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Last active August 14, 2024 14:43
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5g Modeling Templates
// Base Template
/* FUNCTION NAME: <enter name here>λ
DESCRIPTION:*//**<this comment displays in name manager>*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
<changed> <your name> <what changed>
BaseTemplateλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter Declarations
[Argument1], // All arguments must have [ ]
[Argument2], // Add as many arguments as needed.
// Help
"FUNCTION: →FunctionNameλ( Argument1, Argument2, [Argument3])¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Copy description from comment block at top.¶" &
"VERSION: →copy date from last revision in REVISIONS¶" &
"Argument1 →(Required) Description of required argument1¶" &
"Argument2 →(Required) Description of required argument2¶" &
"Argument3 →(Optional) Description of optional argument3 with what default is¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (ID is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"→=ID.FunctionNameλ( 123, 456)",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( Argument1),
ISOMITTED( Argument2 )
// Set internal named constants if needed
// Set defaults for optional arguments if needed
Argument3, IF( ISOMITTED( Argument3), 0, Argument3),
// Procedure starts here
Result, Argument1 + Argument2 - Argument3, // Last Formula line goes here
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
// Stacker Template
/* FUNCTION NAME: <enter name here>λ
DESCRIPTION:*//**<this comment displays in name manager>*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
<changed> <your name> <what changed>
StackerTemplateλ = LAMBDA( //Change this name
// Parameter Declarations
[Argument1], // All arguments must have [ ] - For this template assume this is the opening amount
[Argument2], // Add as many arguments as needed.
// Help
"FUNCTION: →FunctionNameλ( Argument1, Argument2, [Argument3])¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Copy description from comment block at top.¶" &
"VERSION: →copy date from last revision in REVISIONS¶" &
"Argument1 →(Required) Description of required argument1¶" &
"Argument2 →(Required) Description of required argument2¶" &
"Argument3 →(Optional) Description of optional argument3 with what default is¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (ID is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"→=ID.FunctionNameλ( 123, 456)",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( Argument1), //In this example, Argument1 is an opening balance
ISOMITTED( Argument2 ) //In this example, Argument2 is an array to be processed
// Set internal named constants if needed
// Set defaults for optional arguments if needed
Argument3, IF( ISOMITTED( Argument3), 0, Argument3),
// Calculate things that only need to be calculated once here
// Procedure
Result, REDUCE( Argument1, SEQUENCE( , <number of columns goes here>) ,
LAMBDA( Accumulator, n,
// Individual Values out of arrays
Opening, TAKE( Accumulator, -1, -1),
_Argument2, INDEX( Argument2, n),
// Calculations
Calculation, Opening * _Argument2, //Replace this
Closing, Opening + Calculation, //Replace this
// Formatting the result
Stack, VSTACK(
// Result
Result, IF( n = 1,
IF( Help?, Help, Result)
// Circularity Template
/* FUNCTION NAME: <enter name here>λ
DESCRIPTION:*//**<this comment displays in name manager>*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
<changed> <your name> <what changed>
AverageBalanceInterestλ = LAMBDA( //Change this name
// Parameter Declarations
[CashBeforeInt], // Add as many arguments as needed.
[BeginningDebt], // All arguments must have [ ]
[InterestRate], // Change these names to suit
// Help
"FUNCTION: →FunctionNameλ( Argument1, Argument2, [Argument3])¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Copy description from comment block at top.¶" &
"VERSION: →copy date from last revision in REVISIONS¶" &
"Argument1 →(Required) Description of required argument1¶" &
"Argument2 →(Required) Description of required argument2¶" &
"Argument3 →(Optional) Description of optional argument3 with what default is¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (ID is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"→=ID.FunctionNameλ( 123, 456)",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( CashBeforeInt), //Change this to match argument 1's name
ISOMITTED( BeginningDebt), //Change this to match argument 2's name
ISOMITTED( InterestRate ) //Change this to match argument 3's name
// Set internal named constants if needed
// Set defaults for optional arguments if needed
// Iterative function definition (fn) - Change the parameters and LET() statement to suit
Iterate, LAMBDA( fn, CashBeforeInt, BeginningDebt, InterestRate, AverageDebt,
LET(Interest, AverageDebt * InterestRate,
CFADS, CashBeforeInt - Interest,
EndingDebt, BeginningDebt - CFADS,
AverageDebt, Average( BeginningDebt, EndingDebt),
Delta, ABS( Interest - (AverageDebt * InterestRate)),
Result, IF( Delta < 0.01,
fn( fn,
CashBeforeInt, BeginningDebt, InterestRate, AverageDebt
// Procedure - Change parameters to suit
Result, Iterate( Iterate, CashBeforeInt, BeginningDebt, InterestRate, 0),
// Return result or Help
CHOOSE( Help? + 1, Result, Help)
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