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Created April 29, 2024 13:12
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React Component Naming Conventions

Effective naming of components is important for the readability and maintainability of your code. Below are best practices for naming React components, with a focus on hierarchical relationships (parent and child components).

Best Practices

  1. Use PascalCase: All component names should be in PascalCase. For example, UserProfile.

  2. Descriptive Names: Names should clearly indicate the component's purpose without needing to look into its implementation.

  3. Reflect the Hierarchy: Component names should reflect their position within the application hierarchy if applicable.

  4. Consistency: Apply the same naming rules across all components to keep the codebase consistent.

  5. Specific Over Generic: Prefer specific names over generic ones to avoid ambiguity.


Single Component

For a standalone component that lists products:

  • Filename: ProductList.jsx
  • Component Name: ProductList

Parent and Child Components

When components have a clear hierarchical relationship, name the child component to reflect its dependency on the parent.

  • Parent Component

    • Filename: ProductList.jsx
    • Component Name: ProductList
  • Child Component

    • Filename: ProductListItem.jsx
    • Component Name: ProductListItem


In this structure:

  • ProductList is the parent container that holds multiple ProductListItem components.
  • Each ProductListItem represents a single product, making it clear that this component is a child of the ProductList.

Naming with Context

When components serve specific functions within a parent, their names should reflect their roles.

  • Search Component within a Dashboard

    • Filename: DashboardSearch.jsx
    • Component Name: DashboardSearch
  • Child Component of Dashboard for User Settings

    • Filename: DashboardUserSettings.jsx
    • Component Name: DashboardUserSettings


Use descriptive, contextual names to enhance readability and maintainability:

// In Dashboard.jsx
import DashboardSearch from './DashboardSearch';
import DashboardUserSettings from './DashboardUserSettings';

function Dashboard() {
  return (
      <DashboardSearch />
      <DashboardUserSettings />
Basic Components
  • Button: PrimaryButton, SecondaryButton
  • Input: TextInput, NumberInput
  • Modal: ConfirmationModal, UserProfileModal
List and Items
  • Parent List Component: UserList
  • Child Item Component: UserListItem
  • Specific List: ProductList, OrderList
Form Components
  • Forms: LoginForm, RegistrationForm
  • Specific Input: EmailInput, PasswordInput
  • Form Buttons: SubmitButton, CancelButton
Layout Components
  • Navigation: TopNavBar, SideMenu
  • Footer: FooterLinks, CopyrightFooter
  • Layout Wrapper: PageLayout, SectionLayout
Dashboard Components
  • Main Dashboard: AdminDashboard, UserDashboard
  • Dashboard Widgets: TrafficWidget, SalesChart
  • Control Panels: SettingsPanel, ProfilePanel
Application-Specific Components
  • For a Blog: PostEditor, CommentSection
  • For an E-commerce Site: ProductCard, CheckoutStep
  • For a Social Media App: FriendList, NewsFeed, PostCreator
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