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Reader monad in F#
namespace ReaderM
type ReaderM<'d,'out> =
'd -> 'out
module Reader =
// basic operations
let run dep (rm : ReaderM<_,_>) =
rm dep
let constant (c : 'c) : ReaderM<_,'c> =
fun _ -> c
// lifting of functions and state
let lift1 (f : 'd -> 'a -> 'out)
: 'a -> ReaderM<'d, 'out> =
fun a dep -> f dep a
let lift2 (f : 'd -> 'a -> 'b -> 'out)
: 'a -> 'b -> ReaderM<'d, 'out> =
fun a b dep -> f dep a b
let lift3 (f : 'd -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'out)
: 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> ReaderM<'d, 'out> =
fun a b c dep -> f dep a b c
let liftDep (proj : 'd2 -> 'd1)
(rm : ReaderM<'d1, 'output>)
: ReaderM<'d2, 'output> =
proj >> rm
// functor
let fmap (f : 'a -> 'b)
(g : 'c -> 'a)
: ('c -> 'b) =
g >> f
let map (f : 'a -> 'b)
(rm : ReaderM<'d, 'a>)
: ReaderM<'d,'b> =
rm >> f
let (<?>) = map
// applicative-functor
let apply (f : ReaderM<'d, 'a->'b>)
(rm : ReaderM<'d, 'a>)
: ReaderM<'d, 'b> =
fun dep ->
let f' = run dep f
let a = run dep rm
f' a
let (<*>) = apply
// monad
let bind (rm : ReaderM<'d, 'a>)
(f : 'a -> ReaderM<'d,'b>)
: ReaderM<'d, 'b> =
fun dep ->
f (rm dep)
|> run dep
let (>>=) = bind
type ReaderMBuilder internal () =
member __.Bind(m, f) = m >>= f
member __.Return(v) = constant v
member __.ReturnFrom(v) = v
member __.Delay(f) = f ()
let Do = ReaderMBuilder()
module Example =
open Reader
type IResources =
abstract GetString : unit -> string
let resource =
{ new IResources with
member __.GetString () = "World"
type IOutput =
abstract Print : string -> unit
let output =
{ new IOutput with
member __.Print s = printfn "%s" s
type Dependencies = IResources * IOutput
let depig = (resource, output)
let getWord =
lift1 (fun (res : IResources) -> res.GetString) ()
let print =
lift1 (fun (out : IOutput) -> out.Print)
let computation = Do {
let! text = sprintf "Hello %s" <?> liftDep fst getWord
do! liftDep snd (print text)
// sadly we have to make it into a function - value restriction :(
let computation2 =
sprintf "Hello %s" <?> liftDep fst getWord
>>= fmap (liftDep snd) print
let test() =
run depig computation
let test2() =
run depig computation2
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nkw commented Dec 22, 2015

Can you elaborate the comments "sadly we have to make it into a function - value restriction"?

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