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Created March 26, 2021 22:40
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A PHP maze generator
* Maze.php
* Based on:
* This file contains the declaration for the Maze class.
* @file Maze.php
* @author Bill Parrott <>
* @date 11/30/2012
* @version 1.0.0
class Maze
private $cells = array();
private $walls = array();
private $eqClasses = array();
private $remainingClasses = 0;
private $x = 0;
private $y = 0;
private $cellCount = 0;
private $wallCount = 0;
private $icon_wall = array( '🌲', '🌳', '🌴', '🏔', '', '💧', '🔥', '🚧', '🗿', '🌋' );
private $icon_gap = array( '🟩', '🟨', '🟥', '🟫', '🟧', '⬜️' );
private $icon_start = array( '😄', '🧟‍♂️', '👳‍♂️', '🧞‍♂️', '🏃‍♂️', '💃', '🦹‍♀️', '🧕', '👩‍🦰', '👸', '🐈' );
private $icon_end = array( '🏠', '🏦', '🏩', '🏫', '🏡', '🚙', '🚕', '🏕', '⛺️', '🎪', '🏰', '✈️', '🚃', '🛖' );
//RandomGen r;
* __construct()
* Class constructor. This sets the height and width of the maze then calls
* buildBaseMaze() to initialize the arrays.
* @param int x The width of the maze to generate; defaults to DEFAULT_MAZE_WIDTH
* @param int y The height of the maze to generate; defaults to DEFAULT_MAZE_HEIGHT
* @return n/a (Constructor)
public function __construct($x = self::DEFAULT_MAZE_WIDTH, $y = self::DEFAULT_MAZE_HEIGHT)
$this->x = $x;
$this->y = $y;
} //end __construct
* generate()
* Magic! This method uses the union/find algorithm to determine whether
* two adjacent rooms are in the same set. If they are not, it performs
* a union by knocking out the wall between them. Once all cells in the
* maze are in the same set, the maze is complete and there exists a
* path from every cell in the maze to every other cell.
* @return void
public function generate()
while ($this->disjointCellsExist()) {
$c = $this->getRandomCell();
$wall = $this->getRandomInnerWall($c);
$n = $this->getNeighboringCell($c, $wall);
if (!$this->checkConnected($c, $n)) {
$this->connect($c, $n);
} //end generate
* display()
* Wrapper for the other print function that defaults to using std::cout
* as the output location.
* @return void
public function render() {
// Each row is 2 character lines high, including top border, then add 1 for
// bottom border of the maze
$printRows = (2 * $this->y) + 1;
$currWall = 0;
$currCell = 0;
$html = '';
$icon_start = $this->pick_icon( $this->icon_start );
$icon_end = $this->pick_icon( $this->icon_end );
$icon_wall = $this->pick_icon( $this->icon_wall );
$icon_gap = $this->pick_icon( $this->icon_gap );
// Loop through Rows.
for ($i = 0; $i < $printRows; $i++) {
// If a wall row then fill it out.
if ( 0 === $i % 2 ) {
// Printing a top border.
for ( $j = 0; $j < $this->x; $j++ ) {
// Top-left corner does not need top-left divider; needs a space
// to line everything up, though.
// Wall column.
if ( $j > 0 || $i > 0 ) {
$html .= $icon_wall;
} else {
$html .= $icon_start;
// Gap column.
if ( $this->walls[$currWall++] == 1 ) {
$html .= $icon_wall;
} else {
$html .= $icon_gap;
// Bottom-right corner does not need bottom-right divider.
if ( $i !== ( $printRows - 1 ) ) {
$html .= $icon_wall;
} else {
$html .= $icon_end;
} else {
// Printing the cell itself.
for ( $j = 0; $j < $this->x; $j++ ) {
if ( 1 === $this->walls[$currWall++] ) {
$html .= $icon_wall;
} else {
$html .= $icon_gap;
$html .= $icon_gap;
// Print the right wall if needed.
if ( 1 === $this->walls[$currWall++] ) {
$html .= $icon_wall;
} else {
$html .= $icon_gap;
$html .= "\r\n";
return $html;
} //end display
public function display() {
echo $this->render();
private function pick_icon( $icons ) {
shuffle( $icons );
return $icons[0];
* buildBaseMaze()
* Initializes the grid of cells/rooms in the maze. To start, all cells
* are in their own equivalence class. Also initializes all walls as
* visible. Finally, knock out the walls in the upper-left and
* bottom-right corners.
* @return void
private function buildBaseMaze()
$this->cellCount = $this->x * $this->y;
$this->wallCount = ($this->x * ($this->y + 1)) + ($this->y * ($this->x + 1));
$this->remainingClasses = $this->cellCount;
// Set all the walls to be on to start
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->wallCount; $i++) {
$this->walls[$i] = 1;
// Initialize the cells to be independent of one another
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->cellCount; $i++) {
$c = array(
'idx' => $i,
'parent' => NULL,
$this->cells[$i] = $c;
$this->eqClasses[$i] = $i;
// Remove top-left corner walls
// Remove bottom-right corner walls
$this->removeWall($this->wallCount - ($this->x + 1));
$this->removeWall($this->wallCount - 1);
} //end buildBaseMaze
* checkConnected()
* The find portion of the union/find algorithm, this checks whether the
* specified cells have the same equivalence class (i.e. whether they)
* are connected within the maze.
* @return bool Whether two cells have the same equivalence class.
private function checkConnected(array $c1, array $c2)
if ($this->eqClasses[$c1['idx']] == $this->eqClasses[$c2['idx']]) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} //end checkConnected
* connect()
* Using the union portion of the union/find algorithm, this method
* connects two cells/rooms in the maze. It gets the equivalence class
* of c1 and sets c2's parent to c1's root parent. It then sets the
* equivalence class of all cells that matched c2's old class to equal
* c1's equivalence class.
* @return void
private function connect(array $c1, array $c2)
// The root parent of c1 is its equivalence class.
$temp1 = $this->cells[$this->eqClasses[$c1['idx']]];
$temp1['parent'] = $c2['idx'];
$oldClass = $this->eqClasses[$temp1['idx']];
$newClass = $this->eqClasses[$c2['idx']];
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->cellCount; $i++) {
if ($this->eqClasses[$i] == $oldClass) {
$this->eqClasses[$i] = $newClass;
} //end connect
* removeWall()
* Set the specified wall to invisible.
* @return void
private function removeWall($idx)
$this->walls[$idx] = 0;
} //end removeWall
* getRandomCell()
* Pick a cell at random within the maze. This is the first step during
* the generation process.
* @return Cell* A random cell in the maze.
private function getRandomCell()
$idx = rand(0, $this->cellCount - 1);
return $this->cells[$idx];
} //end getRandomCell
* getRandomInnerWall()
* Given a particular cell/room in the maze, pick one of its inner walls
* at random. An inner wall is one that is adjacent to another cell/room
* in the maze and not part of the outer border of the overall grid.
* @return int The index of a random inner wall adjacent to the room.
private function getRandomInnerWall(array $c)
$n = $s = $e = $w = true;
if ($c['idx'] < $this->x) {
$n = false;
if ($c['idx'] >= ($this->cellCount - $this->x)) {
$s = false;
if ($c['idx'] % $this->x == ($this->x - 1)) {
$e = false;
if ($c['idx'] % $this->x == 0) {
$w = false;
// Determine which row the cell is in
$row = floor($c['idx'] / $this->x);
// Wall indexes for the north, west, east, and south
$nx = $c['idx'] + ($row * $this->x) + $row;
$wx = $nx + $this->x;
$ex = $nx + $this->x + 1;
$sx = $nx + (2 * $this->x) + 1;
while (true) {
$wall = rand(1,4);
switch ($wall) {
case 1:
if ($n === true) {
return $nx;
case 2:
if ($w === true) {
return $wx;
case 3:
if ($e === true) {
return $ex;
case 4:
if ($s === true) {
return $sx;
} //end getRandomInnerWall
* getNeighboringCell()
* Given a cell and a wall, this method determines which room is on the
* other side of said wall.
* @return Cell* Returns a pointer to the cell on the other side of the
* wall.
private function getNeighboringCell(array $c, $wall)
// Determine which row the cell is in
$row = floor($c['idx'] / $this->x);
// Wall indexes for the north, west, east, and south
$n = $c['idx'] + ($row * $this->x) + $row;
$w = $n + $this->x;
$e = $n + $this->x + 1;
$s = $n + (2 * $this->x) + 1;
// Indexes for the cells to the north, west, east, and south
$nx = $c['idx'] - $this->x;
$wx = $c['idx'] - 1;
$ex = $c['idx'] + 1;
$sx = $c['idx'] + $this->x;
if ($wall == $n) {
return $this->cells[$nx];
if ($wall == $w) {
return $this->cells[$wx];
if ($wall == $e) {
return $this->cells[$ex];
if ($wall == $s) {
return $this->cells[$sx];
} //end getNeighboringCell
* disjointCellsExist()
* This method checks how many equivalence classes remain. The number of
* equivalence classes represents how many disjoint sets of cells there
* are. Initially it is equal to the number of cells in the maze. Each
* time a wall is knocked out, two sets become connected, so the total
* number of disjoint sets is reduced by one. Once the number of sets
* reaches 1, it means that all cells in the maze are connected to all
* other cells by at least one path.
* @return bool Whether any disjoint cells still exist
private function disjointCellsExist()
if ($this->remainingClasses > 1) {
return true;
return false;
} //end disjointCellsExist
} //end class Maze
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