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Created April 22, 2016 09:53
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package com.example.unit.testing.application;
import ...;
classes = OrderApplicationTestContext.class,
loader = SpringApplicationContextLoader.class)
public class PlacingOrderTest {
* Small hack to be able to load a Spring context without the JUnit Runner.
* using @Rule doesn't work either because of the nested classes.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
new TestContextManager(this.getClass()).prepareTestInstance(this);
// System under test
OrderApplication orderApplication;
// mocks
CustomerRepository customerRepositoryMock;
CreditCardService creditCardServiceMock;
public class WithExistingCustomer {
private Long customerId;
public void beforeEach() {
Customer c = new Customer();;
customerId = c.getTid();
public void shouldReturnNewOrderId() {
Long result = orderApplication.placeOrder(9999L, customerId, "1234");
public class WhenCCIsNotMaxedOutNorExpired {
public void beforeEach() {
Mockito.when(creditCardServiceMock.isMaxedOut("123", 1.23)).thenReturn(false);
public void shouldCreateAnOrderWithStatusInProgress() {
Long orderId = orderApplication.placeOrder(123L, customerId, "123");
String orderStatus = orderApplication.getOrderStatus(orderId);
assertThat(orderStatus).isEqualTo("IN PROGRESS");
public void shouldMakeOrderAvailableThroughCustomer() {
Long orderId = orderApplication.placeOrder(123L, customerId, "123");
List<Order> orders = orderApplication.findOrdersForCustomer(customerId);
assertThat(orders).extracting(o -> o.getTid()).contains(orderId);
public class WhenCCIsMaxedOut {
public void beforeEach() {
Mockito.when(creditCardServiceMock.isMaxedOut("123", 1.23)).thenReturn(true);
public void shouldCreateAnOrderWithStatusPaymentFailed() {
Long orderId = orderApplication.placeOrder(123L, customerId, "123");
String orderStatus = orderApplication.getOrderStatus(orderId);
assertThat(orderStatus).isEqualTo("PAYMENT FAILED");
public void shouldNotMakeOrderAvailableThroughCustomer() {
Long orderId = orderApplication.placeOrder(123L, customerId, "123");
List<Order> orders = orderApplication.findOrdersForCustomer(customerId);
assertThat(orders).extracting(o -> o.getTid()).doesNotContain(orderId);
public class WhenCCExpiresInLessThanThreeMonths {
public void beforeEach() {
Mockito.when(creditCardServiceMock.isMaxedOut("123", 1.23)).thenReturn(false);
public void shouldCreateAnOrderWithStatusPaymentFailed() {
Long orderId = orderApplication.placeOrder(123L, customerId, "123");
String orderStatus = orderApplication.getOrderStatus(orderId);
assertThat(orderStatus).isEqualTo("PAYMENT FAILED");
public void shouldNotMakeOrderAvailableThroughCustomer() {
Long orderId = orderApplication.placeOrder(123L, customerId, "123");
List<Order> orders = orderApplication.findOrdersForCustomer(customerId);
assertThat(orders).extracting(o -> o.getTid()).doesNotContain(orderId);
* Configuration class for the spring test context of OrderApplication Test.
* <ul>
* <li>@Import real OrderApplication so it is available to the test class</li>
* <li>Scan the "domain" package to configure domain services (needed as
* dependencies of OrderApplication).</li>
* <li>Provide infrastructure services as mocks.</li>
* <li>Use spring data map repositories instead of JPA repositories</li>
* </ul>
* note that we DON'T include the "application" package in the ComponentScan
* because we don't need other application services. They don't depend on each
* other. We also don't put the @EnableJpaRepositories annotation, because we
* mock repositories. This isn't integration testing, we don't load any
* infrastructure layer.
class OrderApplicationTestContext {
public CreditCardService creditCardService() {
CreditCardService mock = Mockito.mock(CreditCardService.class);
return mock;
public OrderRepository orderRepository() {
return builder().mock(OrderRepository.class);
public CustomerRepository customerRepository() {
return builder().mock(CustomerRepository.class);
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