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Last active May 10, 2023 19:07
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  • Save Benricheson101/cde420bf367d44f41a7694c9b40c20cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Benricheson101/cde420bf367d44f41a7694c9b40c20cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import {setTimeout} from 'node:timers';
const defer = <Resolve = unknown, Reject = unknown>() => {
let _resolve!: (arg0: Resolve | PromiseLike<Resolve>) => void;
let _reject!: (arg0?: Reject) => void;
const promise = new Promise<Resolve>((resolve, reject) => {
_resolve = resolve;
_reject = reject;
return [promise, _resolve, _reject] as const;
interface BufferedData<Data, Topic> {
buffer: Data[];
timeout: NodeJS.Timeout;
promise: Promise<[Topic, unknown]>;
resolve: (t: [Topic, unknown]) => void;
export interface BufferedQueueOptions<Data, Topic> {
timeout?: number;
maxSize?: number;
handler?: HandleFn<Data, Topic>;
export type HandleFn<Data, Topic> = (
topic: Topic,
data: Data[]
) => unknown | Promise<unknown>;
export class BufferedQueue<Data, Topic = string> {
private buf = new Map<Topic, BufferedData<Data, Topic>>();
private handler?: HandleFn<Data, Topic>;
private options: BufferedQueueOptions<Data, Topic>;
constructor(options: BufferedQueueOptions<Data, Topic> = {}) {
const defaultOptions = {
timeout: 500,
maxSize: undefined,
handler: undefined,
const opts: BufferedQueueOptions<Data, Topic> = {
this.handler = opts?.handler;
this.options = opts;
setHandler(f: HandleFn<Data, Topic>) {
this.handler = f;
return this;
async push(topic: Topic, Data[]) {
let stored = this.buf.get(topic);
if (!stored) {
const [promise, resolve] = defer<[Topic, unknown]>();
stored = {
buffer: [],
timeout: undefined!,
this.buf.set(topic, stored);
if (
this.options.maxSize &&
this.options.maxSize > 0 &&
stored.buffer.length >= this.options.maxSize
) {
return stored.promise;
if (!stored.timeout && this.options.timeout) {
stored.timeout = setTimeout(
() => this.#dispatch(topic),
this.buf.set(topic, stored);
return stored.promise;
async #dispatch(topic: Topic) {
const data = this.buf.get(topic);
if (!data) {
const output = await this.handler?.(topic, data.buffer);
data.resolve([topic, output]);
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