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Created April 26, 2023 05:40
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another coercion sketch
use std::future::Future;
use std::convert::Infallible;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Coercion<T: ?Sized, U: ?Sized>(fn(*mut T) -> *mut U);
impl<T: ?Sized, U: ?Sized> Coercion<T, U> {
pub unsafe fn new(f: fn(*mut T) -> *mut U) -> Self {
pub fn apply(self, ptr: *mut T) -> *mut U {
pub unsafe trait Pointer: Sized {
type Pointee: ?Sized;
type Smarts;
fn into_split_ptr(this: Self) -> (*mut Self::Pointee, Self::Smarts);
unsafe fn from_split_ptr(ptr: *mut Self::Pointee, smarts: Self::Smarts) -> Self;
fn into_raw_ptr(this: Self) -> *mut Self::Pointee
Self: Pointer<Smarts = ()>,
let (ptr, ()) = Self::into_split_ptr(this);
unsafe fn from_raw_ptr(ptr: *mut Self::Pointee) -> Self
Self::Smarts: Default,
Self::from_split_ptr(ptr, Default::default())
pub unsafe trait Coerce<Output>: Pointer
Output: Coerce<Output> + Pointer<Smarts = Self::Smarts>,
fn coerce(self) -> Output
Coercion<Self::Pointee, Output::Pointee>: Default,
fn coerce_with(self, f: Coercion<Self::Pointee, Output::Pointee>) -> Output {
unsafe {
let (ptr, smarts) = Self::into_split_ptr(self);
let ptr = f.apply(ptr);
Pointer::from_split_ptr(ptr, smarts)
macro_rules! Coercion {
($T:ty as $U:ty) => {
unsafe { $crate::Coercion::<$T, $U>::new(|ptr| ptr) }
(as $Ty:ty) => {
$crate::Coercion! { _ as $Ty }
() => {
$crate::Coercion! { as _ }
macro_rules! make_coercible {
(for[$($For:tt)*] $T:ty as $U:ty $(where $($Where:tt)*)?) => {
impl <$($For)*>
for $crate::Coercion<$T, $U>
$(where $($Where)*)?
fn default() -> Self {
$crate::Coercion!($T as $U)
($T:ty as $U:ty $(where $($Where:tt)*)?) => {
$crate::make_coercible! { for[] $T as $U $(where $($Where)*)? }
make_coercible!(for[T: ?Sized] T as T);
make_coercible!(for[T, const N: usize] [T; N] as [T]);
make_coercible!(for['a, F] F as dyn Future<Output = F::Output> + 'a where F: Future + 'a);
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized> Pointer for Box<T> {
type Pointee = T;
type Smarts = WithoutPtr<Box<Infallible>>;
fn into_split_ptr(this: Self) -> (*mut Self::Pointee, Self::Smarts) {
(Box::into_raw(this), WithoutPtr(()))
unsafe fn from_split_ptr(ptr: *mut Self::Pointee, WithoutPtr(()): Self::Smarts) -> Self {
impl<T: ?Sized> sealed::WithoutPtr for Box<T> {
type WithoutPtr = ();
mod sealed {
pub trait WithoutPtr {
type WithoutPtr;
pub struct WithoutPtr<P: sealed::WithoutPtr>(P::WithoutPtr);
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