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Created June 11, 2019 12:30
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For a specific shape or mesh get the assigned shader in a specific renderlayer without switching to that layer.
import maya.cmds as cmds
def get_shader_in_layer(node, layer):
"""Return the assigned shader in a renderlayer without switching layers.
This has been developed and tested for Legacy Renderlayers and *not* for
Render Setup.
list: The list of assigned shaders in the given layer.
def _get_shader(shape):
"""Return current shader"""
return cmds.listConnections(shape + ".instObjGroups",
type="shadingEngine") or []
# We check the instObjGroups (shader connection) for layer overrides.
attr = node + ".instObjGroups"
# Ignore complex query if we're in the layer anyway (optimization)
current_layer = cmds.editRenderLayerGlobals(query=True,
if layer == current_layer:
return _get_shader(node)
connections = cmds.listConnections(attr,
type="renderLayer") or []
connections = filter(lambda x: x.endswith(".outPlug"), connections)
if not connections:
# If no overrides anywhere on the shader, just get the current shader
return _get_shader(node)
def _get_override(connections, layer):
"""Return the overridden connection for that layer in connections"""
# If there's an override on that layer, return that.
for connection in connections:
if (connection.startswith(layer + ".outAdjustments") and
# This is a shader override on that layer so get the shader
# connected to .outValue of the .outAdjustment[i]
out_adjustment = connection.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
connection_attr = out_adjustment + ".outValue"
override = cmds.listConnections(connection_attr) or []
return override
override_shader = _get_override(connections, layer)
if override_shader is not None:
return override_shader
# Get the override for "defaultRenderLayer" (=masterLayer)
return _get_override(connections, layer="defaultRenderLayer")
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