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Copies labels from ads to keywords in the same ad group, or from keywords to ads.
* Copying Labels From Keywords To Ads Or Vice-Versa
* If a certain percentage of keywords (or ads) are labelled with a particular
* label within an ad group, the script applies the label to all ads (or
* keywords) in that ad group.
* Version: 1.0
* Google AdWords Script maintained on
var labelNames = ['Label 1', 'Label 2'];
// Set which labels should be copied.
// For example, ["January Only", "February Only"] would only copy
// the labels 'January Only' and 'February Only'.
var copyLabelsFrom = 'Keyword';
// Set which type of entity the labels should be copied from.
// This can take any of two possible values: "Ad" and "Keyword".
var copyLabelsTo = 'Ad';
// Set which type of entity the labels should be copied to.
// This can take any of two possible values: "Ad" and "Keyword",
// and it can't have the same value as copyLabelsFrom.
var threshold = 0.5;
// The proportion of entities of the type copyLabelsFrom that must be labelled for the
// entities of the type copyLabelsTo to be labelled.
// For instance, if copyLabelsTo is "Keyword" and copyLabelsFrom is "Ad", then 1 means
// the keywords are only labelled if all ads are labelled.
// 0.9 means the keywords are labelled if at least 90% of ads are labelled.
// 0 means the keywords are labelled if at least one ad is labelled.
var campaignNameDoesNotContain = [];
// Use this if you want to exclude some campaigns.
// For example ["Display"] would ignore any campaigns with 'Display' in the name,
// while ["Display","Shopping"] would ignore any campaigns with 'Display' or
// 'Shopping' in the name.
// Leave as [] to not exclude any campaigns.
var campaignNameContains = [];
// Use this if you only want to look at some campaigns.
// For example ["Brand"] would only look at campaigns with 'Brand' in the name,
// while ["Brand","Generic"] would only look at campaigns with 'Brand' or 'Generic'
// in the name.
// Leave as [] to include all campaigns.
var ignorePausedCampaigns = true;
// Set this to true to only look at currently active campaigns.
// Set to false to also include campaigns that are currently paused.
var ignorePausedAdGroups = true;
// Set this to true to only look at currently active ad groups.
// Set to false to also include ad groups that are currently paused.
var ignorePausedAdsAndKeywords = true;
// Set this to true to only look at currently active keywords and ads.
// Set to false to also include keywords and ads that are currently paused.
var countLabelledEntities = {};
var labelChecks = {};
labelNames.forEach(function(labelName) {
labelChecks[labelName] = false;
function main()
validateEntityTypes(copyLabelsFrom, copyLabelsTo);
validateNumber("threshold", threshold, 0, 1);
* Works out which proportion of entities are labelled and labels accordingly.
* @return void
function copyLabels()
var campaignIds = getEntityIds('Campaign', [], []);
var adGroupIds = getEntityIds('AdGroup', campaignIds, []);
Logger.log('Looking at which entities have which labels...');
for (var i = 0; i < adGroupIds.length; i += 10000) {
var batchOfAdGroupIds = adGroupIds.slice(i, i + 10000);
var reportForCopyLabelsFrom = downloadBottomLevelReport(
var counts = getCounts(reportForCopyLabelsFrom);
var ratios = getRatios(counts);
Logger.log('Labelling ' + copyLabelsTo.toLowerCase() + 's, if appropriate...');
* @param Report report
* @return object (keyed by ad group IDs and then by label name)
function getCounts(report)
var counts = {};
var rows = report.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
var adGroupId = row['AdGroupId'];
if (!(adGroupId in counts)) {
counts[adGroupId] = {};
counts[adGroupId]['Total'] = 0;
counts[adGroupId]['Total'] += 1;
if (row['Labels'] === "--") {
var labelsThatTheEntityHas = [];
} else {
var labelsThatTheEntityHas = JSON.parse(row['Labels']);
labelsThatTheEntityHas.forEach(function(entityLabelName) {
if (labelNames.indexOf(entityLabelName) > -1) {
if (!(entityLabelName in counts[adGroupId])) {
counts[adGroupId][entityLabelName] = 0;
counts[adGroupId][entityLabelName] += 1;
return cleanUpCounts(counts);
* Removes any values keyed by an ad group ID whose ad group
* does not have any of the relevant labels
* @param object counts
* @return counts
function cleanUpCounts(counts)
for (var adGroupId in counts) {
var hasSomeLabel = false;
labelNames.forEach(function(labelName) {
if (labelName in counts[adGroupId]) {
hasSomeLabel = true;
if (!hasSomeLabel) {
delete counts[adGroupId];
return counts;
* Calculates ratios from counts
* @param object counts (keyed by ad group IDs and then by label name)
* @return object (keyed in the same way)
function getRatios(counts)
var ratios = {};
for (var adGroupId in counts) {
ratios[adGroupId] = {};
labelNames.forEach(function(labelName) {
if (labelName in counts[adGroupId]) {
ratios[adGroupId][labelName] = counts[adGroupId][labelName] / counts[adGroupId]['Total'];
return ratios;
* Breaks everything that needs to be labelled into
* manageable batches and then labels it
* @param object ratios (keyed by ad group IDs and then by label name)
* @return void
function labelEntities(ratios)
var batchOfAdGroupIds = Object.keys(ratios);
var batchOfIdsToLabel = getEntityIds(
for (var j = 0; j < batchOfIdsToLabel.length; j += 10000) {
var subBatchOfIdsToLabel = batchOfIdsToLabel.slice(j, j + 10000);
labelBatchOfEntities(subBatchOfIdsToLabel, ratios);
* Labels a batch of entities
* @param array batchOfIds
* @param object ratios (keyed by ad group IDs and then by label name)
* @return void
function labelBatchOfEntities(batchOfIds, ratios)
var selector = getSelector(copyLabelsTo, batchOfIds);
labelNames.forEach(function(labelName) {
selector = selector.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_NONE ['" + labelName + "']");
var iterator = selector.get();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
var entity =;
var adGroupId = entity.getAdGroup().getId();
if (adGroupId in ratios && labelName in ratios[adGroupId]) {
if (ratios[adGroupId][labelName] > threshold) {
countLabelledEntities[labelName] += 1;
* Looks at the current state of countLabelledEntities
* and prints a message with this information
* @return void
function logWhatHasBeenLabelled()
for (var labelName in countLabelledEntities) {
var message = countLabelledEntities[labelName] + " " + copyLabelsTo.toLowerCase() + "s";
message += " have been labelled with the label '" + labelName + "'.";
* Looks through the current counts and updates labelChecks
* if something has been labelled with one of the relevant labels
* @param object counts (keyed by ad group IDs and then by label name)
* @return void
function updateLabelChecks(counts)
labelNames.forEach(function(labelName) {
for (var adGroupId in counts) {
if (counts[adGroupId][labelName] > 0) {
labelChecks[labelName] = true;
* Checks, for each label provided, whether there is
* something labelled with it; if not, it logs a warning message
* @return void
function checkLabelsAreNotUseless()
labelNames.forEach(function(labelName) {
if (!labelChecks[labelName]) {
var message = "Warning: there do not seem to be any " + copyLabelsFrom.toLowerCase() + "s";
message += " labelled with the label name '" + labelName + "'.";
* Downloads a report either for ads or for keywords
* @param string entityType (will be passed copyLabelsFrom)
* @param array adGroupIds
* @return Report
function downloadBottomLevelReport(entityType, adGroupIds)
var whereStatement = "WHERE ";
var idForReport = "Id";
whereStatement += "AdGroupId IN [" + adGroupIds.join(",") + "] AND ";
if (ignorePausedAdsAndKeywords) {
whereStatement += "Status = ENABLED ";
} else {
whereStatement += "Status IN ['ENABLED','PAUSED'] ";
var query = "SELECT ";
query += idForReport + "," + "AdGroupId,Labels ";
query += "FROM " + getReportType(entityType) + " ";
query += whereStatement;
query += "DURING LAST_30_DAYS";
var report =;
return report;
* This function is pretty general. It gets entity IDs with possible filters.
* @param string entityType any of 'Campaign', 'AdGroup', 'Keyword', 'Ad'
* @param array oneLevelUpIds array of IDs to filter by, one level above.
* Pass it an empty array if no filter is required.
* @param array twoLevelsUpIds array of IDs to filter by, two levels above.
* It only makes sense to use this for ads
* and for keywords, and even then only if
* oneLevelUpIds has been passed an empty array.
* Pass it an empty array if no filter is required.
* @return array
* @throws error if entity type is not recognised
* or if no entity IDs pass the filters.
function getEntityIds(entityType, oneLevelUpIds, twoLevelsUpIds)
var whereStatement = "WHERE ";
var whereStatementsArray = [];
var entityIds = [];
switch (entityType) {
case "Campaign":
var idForReport = "CampaignId";
if (ignorePausedCampaigns) {
whereStatement += "CampaignStatus = ENABLED ";
} else {
whereStatement += "CampaignStatus IN ['ENABLED','PAUSED'] ";
campaignNameDoesNotContain.forEach(function(word) {
whereStatement += "AND CampaignName DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_IGNORE_CASE '" + word.replace(/"/g,'\\\"') + "' ";
if (campaignNameContains.length === 0) {
whereStatementsArray = [whereStatement];
} else {
campaignNameContains.forEach(function(word) {
whereStatementsArray.push(whereStatement + 'AND CampaignName CONTAINS_IGNORE_CASE "' + word.replace(/"/g,'\\\"') + '" ');
case "AdGroup":
var idForReport = "AdGroupId";
if (oneLevelUpIds.length > 0) {
var oneLevelUpName = "Campaign";
whereStatement += oneLevelUpName + "Id IN [" + oneLevelUpIds.join(",") + "] AND ";
if (ignorePausedAdGroups) {
whereStatement += "AdGroupStatus = ENABLED ";
} else {
whereStatement += "AdGroupStatus IN ['ENABLED','PAUSED'] ";
case "Keyword": // Fallthrough
case "Ad":
var idForReport = 'Id';
if (oneLevelUpIds.length > 0) {
var oneLevelUpName = "AdGroup";
whereStatement += oneLevelUpName + "Id IN [" + oneLevelUpIds.join(",") + "] AND ";
if (twoLevelsUpIds.length > 0) {
var twoLevelsUpName = "Campaign";
whereStatement += twoLevelsUpName + "Id IN [" + twoLevelsUpIds.join(",") + "] AND ";
if (ignorePausedAdsAndKeywords) {
whereStatement += "Status = ENABLED ";
} else {
whereStatement += "Status IN ['ENABLED','PAUSED'] ";
throw new Error("Type " + entityType + " not recognised");
whereStatementsArray.forEach(function(statement) {
var query = "SELECT ";
if (entityType === "Keyword" || entityType === "Ad") {
query += idForReport + "," + "AdGroupId ";
} else {
query += idForReport + " ";
query += "FROM " + getReportType(entityType) + " ";
query += statement;
query += "DURING LAST_30_DAYS";
var report =;
var rows = report.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
if (entityType === "Keyword" || entityType === "Ad") {
entityIds.push([row["AdGroupId"], row[idForReport]]);
} else {
if (entityIds.length == 0) {
throw new Error("No " + entityType + "s found with the given settings.");
if (entityType === "Campaign") {
Logger.log("Number of " + entityType.toLowerCase() + "s found: " + entityIds.length);
return entityIds;
* Returns a selector containing entities with the given IDs
* @param string entityType
* @param array batchOfIds
* @return Selector
* @throws error if entity type is not recognised
function getSelector(entityType, batchOfIds)
switch (entityType) {
case 'Campaign':
var selector = AdWordsApp.campaigns();
case 'AdGroup':
var selector = AdWordsApp.adGroups();
case 'Ad':
var selector =;
case 'Keyword':
var selector = AdWordsApp.keywords();
throw new Error("Type '" + entityType + "' not recognised");
selector = selector.withIds(batchOfIds);
return selector;
* Returns the correct name of the report for the given entity
* @param string entityType
* @return string
* @throws error if entity type is not recognised
function getReportType(entityType) {
switch(entityType) {
case "Campaign":
case "AdGroup":
case "Keyword":
case "Ad":
case "Label":
return "LABEL_REPORT";
throw new Error("Type '" + entityType + "'' not recognised");
* Validates entity types names
* @param string copyLabelsFrom
* @param string copyLabelsTo
* @return void
* @throws error if one of the two entity names is not recognised
* or if they are the same
function validateEntityTypes(copyLabelsFrom, copyLabelsTo)
copyLabelsFrom = capitaliseCorrectly(copyLabelsFrom);
copyLabelsTo = capitaliseCorrectly(copyLabelsTo);
if (!((copyLabelsFrom === 'Ad' && copyLabelsTo === 'Keyword') ||
(copyLabelsFrom === 'Keyword' && copyLabelsTo === 'Ad'))
) {
throw new Error("copyLabelsFrom and copyLabelsTo cannot be the same.");
* Makes the entity type name the right capitalisation
* @param string entityType
* @return string
* @throws error if the entity type name is not recognised
function capitaliseCorrectly(entityType)
var lowerCaseName = entityType.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g,"");
if (lowerCaseName.substr(-1) == "s") {
lowerCaseName = lowerCaseName.slice(0,-1);
var correctCapitalisation = {};
correctCapitalisation["keyword"] = "Keyword";
correctCapitalisation["ad"] = "Ad";
if (!(lowerCaseName in correctCapitalisation)) {
throw new Error("Level name '" + entityType + "' not recognised.");
return correctCapitalisation[lowerCaseName];
* Validates a number (to be used for the threshold)
* @param string name
* @param float number
* @param float lowerBound
* @param float upperBound
* @return void
* @throws error if the threshold isn't right
function validateNumber(name, number, lowerBound, upperBound)
if (isNaN(number)) {
throw new Error(name + " must be a number, '" + number + "' is not.");
if (number < lowerBound) {
throw new Error(name + " must be " + lowerBound + " or greater, '" + number + "' is not.");
if (number > upperBound) {
throw new Error(name + " must be " + upperBound + " or lower, '" + number + "' is not.");
* Validates the label names
* @param array labelNames
* @return void
* @throws error if no label in the account has one of the given label names
function validateLabelNames(labelNames)
var labels = AdWordsApp.labels()
.withCondition("Name IN ['" + labelNames.join("','") + "']")
var existingLabelNames = [];
while (labels.hasNext()) {
var label =;
labelNames.forEach(function(labelName) {
if (existingLabelNames.indexOf(labelName) > -1) {
countLabelledEntities[labelName] = 0;
} else {
throw new Error("Could not find the label '" + labelName + "'. Please check it is spelt and capitalised correctly.")
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