ y) <*> u
Alt f@(Lift _) <*> Alt x@Empty = Alt (Ap f x)
Alt f@(Lift _) <*> Alt x@(Lift _) = Alt (Ap f x)
Alt f@(Lift _) <*> Alt x@(Plus _ _) = Alt (Ap f x)
Alt f@(Lift _) <*> Alt x@(Ap _ _) = Alt (Ap f x)
Alt f@(Plus _ _) <*> Alt x@Empty = Alt (Ap f x)
Alt f@(Plus _ _) <*> Alt x@(Lift _) = Alt (Ap f x)
Alt f@(Plus _ _) <*> Alt x@(Plus _ _) = Alt (Ap f x)
Alt f@(Plus _ _) <*> Alt x@(Ap _ _) = Alt (Ap f x)
Alt f@(Ap _ _) <*> Alt x@Empty = Alt (Ap f x)
Alt f@(Ap _ _) <*> Alt x@(Lift _) = Alt (Ap f x)
Alt f@(Ap _ _) <*> Alt x@(Plus _ _) = Alt (Ap f x)
Alt f@(Ap _ _) <*> Alt x@(Ap _ _) = Alt (Ap f x)
instance Functor f => Alternative (Alt f) where
empty = Alt Empty
Alt Empty <|> x = x -- empty <|> x = x
x <|> Alt Empty = x -- x <|> empty = x
Alt (empty_ -> NonEmpty_ a) <|> Alt (empty_ -> NonEmpty_ b) = case a <> b of AltNE c -> Alt c
(<>) :: AltNE f a -> AltNE f a -> AltNE f a
AltNE (Plus x y) <> AltNE z = AltNE x <> (AltNE y <> AltNE z)
AltNE a@(Pure _) <> AltNE b = AltNE (Plus a b)
AltNE a@(Lift _) <> AltNE b = AltNE (Plus a b)
AltNE a@(Ap _ _) <> AltNE b = AltNE (Plus a b)
liftAlt :: f a -> Alt f a
liftAlt = Alt . Lift
runAlt' :: forall f g x empty pure plus a. Alternative g => (forall x. f x -> g x) -> Alt' empty pure plus f a -> g a
runAlt' u = go
go :: forall empty pure plus a. Alt' empty pure plus f a -> g a
go Empty = empty
go (Pure a) = pure a
go (Lift a) = u a
go (Plus x y) = go x <|> go y
go (Ap f x) = go f <*> go x
runAlt :: Alternative g => (forall x. f x -> g x) -> Alt f a -> g a
runAlt u (Alt x) = runAlt' u x
newtype FlipAp f a = FlipAp {unFlipAp :: f a}
deriving Show
instance Functor f => Functor (FlipAp f) where
fmap f (FlipAp x) = FlipAp (fmap f x)
instance Applicative f => Applicative (FlipAp f) where
pure = FlipAp . pure
(FlipAp f) <*> (FlipAp xs) = FlipAp ((flip ($) <$> xs) <*> f)
instance Alternative f => Alternative (FlipAp f) where
empty = FlipAp empty
(FlipAp a) <|> (FlipAp b) = FlipAp (a <|> b)
leftDist :: Alternative f => f (x -> y) -> f (x -> y) -> f x -> Example (f y)
leftDist a b c = [(a <|> b) <*> c, (a <*> c) <|> (b <*> c)]
rightDist :: Alternative f => f (x -> y) -> f x -> f x -> Example (f y)
rightDist a b c = [a <*> (b <|> c), (a <*> b) <|> (a <*> c)]
type Example a = [a]
ldExample1 :: Alternative f => Example (f Int)
ldExample1 = leftDist (pure (+1)) (pure (*10)) (pure 2 <|> pure 3)
rdExample1 :: Alternative f => Example (f Int)
rdExample1 = rightDist (pure (+1) <|> pure (*10)) (pure 2) (pure 3)
main = do
putStrLn "Left distributive"
print $ (map (runAlt id) ldExample1 :: Example [Int])
print $ (map (runAlt id) ldExample1 :: Example (FlipAp [] Int))
putStrLn "Right distributive"
print $ (map (runAlt id) rdExample1 :: Example [Int])
print $ (map (runAlt id) rdExample1 :: Example (FlipAp [] Int))
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