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Last active September 30, 2019 16:10
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LicensePlist がiOS 13.1.1でクラッシュする問題
import Foundation
import LoggerAPI
struct LicensePlistHolder {
let root: Data
let items: [(LicenseInfo, Data)]
static func load(licenses: [LicenseInfo], options: Options) -> LicensePlistHolder {
var rootItems: [[String: String]] = { license in
return ["Type": "PSChildPaneSpecifier",
"Title": options.config.addVersionNumbers),
"File": "\(options.prefix)/\("]
rootItems.insert(["Type": "PSGroupSpecifier", "Title": "Licenses"], at: 0)
let root = try! ["PreferenceSpecifiers": rootItems],
format: .xml,
options: 0)
let items: [(LicenseInfo, Data)] = { license in
let item = ["PreferenceSpecifiers": [["Type": "PSGroupSpecifier", "FooterText": license.body]]]
let value = try! item, format: .xml, options: 0)
return (license, value)
return LicensePlistHolder(root: root, items: items)
func deserialized() -> (root: [String: [[String: String]]], items: [(LicenseInfo, [String: [[String: String]]])]) {
let root = try! PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: self.root, options: [], format: nil) as! [String: [[String: String]]]
let items: [(LicenseInfo, [String: [[String: String]]])] = { license, data in
let value = try! PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: data, options: [], format: nil) as! [String: [[String: String]]]
return (license, value)
return (root: root, items: items)
func write(to rootPath: URL, itemsPath: URL) {
do {
try root.write(to: rootPath)
try items.forEach {
try $0.1.write(to: itemsPath.appendingPathComponent("\($"))
} catch let e {
Log.error("Failed to write to (rootPath: \(rootPath), itemsPath: \(itemsPath)).\nerror: \(e)")
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