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Created March 19, 2017 18:21
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#Podcast Knowledge Project: Naval Ravikant
Just do something, doesn't matters what
Book == blog archives. Feel free to scram
We are creatures of habits (but don't condition habits with identity/ego). Have deliberate habits
Stopping alcohol
Unpack causes
- availability
- desire
Availability => Early morning sport. Force to not go out at night too much.
Unpack reasons
- Fight unease relation => restraint friends circle
- Free of thinking => find other way to achieve that
- Substitute => red wine
I don't have time == not a priority
Physical Health, Mental Health, Spiritual Health
Happiness is not good thought, it's the default of the minds. Remove desire.
Self is an illusion
95% of what the brain feed as "important todo" is not important at the moment (or ever). We are all going to die. Nothing matter, so pick and choose. Brain is like muscle. Rest by default, hyper focus when needed
You can control mood. You can choose your mood.
Cores values
- honesty = feel safe to be honest/true
- don't believe in short-term relationships/deal. Most benefice in life are from compound interests. Choose carefully your friends / projects
- peer relationships. Don't like hierarchy.
- don't want to be angry.
Difference in values make people disagree. (perso: mostly from perception than difference in value)
Radical honesty. Not extreme. Just want to say what he wants to say. Don't lie to not fool yourself.
Praise specifically. Criticise generally.
Freedom to != Freedom from.
Biggest errors in life. Do thing with anger.
Detach from anger and do things in Long term pov
Drugs is use to control mental state. Eg. Alcohol to not care about other people
"All man's problems arise because we can't sit for himself for 30 min"
1 step : observe mental state.
Strike when the iron is cold. Don't respond when you are angry. Wait 24h.
Competition (fame, etc): external monkeys players game.
Happy == internal. Single player game
Jealous is pointless if you don't want to completly exchange your full life and identity with the person you are jaleous
"Only the individual transcend"
Don't look for social affirmation. Do internal work.
Macro économics. Mostly junk. No scientific experience. Stressful.
Micro economic & game theory. Supply demand. Labor / capital. Tic for tat. Really important to navigate in life.
Belief about how to organize society is hazardous. No one really knows what's best. Be suspicious of packed belief.
Technology will oblige humanity to act as one. Conter to libertarian idea.
AI Singularity is religion like. Too much similarities. We are still far off from reaching general AI.
Éducation system is obsolete. School and book were created in time of violence, rarities of information. Now Internet has all knowledge.
Ability to learn, tool : abundant
Desire to learn: scarce
Doesn't matters for people who want to learn
Keep children out of the way of parents
Create socialisation
Other problems
What we choose to learn? School has one size fit to all. Eg memorization is not as useful know.
Dependency problems. People fail to really crasp the basics and end up simulate learning. Copying high level pattern
What to learn? School doesn't teach
- nutrition
- cooking
- happy relationships
- how to keep body healthy
- how to be happy
- meditation
- technology hardware instead of chemistry?
We never take the system by taking the existing this and rewriting it.
Stay to the basics. Read and try to have a coherent view of others people point of view.
Index found approach. Diversify.
Today best book are almost all about social approval. Average content. Average outcome (not happy). Go back to the basic (Adam, Darwin) and controversial.
Loss aversion make you average. Started and most successful beginning as looser. Don't care about what other people think. Be happy be you.
Don't take photo during trip. Sadness come French comparing past and present. Don't trust memories and notes.
Naval dont takes notes but use Twitter as note keeping, short and have social feedback almost instaneously.
Method to read a book. Start at beginning. Move fast. Skipping. Easely drop. Avoid book with fact that are false.
Most book at one point to make (except science fiction). One thing + examples.
Decision making is really important. Judgements call is important with capital. Be right / rational.
Mental models. From Evolution, Game theory, Charlie Munger,...
Setup system not goal. Use judgment to figure out environment to thrive in.
Try to be statistically most likely to succeed. While working less possible.
Checklist is not good for decision making
Be you. Don't try to emulate. Everyone is unique. DNA speaking ^^
How trust somebody. Long time. Or see how they treat other people. People self estim.
Read the art of manipulation
The closest you want to get to me, the better your value have to be.
If ethical is profitable, everybody will do it. Short time sacrifice. Long time value.
Easy choice. Hard life. Hard choice. Easy life.
Learn something == teach to a 5 years old. From the basics. Careful for knowledge people because they can sound smarter bc of "good words".
Ego hide the truth. Pain is a moment of truth, force to embrace reality.
The problem is desires colliding with the reality.
Best founder. Long term thinker. Fix every little problem. Passion and vision is not enough. Luck matters.
Religion, may be true, may be false, but not falsifiable. So can't view it as fundamental truth.
Avoid committing in the future. If you are gonna do it. Do it right now. Don't exploit your future.
Biggest human error : will be made happy by future external circumstances.
Meaning in life?
- personal. Find for yourself.
- no purpose
- locally lower entropy to accelerate global entropy
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mevric commented Mar 19, 2017

Thanx for the writeup.

Following quote stuck with me.
Buddha : "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."

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