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Last active September 4, 2024 02:47
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Collapsible Gravity Form Sections
This JS creates collapsible Gravity Form sections breaks
1 - Within the Gravity form, you must add the class collapsible to each section break.
2 - All fields within those section breaks must have the class collapsible_field
3 - You must include both the CSS and the JS
Original code by:
Improved by:
Further improvement by me!
jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
var $ = jQuery();
var section = [];
var new_div;
// go through all the Gravity Forms fields
jQuery('.gfield').each( function() {
// if the field is a section create a new array for fields and a new container to append the fields
if ( jQuery(this).hasClass('gsection collapsible') ) {
if ( section.length > 0 ) {
section = [];
new_div = jQuery('<div class="m_section"></div>');
} else {
// check if the field is the the kind you want to use for the accordion
if ( jQuery(this).hasClass('collapsible_field') ) {
// if it's the first element add a custom text to the section name
if ( section.length == 0 ) {
jQuery(this).prevAll(".gsection:first").find('.gsection_title').append(' <span class="m_expand"><span class="m_expand_text"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i></span><span class="m_collapse_text"><i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i></span></span>');
// add the field to the section array for reference
// move the field in the container for the section
if ( new_div ) {
// add the section click behavior
jQuery('.gsection.collapsible').click(function(e) {
console.log('hit me!');
if ( jQuery(this).next().is(':visible') ) {
// hide all sections
//Otherwise, hide any visible content areas and display the clicked section
} else {
// toggle the text
// hide all sections
// show the content in the .m_section
// toggle the text
// Scroll to the section
var target = jQuery(this);
jQuery('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: target.offset().top}, 500);
// hide all section containers on first run, can be replaced by a css rule
// On the form submit, expand collapsed sections if there is a Gravity validation error message displayed.
jQuery(document).on('gform_post_render', function(){
jQuery('.m_section').each(function(i) {
// For pre Gravity Forms 2.5, use 'validation_message'
if (jQuery(this).children().find('.gfield_validation_message').length !== 0) {
.m_collapse_text, .show_collapse .m_expand_text, .m_section{
display: none;
.show_collapse .m_collapse_text {
display: inline;
.m_section {
grid-column: 1/-1;
span.m_expand span i {
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 24px;
vertical-align: top;
margin-left: 10px;
i.fa.fa-chevron-down:before {
content: "+";
i.fa.fa-chevron-up:before {
content: "-";
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Hi Bruce

I created a section break in the gravity form and add in "collapsible" in the custom CSS class and for the fields under this section I have put the "collapsible_field" in the field custom CSS class. However, when I preview the form, the section did not collapse.

Did I miss out something?

I appreciate your reply and help.





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Hi Angela.

I've made a couple of improvements to suit the latest version of Gravity forms. And I've published a test form at:

If your form is still not working, make sure you check the browser developer console to see if there are any JS errors appearing on the page.

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wallydomingo commented Dec 14, 2021

Thanks!...but it doesn't work :/

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Hi Bruce

I have managed to get it working. Is there a way to highlight the collapsed section if there is an error in the gravity form field submission. Now, the user will need to expand all the collapsed sections to find out which field gives the error.



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Hey Angela.

You can do this. I've updated the JS file to include a short function that used the Gravity Forms gform_post_render() function. This triggers when you submit the form. The JS then looks for any validation error messages and expands the appropriate section.

The validation is all done within Gravity Forms (eg, required fields or phone numbers that match a particular format), so you'll need to set that up within the form itself.

Cheers, Bruce.

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HI Bruce

Thanks for the speedy response. Where can I find the short function that used the Gravity Forms gform_post_render() function. Is this function going to be in the Wordpress Theme file.


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Hi Bruce

I found the function and will test it out.



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Hi Bruce

I have used the new JS codes and the icon is now showing as "+" instead of the "down" icon.

When I expand the "+" to fill the fields, it will show as "<". I have left some compulsory fields empty to test if the sections are expanded, there is no expansion of the sections. All the sections still showed as "+". However, there is a message at the form - "There was a problem with your submission. Errors have been highlighted below.".

Not sure if I have missed out anything.

Appreciate if you could advise.






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odil-io commented Dec 21, 2021

At the moment, the section do expand when submitting the form.
Screenshot 2021-12-21 at 14 08 18

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@AngelaP09 - There was a mistake on line 83 - the code has been updated.

@odil-io - All of the fields of the form are now required, including the State / Province / Region field.

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Hi Bruce

I updated the code but it still didn't expand the whole section where there is error. All the sections are shown collapsed. There is a message "There was a problem with your submission. Errors have been highlighted below." at the top of the form.



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@AngelaP09 - Have a look at to see it working.

If you are getting different results, then re-check the JS code and also the developer console of your browser to identify any JS errors.

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Hi Bruce

The url is working. It expands all the sections where there is error.

Is the form used a gravity form?

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@AngelaP09 - yes it is. Latest Gravity Forms. And this code will only work with Gravity Forms as it targets GF specific features.

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Hi Bruce

Do I need to do any coding for the function "gform_post_render" before the display of the required fields will show?



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@AngelaP09 - No you just make sure that JS function is being loaded onto the page. Make sure you CTRL-SHIFT-R in your browser to clear its cache - it may be holding an old version of the JS file. Maybe re-copy the entire JS code if it's doing weird things and there are no dev console errors.

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Hi Bruce

It seems like there is no "gfield_validation_message' when I viewed the page source for the form. I am using Edge browser.

This is what is shown on the page source:

This field is required.

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That's a bit weird. You could try changing line 81 from:

if (jQuery(this).children().find('.gfield_validation_message').length !== 0) {


if (jQuery(this).children().find('.validation_message').length !== 0) {

Both classes are applied with validation messages appear in the form.

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Hi Bruce

I just tested the form on the latest gravity form 2.5 and the sections are expanded when there is any error. But for my production server on GF 2.4.23, the codes do not work as there is no "gfield_validation_message".

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Hi Bruce

I tried the change to "if (jQuery(this).children().find('.validation_message').length !== 0) {" for the GF 2.4.23. It didn't work.

I suppose it works only if it detects the "gfield_validation_message" which is only shown for GF 2.5.

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Hi Bruce,
Thank you very much for providing this code, it saved me so much time on a rather lengthy form, and as it was for a charity I needed to keep costs down so no paid for plugins.

I do have one query though is it possible to scroll the user to the top of the section when it is opened, I'm finding at the moment that when a user completes a section and then clicks on the next one to open if the second section is longer than the first the browser window stays in the same position and essentially looks like it has scrolled to a certain point on the new section.

Thank you

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Hi @Sibbo100

This is fairly easy to do - have a look at lines 72-74 in the JS code. This will scroll the section to the top of the page when you click on it.


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when we use ajax on the form submission, that m_section is getting removed. do we have any solution for this?

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Frykky commented Feb 21, 2024

Hi, is this code still valid?

I tried it but it doesn't seem to work even in the test link


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Hi, is this code still valid?

I tried it but it doesn't seem to work even in the test link


Hi. My apologies - I updated the theme file and it wiped out the enqueuing of the js and css files. It's working now. :)

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