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BitbeyHub /
Created June 13, 2023 15:46 — forked from typelogic/
SSL server/client in socat
if [ $# -eq 0 ];then
echo "Supply client|server"
exit 1
openssl genrsa -out $FILENAME.key 1024
BitbeyHub /
Created January 2, 2023 10:06 — forked from imba-tjd/
☁️ 一些免费的云资源



BitbeyHub /
Created July 29, 2020 02:18 — forked from tniessen/
Using the "service" tool with ADB and why to avoid it

As it turns out, it is not trivial to control the audio volume of an Android device using ADB. At the time of writing, the only way appears to be using the service tool. Actually, the service command allows to "connect" to a number of services (104 on Android 6.0.1) and invoke functions. Not knowing much about this tool, I managed to completely mute all sounds and speakers of my Nexus 5, and I was stuck without any sound for quite some time. I did not find a way to unmute the sound from within the system UI, so I got to dive a little deeper into this.

If you know which service you want to use, you then need to find its interface declaration. The command

service list

gives you a list of all services with the associated interfaces, if applicable:


26 backup: []

BitbeyHub / extract_all.ps1
Created December 22, 2019 14:23
Extract all its frames from a video according to its native frame rate using ffmpeg with Powershell script languague as example.
[string]$your_video = Read-Host 'Plz enter the fullpath of your video to extract.'
[string]$fps = ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=avg_frame_rate -of default=nokey=1:noprint_wrappers=1 -i $your_video # This will return a string like '30/1'
[int]$fps = Invoke-Expression $fps # Let's try to run the string directly as an expression somehow like a trick.
[string]$frame_count = ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=nb_frames -of default=nokey=1:noprint_wrappers=1 -i $your_video
[string]$out_path = Read-Host 'Choose a fullpath to extract all its frames. (e.g., C:\Users\xxx\Desktop)'
BitbeyHub / uppercase_initial.ps1
Last active December 22, 2019 11:28
A simple method to uppercase the initial character of a word or sentence with the example of Powershell script language.
$example_string = 'github'
$upper_initial = $example_string -replace "^$($example_string[0])", $example_string[0].ToString().ToUpper()
Write-Host $upper_initial