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Created January 3, 2023 04:00
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// 转换数字为中文大写
// 比如:123456789.12 转换为 壹亿贰仟叁佰肆拾伍万陆仟柒佰捌拾玖元壹角贰分
String convertNumberToChinese(double number) {
final numberText = number.toStringAsFixed(2);
final numberTextList = numberText.split('.');
final integerText = numberTextList[0];
final decimalText = numberTextList[1];
final integerTextList = integerText.split('');
final decimalTextList = decimalText.split('');
final integerTextListLength = integerTextList.length;
final decimalTextListLength = decimalTextList.length;
final integerTextListChinese = <String>[];
final decimalTextListChinese = <String>[];
final integerTextListChineseMap = {
'0': '零',
'1': '壹',
'2': '贰',
'3': '叁',
'4': '肆',
'5': '伍',
'6': '陆',
'7': '柒',
'8': '捌',
'9': '玖',
final decimalTextListChineseMap = {
'0': '零',
'1': '壹',
'2': '贰',
'3': '叁',
'4': '肆',
'5': '伍',
'6': '陆',
'7': '柒',
'8': '捌',
'9': '玖',
final integerTextListChineseUnitMap = {
0: '元',
1: '拾',
2: '佰',
3: '仟',
4: '万',
5: '拾',
6: '佰',
7: '仟',
8: '亿',
9: '拾',
10: '佰',
11: '仟',
12: '万',
13: '拾',
14: '佰',
15: '仟',
16: '亿',
17: '拾',
18: '佰',
19: '仟',
20: '万',
21: '拾',
22: '佰',
23: '仟',
24: '亿',
final decimalTextListChineseUnitMap = {
0: '角',
1: '分',
for (var i = 0; i < integerTextListLength; i++) {
final integerTextListChineseItem =
final integerTextListChineseUnitItem =
integerTextListChineseUnitMap[integerTextListLength - i - 1];
.add(integerTextListChineseItem! + integerTextListChineseUnitItem!);
for (var i = 0; i < decimalTextListLength; i++) {
final decimalTextListChineseItem =
final decimalTextListChineseUnitItem = decimalTextListChineseUnitMap[i];
.add(decimalTextListChineseItem! + decimalTextListChineseUnitItem!);
final integerTextListChineseString = integerTextListChinese.join('');
final decimalTextListChineseString = decimalTextListChinese.join('');
final numberChinese =
integerTextListChineseString + decimalTextListChineseString;
return numberChinese;
void main(List<String> args) {
final number = 123456789.12;
final numberChinese = convertNumberToChinese(number);
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