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5g Functions for Financial Ratios
/* Module Contains a library of Financial Ratios */
DESCRIPTION:*//**Displays the URL to this module's Gist which includes documentation*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
Aboutλ = TRIM(
"About: →A library of Financial Ratios¶" &
"Version: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"Gist URL: → ¶" &
"Website: →<coming soon> ¶" &
"Notes: →Sources include, Corporate Finance and¶" &
"→Copyright applies to LAMBDA coding¶" &
"→¶" &
"Function →Description¶" &
"Aboutλ →Produces this table¶" &
"→¶" &
"Liquidity Ratios→¶" &
"CurrentRatioλ →Measures ability to pay short-term obligations¶" &
"QuickRatioλ →Measures ability to meet short-term obligations¶" &
"CashRatioλ →Evaluates ability to repay short-term debt w/cash or near-cash resources¶" &
"OperatingCashFlowRatioλ →Measures how readily current liabilities are covered by cash flows generated from operations. ¶" &
"ReceivablesTurnoverRatioλ →Indicates effectiveness in collecting outstanding balances from clients and managing line of credit process¶" &
"InventoryTurnoverRatioλ →Shows how many times a company turned over its inventory relative to its cost of goods sold¶" &
"WorkingCapitalTurnoverRatioλ→Working Capital Turnover Ratio measures how efficiently a company is using its working capital to support sales and growth¶" &
"→¶" &
"Leverage Ratios→¶" &
"DebtRatioλ →Measures the extent of a company's leverage¶" &
"DSCRλ →Debt service coverage Ratio measures a firm’s available cash flow to pay its current debt obligations¶" &
"DebtToCapitalRatioλ →Gives analysts and investors a better idea of a company's financial structure and whether or not the company is a suitable investment¶" &
"EquityMultiplierλ →Measures the portion of a company’s assets financed by shareholders'equity rather than by debt¶" &
"→¶" &
"Solvency Ratios→¶" &
"DebtToEquityRatioλ →Measures the degree to which a company is financing operations with debt rather than its own resources.¶" &
"DebtToAssetRatioλ →Analysts can compare one company's leverage with that of other companies in the same industry.¶" &
"InterestCoverageRatioλ →Determines how easily a company can pay interest on its outstanding debt¶" &
"EquityRatioλ →Measures the long-term solvency of a company by comparing its shareholders’ equity to its total assets¶" &
"→¶" &
"Efficiency Ratios→¶" &
"AssetTurnoverRatioλ →Measures the value of a company's sales or revenues relative to the value of its assets.¶" &
"DSIRatioλ →Days Sales in Inventory Ratio (aka Average age of inventory indicates the average time in days that a company takes to turn its inventory¶" &
"OperatingRatioλ →Shows how efficient management is at keeping costs low while generating revenue¶" &
"→¶" &
"Profitability Margins & Ratios→¶" &
"GrossMarginλ →Shows how much profit a company makes after paying off its Cost of Goods Sold¶" &
"EBITDAMarginλ →Measures a company's operating profit as a percentage of its revenue¶" &
"OperatingMarginλ →Measures how much profit a company makes on a dollar of sales after paying for variable costs of production, such as wages and raw materials, but before paying interest or tax¶" &
"PretaxMarginλ →Measures the operating efficiency of a company ¶" &
"NetProfitMarginλ →Measures how much net income or profit a company generates as a percentage of its revenue.¶" &
"CashFlowMarginλ →Cash Flow Margin is a trusted metric of a company’s profitability and efficiency and its earnings quality¶" &
"ROAλ →*Return on Assets Indicates how profitable a company is in relation to its total assets¶" &
"ROEλ →*Return on equity is a measure of financial performance ¶" &
"ROIλ →Return on Investment ratio measures the profitability of an investment by comparing the gain or loss to its cost¶" &
"ROICλ →Return on Invested capital assesses a company’s efficiency in allocating capital to profitable investments¶" &
"→¶" &
"Market Value Ratios→¶" &
"PriceEarningsRatioλ →*Price-earnings Ratio measures a company's share price relative to its earnings per share¶" &
"PriceToBookRatioλ →Many investors use the price-to-book ratio (P/B ratio) to compare a firm's market capitalization to its book value and locate undervalued companies.¶" &
"PriceToSalesRatioλ →Price to Sales (P/S) Ratio is an indicator of the value that financial markets have placed on each dollar of a company's sales or revenues¶" &
"PriceToCashRatioλ →Price to Cash (P/CF) Ratio is a stock valuation indicator or multiple that measures the value of a stock’s price relative to its operating cash flow per share¶" &
"BVPSλ →Book value per share ratio is an indicator of the value of a company’s stock¶" &
"CAPERatioλ →Measure that uses real earnings per share (EPS) over a 10-year period to smooth out fluctuations in corporate profits that occur over different periods of a business cycle (aka Shiller PE Ratio)¶" &
"DividendPayoutRatioλ →Dividend Payout Ratio is the percentage of earnings paid to shareholders via dividends¶" &
"DividendYieldRatioλ →Dividend yield ratio shows how much a company pays out in dividends¶" &
"EPSλ →Earnings per share measures profitability indicating how much profit each outstanding share of common stock has earned ¶" &
"RetentionRatioλ →Retention Ratio is the proportion of earnings kept back in the business as retained earnings¶" &
"→¶" &
"* →These are considered 'Key Ratios'¶" &
"→", "→", "¶"
/* FUNCTION NAME: CurrentRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Measures a company’s ability to pay short-term obligations (Current Assets/Liabilities)*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
CurrentRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →CurrentRatioλ( Assets, Liabilites)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Measures a company’s ability to pay short-term obligations ¶" &
"→(Current Assets/Liabilities)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"Assets →(Required) Current Assets. Incluces: ¶" &
"→Cash ¶" &
"→Accounts receivable ¶" &
"→Inventory ¶" &
"→Vendor mpm-trade receovables ¶" &
"→Assets expected to liquidated in the current year ¶" &
"→Marketable securities ¶" &
"→Property, Plant and equipment (PPE) ¶" &
"→Marketable securities ¶" &
"→Assets expected to liquidated in the current year ¶" &
"Liabilites →(Required) Current Liabilites. Includes: ¶" &
"→Accounts payable ¶" &
"→Wages ¶" &
"→Taxes payable ¶" &
"→Short-term debts ¶" &
"→Current portion of long-term debt ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"1.075 →=BXR.CurrentRatioλ( 134.836, 125.481)",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( Assets),
ISOMITTED( Liabilites )
// Procedure
Result, Assets/Liabilites,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: QuickRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Measures ability to meet short-term obligations (Quick Assets/Current Liabilities)*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
QuickRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →QuickRatioλ( LiquidAssets, Liabilites)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Measures ability to meet short-term obligations¶" &
"→(Quick Assets/Current Liabilities)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"QuickAssets →(Required) Quick Assets. Includes: ¶" &
"→• Cash & Cash equivalents ¶" &
"→• Marketable securities ¶" &
"→• Accounts receivable ¶" &
"→Alterantively it includes: ¶" &
"→• Current assets ¶" &
"→• Less inventory ¶" &
"→• Less prepaid expenses ¶" &
"Liabilites →(Required) Current Liabilites. Includes: ¶" &
"→Accounts payable ¶" &
"→Wages ¶" &
"→Taxes payable ¶" &
"→Short-term debts ¶" &
"→Current portion of long-term debt ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"1.2 →=BXR.QuickRatioλ( 165000, 137500)",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( QuickAssets),
ISOMITTED( Liabilites )
// Procedure
Result, QuickAssets/Liabilites,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: CashRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Evaluates ability to repay short-term debt w/cash or near-cash resources
(Cash and Cash Equivalents / Current Liabilities)*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
CashRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →CashRatioλ( Cash, Liabilites)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Evaluates ability to repay short-term debt w/cash or near-cash resources" &
"→(Cash and Cash Equivalents / Current Liabilities)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"Cash →(Required) Cash and Cash Equivalents¶" &
"Liabilites →(Required) Current Liabilites. Includes: ¶" &
"→Accounts payable ¶" &
"→Wages ¶" &
"→Taxes payable ¶" &
"→Short-term debts ¶" &
"→Current portion of long-term debt ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
".517409 →=BXR.CashRatioλ( 63900000, 123500000)",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( Cash),
ISOMITTED( Liabilites )
// Procedure
Result, Cash/Liabilites,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: OperatingCashFlowRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Measures a company’s ability to pay short-term obligations*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
OperatingCashFlowRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →OperatingCashFlowRatioλ( OperatingCashFlow, Liabilites)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Measures how readily current liabilities are covered by cash flows generated from operations.¶" &
"→(OperatingCashFlow/Liabilites)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"OperatingCashFlow →(Required) Operating cash flow. ¶" &
"→Indirect method includes: ¶" &
"→• Net Income ¶" &
"→• Plus depreciation and amortization ¶" &
"→• Less increase in net working capital ¶" &
"→Direct method includes: ¶" &
"→• Cash revenue ¶" &
"→• Less Operating expenses paid in cash¶" &
"Liabilites →(Required) Current Liabilites. Includes: ¶" &
"→Accounts payable ¶" &
"→Wages ¶" &
"→Taxes payable ¶" &
"→Short-term debts ¶" &
"→Current portion of long-term debt ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"0.35871 →=BXR.OperatingCashFlowRatioλ( 27.8, 77.5)",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( OperatingCashFlow),
ISOMITTED( Liabilites )
// Procedure
Result, OperatingCashFlow/Liabilites,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: ReceivablesTurnoverRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Indicates effectiveness in collecting outstanding balances from clients and
managing line of credit process (Net Credit Sales/Average Accounts Receivable) */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
ReceivablesTurnoverRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →ReceivablesTurnoverRatioλ( NetCreditSales, AverageAccountsReceivable)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Indicates effectiveness in collecting outstanding balances from clients and ¶" &
"→managing line of credit process (Net Credit Sales/Average Accounts Receivable)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"NetCreditSales →(Required) Net Credit Sales. Amount of revenue earned by a company paid via credit¶" &
"AverageAccountsReceivable→(Required) Average Accounts Receivable. Average of period opening and closing balance¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"11.76471 →=BXR.ReceivablesTurnoverRatioλ( 800000, 68000 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( NetCreditSales),
ISOMITTED( AverageAccountsReceivable)
// Procedure
Result, NetCreditSales/AverageAccountsReceivable,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: InventoryTurnoverRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Shows how many times a company turned over its inventory relative
to its cost of goods sold (COGS) (COGS/Average Inventory) */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
InventoryTurnoverRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter DeclaRations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →InventoryTurnoverRatioλ( CostOfGoodsSold, AverageInventory)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Shows how many times a company turned over its inventory relative ¶" &
"→to its cost of goods sold (COGS) (COGS/Average Inventory)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"CostOfGoodsSold →(Required) Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) which can include:¶" &
"→Office supply costs¶" &
"→Rent and utility expenses¶" &
"→Repair and maintenance costs¶" &
"→Salary and wage expenses¶" &
"AverageInventory →(Required) Average of period open and close inventory ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"8.461538 →=BXR.InventoryTurnoverRatioλ( 429, 50.7)",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( CostOfGoodsSold),
ISOMITTED( AverageInventory)
// Procedure
Result, CostOfGoodsSold/AverageInventory,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: WorkingCapitalTurnoverRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Working Capital Turnover Ratio measures how efficiently a company is using its working
capital to support sales and growth (Net Annual Sales/Average Working Capital). */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
WorkingCapitalTurnoverRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter DeclaRations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →WorkingCapitalTurnoverRatioλ( CostOfGoodsSold, AverageInventory)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Working Capital Turnover Ratio measures how efficiently a company ¶" &
"→is using its working capital to support sales and growth ¶" &
"→(Net Annual Sales/Average Working Capital). ¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"NetAnnualSales →(Required) Net Annual Sales can include:¶" &
"→Gross sales¶" &
"→Less returns¶" &
"→Less allowances¶" &
"→Less discounts¶" &
"WorkingCapital →(Required) Average of period open and close current assts less curren liabilities.¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"6.0 →=BXR.WorkingCapitalTurnoverRatioλ( 12.0, 2.0)",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( NetAnnualSales),
ISOMITTED( WorkingCapital)
// Procedure
Result, NetAnnualSales/WorkingCapital,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
// Leverage Ratios (aka Solvency Ratios)
/* FUNCTION NAME: DebtRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Measures the extent of a company’s leverage */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
DebtRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter DeclaRations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →DebtRatioλ( TotalDebt, TotalAssets)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Measures the extent of a company’s leverage (TotalDebt/TotalAssets)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"TotalDebt →(Required) Total Debt ¶" &
"TotalAssets →(Required) Total Assets ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
".3 →=BXR.DebtRatioλ(30.0, 100.0)",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( TotalDebt),
ISOMITTED( TotalAssets)
// Procedure
Result, TotalDebt/TotalAssets,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
DESCRIPTION:*//**Debt service coverage Ratio measures a firm’s available cash flow to pay its
current debt obligations(Net Operating Income/Total Debt Service) */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
// Parameter DeclaRations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →DSCRλ( NetOperatingIncome, Totaldebtservice)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Measures a firm’s available cash flow to pay its current debt obligations¶" &
"→(Net Operating Income/Total Debt Service)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"NetOperatingIncome →(Required) Revenue - Certain Operating Expenses¶" &
"TotaldebtService →(Required) Interest * (1-Tax Rate), principal, sinking fund,¶" &
"→and lease payments due in the coming year¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"6.142857 →=BXR.DSCRλ(2150.0, 350.0)",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( NetOperatingIncome),
ISOMITTED( Totaldebtservice)
// Procedure
Result, NetOperatingIncome/TotalDebtService,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: DebtToCapitalRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Gives analysts and investors a better idea of a company's financial structure
and whether or not the company is a suitable investment (Debt/(Debt + Shareholders' equity) */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
DebtToCapitalRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter DeclaRations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →DebtToCapitalRatioλ( Debt, ShareholdersEquity)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Gives analysts and investors a better idea of a company's financial structure¶" &
"→and whether or not the company is a suitable investment.¶" &
"→(Debt/(Debt + Shareholders' equity)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"Debt →(Required) Total Debt which can include: ¶" &
"→Notes payable¶" &
"→Bonds payable¶" &
"→Long-term liabilities¶" &
"ShareholdersEquity →(Required) Shareholders' Equity (total assets - total liabilities) ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"26.4% →=BXR.DebtToCapitalRatioλ( 80.0, 223.0 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( Debt),
ISOMITTED( ShareholdersEquity)
// Procedure
Result, Debt/(Debt+ShareholdersEquity),
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: EquityMultiplierλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Measures the portion of a company’s assets financed by shareholders'
equity rather than by debt (TotalAssets/TotalShareholdersEquity) */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
EquityMultiplierλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter DeclaRations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →EquityMultiplierλ( TotalAssets, TotalShareholdersEquity)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Measures the portion of a company’s assets financed by shareholders' ¶" &
"→equity rather than by debt (TotalAssets/TotalShareholdersEquity)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"TotalAssets →(Required) Both current and long-term assets¶" &
"ShareholdersEquity →(Required) Shareholders' Equity (total assets - total liabilities) ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"4.40625 →=BXR.EquityMultiplierλ(366.6, 83.2 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( TotalAssets),
ISOMITTED( TotalShareholdersEquity)
// Procedure
Result, TotalAssets/TotalShareholdersEquity,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
// Solvency Ratios
/* FUNCTION NAME: DebtToEquityRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Measures the degree to which a company is financing operations
with debt rather than its own resources. (Total Liabilities/Shareholders' Equity) */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
DebtToEquityRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter DeclaRations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →DebtToEquityRatioλ( TotalLiabilities, ShareholdersEquity)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Measures the degree to which a company is financing operations¶" &
"→with debt rather than its own resources. (Total Liabilities/Shareholders' Equity)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"TotalLiabilities →(Required) Total Liabilities¶" &
"ShareholdersEquity →(Required) Shareholders' Equity (total assets - total liabilities) ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"3.77 →=BXR.DebtToEquityRatioλ(279.0, 74.0 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( TotalLiabilities),
ISOMITTED( ShareholdersEquity),
// Procedure
Result, TotalLiabilities/ShareholdersEquity,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: DebtToAssetRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Analysts can compare one company's leverage with that of other
companies in the same industry. (Total Debt/Total Assets) */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
DebtToAssetRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter DeclaRations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →DebtToAssetRatioλ( TotalDebt, TotalAssets)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Analysts can compare one company's leverage with that of other y¶" &
"→companies in the same industry (Total Debt/Total Assets)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"TotalDebt →(Required) Total debt includes shortterm and longterm debt¶" &
"TotalAssets →(Required) Shareholders' Equity (total assets - total liabilities) ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
".49873 →=BXR.DebtToAssetRatioλ(31.845, 63.852 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( TotalDebt),
ISOMITTED( TotalAssets)
// Procedure
Result, TotalDebt /TotalAssets,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: InterestCoverateRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Determines how easily a company can pay interest on its outstanding debt
(Operating Income/Interest Expenses) */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
InterestCoverageRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter DeclaRations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →InterestCoverageRatioλ( OperatingIncome, InterestExpenses)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Determines how easily a company can pay interest on its outstanding debt¶" &
"→(Operating Income/Interest Expenses)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"OperatingIncome →(Required) Operating Income (EBIT) ¶" &
"InterestExpenses →(Required) Interest Expense ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"6.944444 →=BXR.InterestCoverageRatioλ( 625.0, 90.0 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( OperatingIncome),
ISOMITTED( InterestExpenses)
// Procedure
Result, OperatingIncome/InterestExpenses,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: EquityRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Measures the long-term solvency of a company by comparing its shareholders’ equity to its
total assets (Shareholder's Equity/(Total Assets - Intangible Assets)). */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
EquityRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter DeclaRations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →InterestCoverageRatioλ( ShareholdersEquity, TotalAssets, IntangibleAssets)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Measures the long-term solvency of a company by comparing its shareholders’ ¶" &
"→equity to its total assets (Shareholder's Equity/(Total Assets - Intangible Assets))¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"OperatingIncome →(Required) Operating Income (EBIT) ¶" &
"InterestExpenses →(Required) Interest Expense ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"40% →=BXR.EquityRatioλ( 20.0, 60.0, 10.0 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( ShareholdersEquity),
ISOMITTED( TotalAssets),
ISOMITTED( IntangibleAssets)
// Procedure
Result, ShareholdersEquity/(TotalAssets - IntangibleAssets),
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
// Efficiency Ratios
/* FUNCTION NAME: AssetTurnoverRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Measures the value of a company's sales or revenues relative to the value of its assets.
(Net Sales/Total Assets)*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
AssetTurnoverRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter DeclaRations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →AssetTurnoverRatioλ( NetSales, TotalAssets)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Measures the value of a company's sales or revenues relative to the value of its assets.¶" &
"→(Net Sales/Total Assets)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"NetSales →(Required) revenue or net sales. ¶" &
"TotalAssets →(Required) Average of Assets and period start and end.¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
".32x →=BXR.AssetTurnoverRatioλ( 171760, 538715 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( NetSales),
ISOMITTED( TotalAssets)
// Procedure
Result, NetSales/TotalAssets,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
DESCRIPTION:*//**Days Sales in Inventory Ratio (aka Average age of inventory
indicates the average time in days that a company takes to turn its inventory
(Average Inventory/ Cost of Goods Sold) */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
// Parameter DeclaRations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →DSIλ( AverageInventory, CostOfGoodsSold)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Days Sales in Inventory Ratio (aka Average age of inventory)¶" &
"→indicates the average time in days that a company takes to turn its inventory¶" &
"→(Average Inventory/ Cost of Goods Sold)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"AverageInventory→ (Required) Average of period open and close Inventory¶" &
"CostOfGoodsSold→ (Required) Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"40.8949 days →=BXR.DSIλ(54.9, 490 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( AverageInventory),
ISOMITTED( CostOfGoodsSold)
// Constants
DpY, 365, //Days per Year
// Procedure
Result, AverageInventory/CostOfGoodsSold * DpY,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: OperatingRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Shows how efficient management is at keeping costs low while generating revenue
(Operating Expenses + Cost Of Goods Sold)/Net Sales)*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
OperatingRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter DeclaRations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →OperatingRatioλ( OperatingExpenses, CostOfGoodsSold, NetSales)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Shows how efficient management is at keeping costs low ¶" &
"→while generating revenue¶" &
"→(Operating Expenses + Cost Of Goods Sold)/Net Sales)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"OperatingExpenses →(Required) Operating Expenses which can include:¶" &
"→Accounting and legal fees¶" &
"→Bank charges¶" &
"→Sales and marketing costs¶" &
"→Non-capitalized research¶" &
"→development (R&D) expenses¶" &
"→Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)¶" &
"CostOfGoodsSold →(Required) Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) which can include:¶" &
"→Office supply costs¶" &
"→Rent and utility expenses¶" &
"→Repair and maintenance costs¶" &
"→Salary and wage expenses¶" &
"NetSales →(Required) Net Sales or Revenue.¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"69% →=BXR.OperatingRatioλ( 14.37, 48.48, 90.75 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( OperatingExpenses),
ISOMITTED( CostOfGoodsSold),
// Procedure
Result, (OperatingExpenses+CostOfGoodsSold)/NetSales,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
// Profitability Margins and Ratios
/* FUNCTION NAME: GrossMarginλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Shows how much profit a company makes after paying off its Cost of Goods Sold */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
GrossMarginλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →GrossMarginλ( GrossProfit, NetSales)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Shows how much profit a company makes after paying off its Cost of Goods Sold (COGS).¶" &
"→(Gross Profit/Net Sales)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"GrossProfit →(Required) Gross Profit¶" &
"NetSales →(Required) Net Sales or Revenue¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"61.7448% →=BXR.GrossMarginλ( 62.984, 102.007 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( GrossProfit),
// Procedure
Result, GrossProfit/NetSales,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
DESCRIPTION:*//**Measures a company's operating profit as a percentage of its revenue (EBITDA/Total Revenue).*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →EBITDAMarginλ( EBITDA, TotalRevenue)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Measures a company's operating profit as a percentage of its revenue.¶" &
"→(EBITDA/Total Revenue)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"EBITDA →(Required) Earnings Before Interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization¶" &
"TotalRevenue →(Required) Total Revenue¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"12% →=BXR.EBITDAMarginλ( 15.0, 125.0 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
ISOMITTED( TotalRevenue)
// Procedure
Result, EBITDA/TotalRevenue,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: OperatingMarginλ
DESCRIPTION:*//** Measures how much profit a company makes on a dollar of sales after paying for variable costs
of production, such as wages and raw materials, but before paying interest or tax (Operating Earnings/Revenue).*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
OperatingMarginλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →OperatingMarginλ( OperatingEarnings, Revenue)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Measures how much profit a company makes on a dollar of sales after paying¶" &
"→for variable costs of production, such as wages and raw materials, but ¶" &
"→before paying interest or tax (Operating Earnings/Revenue).¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"OperatingEarnings →(Required) Earnings Before Interest and tax (EBIT) which is revenue - COGS¶" &
"Revenue →(Required) Revenue¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"40% →=BXR.OperatingMarginλ( .8, 2.0 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( OperatingEarnings),
// Procedure
Result, OperatingEarnings/Revenue,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: PretaxMarginλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Measures the operating efficiency of a company (Pretax Earnings/Revenue).*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
PretaxMarginλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →PretaxMarginλ( PretaxEarnings, Revenue)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Measures the operating efficiency of a company (Pretax Earnings/Revenue).¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"PretaxEarnings →(Required) Earnings before tax (EBT)¶" &
"Revenue →(Required) Revenue¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"8% →=BXR.PretaxMarginλ( 40.0, 500.0 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( PretaxEarnings),
// Procedure
Result, PretaxEarnings/Revenue,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: NetProfitMarginλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Measures how much net income or profit a company generates as a percentage of its revenue.
(Net Income/Revenue).*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
NetProfitMarginλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →NetProfitMarginλ( NetIncome, Revenue)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Measures how much net income or profit a company generates as a ¶" &
"→percentage of its revenue. (Net Income/Revenue)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"NetIncome →(Required) Net Income includes:¶" &
"→Revenue¶" &
"→Less COGS¶" &
"→Less Operating and other expenses¶" &
"→Less Interest¶" &
"→Less Taxes¶" &
"Revenue →(Required) Revenue¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"56% →=BXR.NetProfitMarginλ( 56.0, 100.0 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( NetIncome),
// Procedure
Result, NetIncome/Revenue,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: CashFlowMarginλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Cash Flow Margin is a trusted metric of a company’s profitability and efficiency
and its earnings quality (Cash Flow From Operating Activities/Revenue).*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
CashFlowMarginλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →CashFlowMarginλ( NetIncome, Revenue)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Cash Flow Margin is a trusted metric of a company’s profitability ¶" &
"→and efficiency and its earnings quality ¶" &
"→(Cash Flow From Operating Activities/Revenue).¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"CashFlowFromOperatingActivities→(Required) Cash Flow From Operating Activities includes:¶" &
"→Net Income¶" &
"→Non-cash Expenses (Depreciation and Amortization)¶" &
"→Change in Working Capital¶" &
"Revenue →(Required) Revenue¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"50.8% →=BXR.CashFlowMarginλ( 2.695, 5.3 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( CashFlowFromOperatingActivities),
// Procedure
Result, CashFlowFromOperatingActivities/Revenue,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
DESCRIPTION:*//**Return on assets (ROA) ratio indicates how profitable a company is
in relation to its total assets ( Net Income / Total Assets) */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →ROAλ( NetIncome, TotalAssets)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Return on assets ratio indicates how profitable a company is ¶" &
"→in relation to its total assets ( Net Income / Total Assets)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"NetIncome →(Required) Net Income¶" &
"TotalAssets →(Required) Total Assets¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"8% →=BXR.ROAλ(1200, 15000 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( NetIncome),
ISOMITTED( TotalAssets)
// Procedure
Result, NetIncome/TotalAssets,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
DESCRIPTION:*//**Return on equity (ROE) ratio is a measure of financial performance (Net Income/Shareholders Equity)*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →ROEλ( NetIncome, ShareholdersEquity)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Return on equity ratio is considered a gauge of a corporation's ¶" &
"→profitability and how efficient it is in generating profits¶" &
"→(Net Income/ Average Shareholders' Equity)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"NetIncome →(Required) Net Income¶" &
"ShareholdersEquity →(Required) Average Shareholders' Equity from period open and close ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"23.6213% →=BXR.ROEλ( 59.972, AVERAGE(251.635, 256.144) )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( NetIncome),
ISOMITTED( ShareholdersEquity)
// Procedure
Result, NetIncome/ShareholdersEquity,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
DESCRIPTION:*//**Return on Investment (ROI) ratio measures the profitability of an investment by comparing
the gain or loss to its cost (Net Return on Investment/Cost of Investment).*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →ROIλ( NetReturnonInvestment, CostofInvestment)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Return on Investment (ROI) ratio measures the profitability of¶" &
"→an investment by comparing the gain or loss to its cost. ¶" &
"→(Net Return on Investment/Cost of Investment)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"NetReturnonInvestment →(Required) Net Return on Investment is the ¶" &
"→final value of investment - initial value of investment¶" &
"CostofInvestment →(Required) Cost of Investment ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"28.75% →=BXR.ROIλ( 2875, 10000 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( NetReturnonInvestment),
ISOMITTED( CostofInvestment)
// Procedure
Result, NetReturnonInvestment/CostofInvestment,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
DESCRIPTION:*//**Return on Invested capital assesses a company’s efficiency in allocating
capital to profitable investments (Net Operating Profit After Tax/Invested Capital) */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →ROICλ( NetOperatingProfitAfterTax, InvestedCapital)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Return on Invested capital assesses a company’s efficiency in allocating ¶" &
"→capital to profitable investments (Net Operating Profit After Tax/Invested Capital)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"NetOperatingProfitAfterTax→(Required) Net Operating profit after Tax [ operating profit x (1 - effective tax rate) ].¶" &
"InvestedCapital→(Required) Invested Capital (Debt + Equity).¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"12.6122% →=BXR.ROICλ( 3245, 25729 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( NetOperatingProfitAfterTax),
ISOMITTED( InvestedCapital)
// Procedure
Result, NetOperatingProfitAfterTax/InvestedCapital,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
// Market Value Ratios
/* FUNCTION NAME: PriceEarningsRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Price-earnings Ratio measures a company's share price relative to
its earnings per share (Share Price/Earnings Per Share).*/
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
PriceEarningsRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →PriceEarningsRatioλ( SharePrice, EarningsPerShare)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Price-earnings Ratio measures a company's share price relative to ¶" &
"→its earnings per share (Share Price/Earnings Per Share).¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"SharePrice →(Required) Share Price (Market Value Per Share) ¶" &
"EarningsPerShare →(Required) Earnings Per Share¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"14.39881 →=BXR.PriceEarningsRatioλ( 242.62, 16.85)",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( SharePrice),
ISOMITTED( EarningsPerShare)
// Procedure
Result, SharePrice/EarningsPerShare,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: PriceToBookRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Many investors use the price-to-book ratio (P/B ratio) to compare a firm's market
capitalization to its book value and locate undervalued companies. */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
PriceToBookRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →PriceToBookRatioλ( MarketPricePerShare, BookValuePerShareBvps)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Many investors use the price-to-book ratio (P/B ratio) to compare a ¶" &
"→firm's market capitalization to its book value and locate undervalued companies.¶" &
"→(Market Price Per Share/Book Value Per Share)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"MarketPricePerShare→(Required) Market Price Per Share (Current market price of the share)¶" &
"BookValuePerShare →(Required) Book Value Per share ¶" &
"→(Total assets - intangible assets - total liabilities) ÷ number of outstanding shares ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"2.0 →=BXR.PriceToBookRatioλ( 5, 2.50 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( MarketPricePerShare),
ISOMITTED( BookValuePerShare)
// Procedure
Result, MarketPricePerShare/BookValuePerShare,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: PriceToSalesRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Price to Sales (P/S) Ratio is an indicator of the value that financial markets have
placed on each dollar of a company's sales or revenues (Market Price Per Share/Sales Per Share). */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
PriceToSalesRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →PriceToSalesRatioλ( MarketPricePerShare, SalesPerShare)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Price to Sales (P/S) Ratio is an indicator of the value that financial markets have¶" &
"→placed on each dollar of a company's sales or revenues (Market Price Per Share/Sales Per Share).¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"MarketPricePerShare→(Required) Market Price Per Share (Current market price of the share)¶" &
"SalesPerShare →(Required) Annual Sales Per Share (Revenue prior 12 months) ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"4.55 →=BXR.PriceToSalesRatioλ( 455.0, 100.0 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( MarketPricePerShare),
ISOMITTED( SalesPerShare)
// Procedure
Result, MarketPricePerShare/SalesPerShare,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: PriceToCashsRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Price to Cash (P/CF) Ratio is a stock valuation indicator or multiple that measures
the value of a stock’s price relative to its operating cash flow per share
(Market Price Per Share/Operating Cash Flow Per Share). */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
PriceToCashRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →PriceToCashRatioλ( MarketPricePerShare, SalesPerShare)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Price to Cash (P/CF) Ratio is a stock valuation indicator or multiple that ¶" &
"→measures the value of a stock’s price relative to its operating cash flow ¶" &
"→per share (Market Price Per Share/Operating Cash Flow Per Share).¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"MarketPricePerShare→(Required) Market Price Per Share (Current market price of the share)¶" &
"OperatingCashFlowPerShare→(Required) Operating Cash Flow for prior 12 months/Shares outstanding ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"2 →=BXR.PriceToCashRatioλ( 200.0, 100.0 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( MarketPricePerShare),
ISOMITTED( OperatingCashFlowPerShare)
// Procedure
Result, MarketPricePerShare/OperatingCashFlowPerShare,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
DESCRIPTION:*//**Book value per share ratio is an indicator of the value of a company’s stock
(Shareholders' Equity - Preferred Stock)/Average Shares Outstanding) */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
// Parameter Declarations
[PreferredStock] ,
// Help
"FUNCTION: →BVPSλ( ShareholdersEquity, PreferredStock, AverageSharesOutstanding )¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Book value per share ratio is an indicator of the value of a company’s stock¶" &
"→(Shareholders' Equity - Preferred Stock)/Average Shares Outstanding)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"ShareholdersEquity →(Required) Shareholders' Equity (total assets - total liabilities) ¶" &
"PreferredStock →(Required) Preferred Stock (securities that represent ownership in a corporation).¶" &
"AverageSharesOutstanding→(Required) Average Shares Out Standing ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"5 →=BXR.BVPSλ(20.0, 5.0, AVERAGE( 2.9, 3.1) )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( ShareholdersEquity),
ISOMITTED( AverageSharesOutstanding)
// Procedure
Result, (ShareholdersEquity - PreferredStock)/AverageSharesOutstanding,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
DESCRIPTION:*//**CAPE Ratio is a valuation measure that uses real earnings per share (EPS) over a 10-year period
to smooth out fluctuations in corporate profits that occur over different periods of a business
cycle (aka Shiller PE Ratio) (Share Price/Ten Year Average Earnings Inflation Adjusted) */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →CAPERatioλ( SharePrice, TenYearAverageEarningsInflationAdjusted )¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →CAPE Ratio is a valuation measure that uses real earnings per share (EPS) over a 10-year period ¶" &
"→to smooth out fluctuations in corporate profits that occur over different periods of a business ¶" &
"→cycle (aka Shiller PE Ratio) (Share Price/Ten Year Average Earnings Inflation Adjusted)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"SharePrice →(Required) Current stock price ¶" &
"TenYearAverageEarningsInflationAdjusted→(Required) Average earnings per share for 10 years adjusted for inflation ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"10 →=BXR.CAPERatioλ( 100.0, 10.0 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( SharePrice),
ISOMITTED( TenYearAverageEarningsInflationAdjusted)
// Procedure
Result, SharePrice/TenYearAverageEarningsInflationAdjusted,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
DESCRIPTION:*//**Dividend Payout Ratio is the percentage of earnings paid to shareholders via dividends
(DividendsPaid/NetIncome) */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →DPRλ( DividendsPaid, NetIncome )¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Dividend Payout Ratio is the percentage of earnings paid to shareholders via dividends¶" &
"→(DividendsPaid/NetIncome)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"DividendsPaid →(Required) Dividends paid ¶" &
"NetIncome →(Required) Net Income¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"25% →=BXR.DPRλ( 5.0, 20.0 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( DividendsPaid),
// Procedure
Result, DividendsPaid/NetIncome,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: DividendYieldRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Dividend yield ratio shows how much a company pays out in dividends
each year relative to its stock price (Annual Dividends Pe rShare/Share Price) */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
DividendYieldRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →DividendYieldRatioλ( AnnualDividendsPerShare, SharePrice)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Dividend yield ratio shows how much a company pays out in dividends ¶" &
"→each year relative to its stock price (Annual Dividends Pe rShare/Share Price)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"AnnualDividendsPerShare→(Required) Annual Dividends Per Share ¶" &
"SharePrice →(Required) Market value per share ¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"2.6667% →=BXR.DividendYieldRatioλ( 1.2, 45 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( AnnualDividendsPerShare),
ISOMITTED( SharePrice)
// Procedure
Result, AnnualDividendsPerShare/SharePrice,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
DESCRIPTION:*//**Earnings per share measures profitability indicating how much profit each
outstanding share of common stock has earned
(Net Income - Preferred Dividends)/End Of Period Common Shares Outstanding) */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →EPSλ( NetIncome, PreferredDividends, EndOfPeriodCommonSharesOutstanding)¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Earnings per share measures profitability indicating how much profit each ¶" &
"→outstanding share of common stock has earned ¶" &
"→(Net Income - Preferred Dividends)/End Of Period Common Shares Outstanding)¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"NetIncome →(Required) Net Income ¶" &
"PreferredDividends →(Required) Dividends paid on prefered stock¶" &
"EndOfPeriodCommonSharesOutstanding→(Required) End of Periods Common Shares outstanding or ¶" &
"→Weighted average number of shares outstanding¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"1.909548 →=BXR.EPSλ( 7.6, 0, 3.98 )",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( NetIncome),
ISOMITTED( PreferredDividends),
ISOMITTED( EndOfPeriodCommonSharesOutstanding)
// Procedure
Result, (NetIncome-PreferredDividends)/EndOfPeriodCommonSharesOutstanding,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
/* FUNCTION NAME: RetentionRatioλ
DESCRIPTION:*//**Retention Ratio is the proportion of earnings kept back in the
business as retained earnings (Retained Earnings/Net Income). */
/* REVISIONS: Date Developer Description
Jun 27 2024 Craig Hatmaker Copyright
RetentionRatioλ = LAMBDA(
// Parameter Declarations
// Help
"FUNCTION: →RetentionRatioλ( RetainedEarnings, NetIncome )¶" &
"DESCRIPTION: →Retention Ratio is the proportion of earnings kept back in the ¶" &
"→business as retained earnings (Retained Earnings/Net Income).¶" &
"WEBPAGE: → ¶" &
"VERSION: →Jun 27 2024¶" &
"RetainedEarnings →(Required) Retained Earnings (Net Income - paid dividends)¶" &
"NetIncome →(Required) Net Income¶" &
"EXAMPLES: →Formula (BXR is assumed to be the module's name)¶" &
"189.9% →=BXR.RetentionRatioλ( 41.981, 22.112)",
"→", "¶" )
// Check inputs - Omitted required arguments (do not include optional arguments)
Help?, OR( ISOMITTED( RetainedEarnings),
// Procedure
Result, RetainedEarnings/NetIncome,
// Return Result
CHOOSE(Help? + 1, Result, Help)
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