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Created February 9, 2020 19:18
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# test previous algorithm
actuals = pd.read_csv("")
DELTA = 0.1
def survival_function(t, lambda_=50., rho=1.5):
# Assume simple Weibull model
return np.exp(-(t/lambda_) ** rho)
def w(t1, t2):
# equal to Pr(X = t1)
return survival_function(t1) / (survival_function(t1) + survival_function(t2))
def determine_best_action(current_position, t1, t2):
p1 = w(t1, t2) * (1-survival_function(t1 + DELTA) / survival_function(t1))
p2 = (1-w(t1, t2)) * (1-survival_function(t2 + DELTA) / survival_function(t2))
if current_position == 1:
if p1 > p2/max(t2, 1):
return 1
return 2
if p1/max(t1, 1) > p2:
return 1
return 2
def minimum_time_needed(actual_direction, actual_tau):
explored = [0.00, 0.00]
time = 0.00
# choose 1 initially
current_position = 1
explored[current_position-1] += DELTA
while True:
previous_position = current_position
choice = determine_best_action(current_position, *explored)
if choice == 1:
current_position = 1
current_position = 2
explored[current_position-1] += DELTA
if previous_position != current_position:
# skip ahead to new region
time += explored[current_position-1]
time += DELTA
if explored[int(actual_direction)] >= actual_tau:
return time
actuals['time_spent'] = actuals.apply(lambda s: minimum_time_needed(s['direction'], s['tau']) , axis=1)
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