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Created January 17, 2021 13:43
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@JS('navigator.geolocation') // navigator.geolocation namespace
library jslocation; // library name can be whatever you want
import "package:js/js.dart";
// locjs.getCurrentPosition(allowInterop((pos) => success(pos))
@JS('getCurrentPosition') // Accessing method getCurrentPosition from Geolocation API
external void getCurrentPosition(Function success(GeolocationPosition pos), Function error(var err), options);
@JS('watchPosition') // Accessing method watchPosition from Geolocation API
external void watchPosition(Function success(GeolocationPosition pos), Function error(var err), options);
class GeolocationCoordinates {
external double get latitude;
external double get longitude;
external double get altitude;
external double get accuracy;
external double get altitudeAccuracy;
external double get heading;
external double get speed;
external factory GeolocationCoordinates(
{double latitude,
double longitude,
double altitude,
double accuracy,
double altitudeAccuracy,
double heading,
double speed});
class GeolocationPosition {
external GeolocationCoordinates get coords;
external factory GeolocationPosition({GeolocationCoordinates coords});
class GeolocationPositionError {
external int get code;
external String get message;
external factory GeolocationPositionError({int code, String message});
external mapOptions(Options options);
class Options {
external bool get enableHighAccuracy;
external double get timeout;
external double get maximumage;
// Must have an unnamed factory constructor with named arguments.
external factory Options({bool enableHighAccuracy, double timeout, double maximumage});
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