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Carter Fendley CarterFendley

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CarterFendley /
Last active July 24, 2024 22:27
Quick notes on building Gazebo classic on MacOS

Gazebo Classic - MacOS install from source

Quick notes on installing Gazebo classic on MacOS. There are some instructions here for installing from source, however there are only extensive instructions for installing from source for Ubuntu and MacOS users are pointed towards brew formulas. These instructions are based on the brew formula which is linked to.


Install dependencies

brew install cmake pkg-config boost bullet dartsim doxygen ffmpeg freeimage graphviz gts ignition-common3 ignition-fuel-tools4 ignition-math6 ignition-msgs5 ignition-transport8 libtar ogre1.9 protobuf qt@5 qwt-qt5 sdformat9 simbody tbb tinyxml1 tinyxml2 urdfdom zeromq
CarterFendley /
Created January 8, 2023 21:34
A cli used to run python and inject kwargs. Helpful for remote exection and simple reception of key value pairs.

The following is a CLI used to be able to run a python callable on a remote machine. Its purpose is the be the recieving end of a list of key=value pairs=:) and will inject this into the **kwargs of the specified callable.

This function was used after deploying code to the remote machine and configurations had been marshalled into the form given above.

Notes on functionality

The main CLI would construct this class by passing in a subparser named run to the parser value. With the following line, this class is automatically pointing the main CLI towards the do_it function when the run subparser is used.


The error

When runing gdb pHelmIvP and then r targ_vehicle.moos I got the following error

No mission config block found for /home/moos/moos-ivp/bin/pHelmIvP

And a note that the helim is in the MALCONFIG state