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Too busy stack shuffling


Too busy stack shuffling
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// Prim’s MST algorithm: priority queue version
void Prim(Graph* G, int* D, int s) {
int i, v, w; // "v" is current vertex
int V[G->n()]; // V[I] stores I’s closest neighbor
DijkElem temp;
DijkElem E[G->e()]; // Heap array with lots of space
temp.distance = 0; temp.vertex = s;
E[0] = temp; // Initialize heap array
heap<DijkElem, DDComp> H(E, 1, G->e()); // Create heap
for (int i=0; i<G->n(); i++) // Initialize
# warning-ignore-all:void_assignment
# warning-ignore-all:return_value_discarded
extends Control
class_name Sequence
# todo - impelement prize screen
signal dialogue_shown()
signal option_pressed(id)
enum Commands {
__ __ _ _
| \/ | (_) (_)
| \ / | _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __ _
| |\/| | | | | '_ \ | | | '_ ` _ \ / _` |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (_| |
|_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| \__,_|
external(libc-rand -> rand [+World -- +World CInt])
external(random-seed -> random_seed [+World -- +World],
"#include <stdlib.h>"
"#include <time.h>"
extends Node
var _routing = {}
func listen_for(listener: String, message: String, callback: FuncRef, once = false) -> void:
if message in _routing:
_routing[message][listener] = { callback = callback, once = once }
_routing[message] = {listener: { callback = callback, once = once }}
Capital-EX /
Created June 9, 2024 20:48
Tuple space implementation in ~100 of GDScript
extends Node
signal send_ready
signal read_ready
enum ReadMode { Consuming, Preserving }
enum BlockingMode { NonBlocking, Blocking }
class RWComutex:
signal unlocked
fyne: context {
app: ?fyne-app
label: ?fyne-label
entry: ?fyne-entry
button: ?fyne-button
container: ?fyne-container
; If we create Fyne constructor function inside a fyne context
package main
// An attempt to figure out the minimum boilplate needed for implementing a
// widget in Ebitenui
import (
Capital-EX / game.txt
Created January 31, 2024 06:11
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Capital-EX / game.txt
Created January 30, 2024 22:08