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Created March 12, 2019 09:52
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Prevent grant accounts on Google Ads from underspending by activating extra keywords when the account is below budget.
* This tool prevents your account from underspending by enabling a set of
* labeled keywords when the account's spending is below budget.
* If the account begins to spend over budget, these keywords are paused.
function main() {
/////////////// Options /////////////////
var extraKeywordsLabel = "inefficient";
// The label you use for your extra keywords.
var monthlyBudget = 10000;
// The account's monthly budget in whole units (pounds, dollars, etc).
var tolerance = 0.05;
// The proportion above or below budget the account should be before extra keywords are enabled or paused.
// 0.05 allows the account to be 5% above or below budget without changes being made.
var emails = [];
// Email addresses to receive notifications.
// Emails should be in double quotes and comma separated, eg
// ["", ""]
// Set to [] if you do not wish to receive emails.
var errorSubject = "Error in underspending script";
// The subject line to use for error emails.
var hourlyTargets = {
"0": 0.04,
"1": 0.08,
"2": 0.12,
"3": 0.16,
"4": 0.20,
"5": 0.25,
"6": 0.29,
"7": 0.33,
"8": 0.37,
"9": 0.41,
"10": 0.45,
"11": 0.50,
"12": 0.54,
"13": 0.58,
"14": 0.62,
"15": 0.66,
"16": 0.70,
"17": 0.75,
"18": 0.79,
"19": 0.83,
"20": 0.87,
"21": 0.91,
"22": 0.95,
"23": 1.00
// The proportion of the budget that should have been spent by the end of each hour.
// The values are cummulative, Start: 00:00-00:59; end: 23:00-23:59.
// The default values give a linear spread of ad spend throughout the day.
////////////// End of Options /////////////////
try {
var today = new Date();
var timeZone = AdsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone();
if (getHours(today, timeZone) == 0) {
changeKeywordsStatus(extraKeywordsLabel, "PAUSED", emails, null, null);
Logger.log("Keywords with label " + extraKeywordsLabel + " paused because it's the beginning of the day");
var budget = getDailyBudget(today, timeZone, monthlyBudget);
var targetProportion = getTargetSpendProportion(hourlyTargets, today, timeZone);
var currentProportion = getCurrentSpendProportion(budget);
Logger.log("Current spend is " + (currentProportion*100) + "% of the budget, target spend is " + (targetProportion*100) + "%");
if (currentProportion > targetProportion + tolerance) {
Logger.log("Keywords with label " + extraKeywordsLabel + " will be paused");
changeKeywordsStatus(extraKeywordsLabel, "PAUSED", emails, targetProportion, currentProportion);
} else if (currentProportion < targetProportion - tolerance) {
Logger.log("Keywords with label " + extraKeywordsLabel + " will be enabled");
changeKeywordsStatus(extraKeywordsLabel, "ENABLED", emails, targetProportion, currentProportion);
} else {
Logger.log("Spending is within an acceptable range. No actions.");
} catch (e) {
var message = "Exception on line " + e.lineNumber + ": " + e.message;
var recipients = emails.join();
if (recipients !== "") {
MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, errorSubject, message);
throw new Error(message);
function changeKeywordsStatus(label, newStatus, emails, targetProportion, currentProportion) {
var changed = false;
var keywords = AdsApp.keywords()
.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ALL ['" + label + "']")
if (keywords.totalNumEntities() === 0) {
throw new Error("No keywords were found with the label " + label);
while(keywords.hasNext()) {
var keyword =;
if (newStatus === "PAUSED") {
changed = pauseKeyword(keyword);
} else if (newStatus === "ENABLED") {
changed = enableKeyword(keyword);
var recipients = emails.join();
if (changed === true && recipients !== "") {
if (targetProportion === null) {
"Keywords " + newStatus.toLowerCase() + " in your account",
"Keywords with label " + label + " have been " + newStatus.toLowerCase()
+ " as it is the start of the day."
} else {
var percentagePointsDifference = (targetProportion - currentProportion) * 100;
percentagePointsDifference = percentagePointsDifference.toFixed(1);
var subject = "Keywords " + newStatus.toLowerCase() + " in your account";
var message = "Your account has spent " + (currentProportion*100) + "% of its budget.\nThis is ";
if (percentagePointsDifference > 0) {
message += percentagePointsDifference + " percentage points below ";
} else {
message += (percentagePointsDifference*-1) + " percentage points above ";
message += " the target of " + (targetProportion*100) + "%\n"
+ "Keywords with label " + label + " have been " + newStatus.toLowerCase() + ".\n";
MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, subject, message);
function enableKeyword(keyword) {
if (keyword.isPaused()) {
return true;
return false;
function pauseKeyword(keyword) {
if (keyword.isEnabled()) {
return true;
return false;
function getDailyBudget(date, timeZone, monthlyBudget) {
var daysInMonth = daysInCurrentMonth(date, timeZone);
return monthlyBudget / daysInMonth;
function daysInCurrentMonth(date, timeZone) {
var year = parseInt(Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZone, "yyyy"), 10);
var month = parseInt(Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZone, "MM"), 10);
var lastDayOfMonth = new Date(year, month, 0);
return lastDayOfMonth.getDate();
function getCurrentSpendProportion(accountBudget) {
var account = AdsApp.currentAccount();
var stats = account.getStatsFor("TODAY");
var cost = stats.getCost();
return cost / accountBudget;
function getTargetSpendProportion(hourlyTargets, date, timeZone) {
var hours = getHours(date, timeZone);
var minutes = getMinutes(date, timeZone);
var end = hourlyTargets[hours];
var start = hours > 0 ? hourlyTargets[hours - 1] : 0;
if (start > end) {
throw new Error(
"Hourly targets are not cumulative. "
+ "Target at " + (hours - 1) + " is higher than target at " + hours + "."
var proportionOfHour = minutes / 60;
var targetThisHour = (end - start) * proportionOfHour;
return start + targetThisHour;
function getHours(date, timeZone) {
return parseInt(Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZone, "HH"), 10);
function getMinutes(date, timeZone) {
return parseInt(Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZone, "mm"), 10);
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